It was about three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was really about to fry an egg on the stone... it's clear that in the wooded places you didn't feel the heat of the king star that much, since the cool breeze passing through the foliage refreshed all around. But Zechariah was riding through the open, where not even a small bush dared to grow across the land. All because it was a place destined to pasture for cattle, where the brachiaria dominated the whole scenario. The cattle were resting on one or another angico tree, far apart across the region. After some time, already leaving the pasture behind, Zacarias finally spotted a hut. It was the home of the Resende, a family that worked in the rice plantation, but who lived a little far from the settlers' village by choice. The family had ten members, seven boys, one girl and the couple, head of the family. Seu Malaquias, patriarch of the family, was thirty-five years old, Dona Geralda, mother of the offspring, was the same age. But they appeared to be much more than that. Anyone who didn't know them would say they were at least fifty years old... life in the countryside is hard... their eldest son, Zelão, was 26 years old and the youngest, José Carlos, better known as Zeca, was 15. And it was precisely Zeca that Zacarias came to talk to.

Everyone knew Zacarias on the farm, and they knew that, from time to time, he would inspect the entire perimeter of the farm, so no one was surprised when he arrived at any of the houses, no matter what time it was. After all, he was the one they had to deal with any problems that might arise, as he was in charge of keeping the farm running. Yes, although he didn't like the title, Zacarias was the foreman of the farm. Mr. Nardi had complete confidence in his employee, and the friendship dates back to their earliest childhood... the two practically grew up together...

Zacarias was already close to Malaquias' hut, and Zeca recognized him. She nodded to her boss's right arm. And she was thinking to herself about "what does the foreman want with us?" Well, he didn't worry too much about it, because he would soon have his answer. A few more minutes in the scorching sun and finally Zacarias arrived at his destination. Zeca invited him to dismount and enter the house, which he immediately accepted... After making himself comfortable, and having had a glass of fresh lemonade, which Dona Geralda made for him, he began to chat about pleasantries with the boy. She asked several things. At one point, he asked the boy if he would be ready to walk a little, and he received a resounding yes. And there the two of them went, walking in the hot sun, talking pleasantly. The boy looked curiously at Zacarias's injured shoulder...

- Really hurts?

- Not at all... it's almost healed... the doctor said that in a few more days I can remove the sling...

- Bother?

- Of course, boy. After all, it's been more than a month since I've had this arm immobilized...

- It's a good thing the shot only hit your shoulder, no?...

Zacarias stared at the boy in silence... he had to ask him a question, but he didn't want to embarrass him...

- You know why I'm here, don't you?

- I think so... it's because of our last conversation...

- That's right... managed to convince your parents?

- Not in a dream... you know my family...

- Not even Zelão heard you?

- He called me crazy.

- I understand...

Silence between the two, again. They walked a little way, to an angico tree, which was outside the pastures... they sat down in the shade of the tree...

- You know that without your brother there's no way to stop this, right?

- Yes, you already explained it to me... but who said those blockheads want to listen?

- I see... I saw your tracks there in the pasture... what were you doing there?

- I hope you're not worried about that...

- Of course I am... what if some cowboy saw you? You know there are at least three riders making the rounds of the pastures, day and night...

- Well, you said nothing could hurt me...

- Nothing, except silver bullet... and every cowboy happens to have at least one of these in the barrel of his gun... imagine what would happen if they hit you...

- I know, Mr. Zacarias... I just wanted to protect the property....

- Don't do that anymore, boy... Juca saw your signs and is a little... worried!

- He saw me?

- No, but he saw his tracks...

They were silent again. What would Zechariah be thinking at that moment? That was the question that buzzed nonstop through Zeca's head...

- Boy, you know that this will only end when your older brother agrees to baptize you...

  - You said that before...

- And now you've seen that it's true...

- You think I'm a threat?

- No... not yet.

- Then I'll become a threat...

- I hope not... I would be very sad if I had to kill you...

Zeca remained silent... he didn't like the phrase said by Zacarias very much...

- So that's it, boy... you have to convince your parents and your brother to baptize you there in the Church... only then will you escape this curse...

- And if...

- That's the problem... it doesn't exist and if...

- You know that my parents' beliefs are different...

- I know... you're Protestants... but in some cases, I think your parents should be malleable... you're still in the early stages of lycanthropy... you're still no danger to anyone but yourself really.... the problem will be in a few years... we change our nature... do you understand?

- Yes... I didn't want to understand, but... yes, I understand...

- If you can keep your heart pure... which is not easy in this life... your other "I" will also be meek. But if, for some reason, anger blossoms in your soul...

- ... then the wolf will get violent, is that it?

- Yes, boy, that's it... unfortunately we can't tame the beast that lives inside us all the time. Nobody is good or bad all the time... but, in your case, just one slip, and you fall into a path of no return...

- And my only solution...

- ... it's your brother accepting to baptize you in the Church...

- I'm lost! He will never accept! And neither do my parents! For them, the salvation of the soul is in their belief and in no other! And if they find out I'm...

- I know... that's why you have to convince your brother... and your parents... that you want to convert to Catholicism, without going into details...

Zeca looked at his companion, discouraged... if his brother and his parents found out that he was... well, what he was, he would certainly be condemned to death... if he wasn't baptized by his brother, he would continue with the curse and could actually become dangerous and, as a result, would be sentenced to death... he couldn't see any way out of his situation...

Zacharias got up. It was time to leave... I felt sorry for the boy, but I couldn't do anything for him... I hoped, from my heart, that the boy could find a way out... but I knew it wouldn't be easy. The boy wanted to convert... but it wasn't enough for him to just go to church... he had to convince his older brother to accompany him. And that was almost an impossible mission for the boy...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One