Zacarias was worried about the girls. After all, why did they decide they were going to hunt down a fugitive from justice? If they were fighting people and all, as they say, he would even understand. But, no, they were both peaceful. Until then, the most action they dared was when they got lost in the woods at night, when they had gone to get firewood. Grace has always been a centered girl, she never did anything that denoted an adventurous spirit. She didn't even know how to fight... at least he never saw her at odds with whoever she was. The same applied to his daughter Maria. Fearful to the extreme, she didn't even like to walk around the village at night... and suddenly, this... the two put a gun in their waistband, another gun slung on a horse's saddle... and they just ride off across the street. field, looking for who knows what... well, he knew exactly what the two wanted... the prize offered by the landowner Leôncio for capturing Zé Ferreira. But did they imagine it would be simple to capture the subject? He let his daughter go on that adventure with no future, but he was afraid that she would end up getting hurt in this game, which was not funny at all. If he hadn't made it a rule to let his children grow up on their own, to learn from their mistakes, he certainly wouldn't have let Maria go. Well, he didn't have much he could do for now, except pray and ask Divine Providence to take care of his little one... he was absorbed in his thoughts, and didn't see Juca approaching. When the latter questioned him, he got scared and almost fell off the trunk where he was sitting...

- What happened, boy?

- Are you all right?

- Why the question?

- It's just that you almost didn't take a fall...

- Nothing, no, boy... I was here thinking with my buttons and I didn't see you arrive, that's it...

- Worried?

- We are always worried about something... that's life...

- Well, then there's one more concern for you...

- What is it, now?

- The south pasture...

- What about...?

- They broke down the fence and...

- Which is?

- They took at least twenty heads of cattle...

Zacarias jumps to his feet. All the lethargy that dominated him until a few moments ago was magically gone, and his senses were all on alert.

- Have you warned Mister Nardi yet?

- No... I came straight to see you...

- So do it like this... gather about ten peons... the best in handling the weapon... then send Tonhão to warn Seu Nardi and then go to the village to warn the chief...

- Okay... but what about the pawns?

- What about them?

- You asked me to choose the best shooters...

- Yes...

- And then?

- What do you mean, and then what?

- What do we do?

Zacarias stopped suddenly. It wasn't possible that Juca was being serious... after all, if they stole the cattle, if he asked to gather a group, what did the farmhand think he was supposed to do next?

- Do you really want me to answer?

Seeing the chief's frown, Juca understood the message...

- Don't worry, Mr. Zacarias... we're going to pasture...

- Improved...

And while Juca walked away, Zacarias stood still, looking at his pupil and was in doubt if he really hadn't understood his instructions or was joking... if it was the second case, surely the boy had chosen a bad occasion. If it was the first... it was better not to think about it! Zacarias walked to the pasture and chose one of the horses that were there. He harnessed the animal and then proceeded to his home. He had to get the work tools before he left for the hunt. Yes, because a new hunt was about to begin... they couldn't let the thieves get away with it, because the risk of them finding it easy to rob Saint Helena was great and, if they got used to it... well, he wouldn't let it. let them get used to it.

- Why all this rush, man of God?

- They just stole cattle, Rosário... we're going after them...

Zacarias entered the house, grabbed his belt, completed the remaining bullets, checked the weapons... he decided he would take both revolvers, this time... he put them in their holsters, buckled his belt and grabbed his repeating rifle. As a precaution, he took a box of ammunition for the rifle and another for the revolvers, put them in the saddlebag, remounted and left for the pastures. Rosário watched the figure of her husband disappear over the horizon and a cloud of concern covered his face....

Not half an hour passed and the pawns summoned by Zacarias arrived, with Juca in front of them. As he had asked, Tonhão had gone to the city to notify the police chief. It would be nice if he came along with the group, but Zacarias didn't count on that much. In any case, he would wait until Tonhão returned from the camp to begin the pursuit of the thieves. While they waited, he began to scan the terrain, looking for possible clues from the thieves... not that he couldn't see where they had gone... in fact, he wanted to understand where they had come from...

Another hour later, the figure of about five horsemen appeared on the horizon. Zacarias couldn't quite believe what he was seeing... at the head of the group was Tonhão, of course. Closely followed by the sheriff and two assistants, Zico and Léu... and another guy he had never seen around those parts before. A couple more minutes and the group reached Zacarias's people. Everyone dismounted and the delegate went to the leader of the group, presenting the stranger to him. Of course, Zacarias was happy to know he had one more law enforcement officer at his side... after all, he knew he'd have to let the guns do the talking when they found the group... if they did... and it was nice to have someone who would. could attest to the proportionate use of force...
The stranger talked to Zacarias for a few minutes, asking him for details about what happened. Zacarias sympathized with the guy, as he seemed to really understand the layout of the field. After some time, everyone mounted and chased the group, with Zacarias and the new delegate in the lead... they still hadn't formally introduced themselves, so Zacarias didn't know he was talking to the legendary Punisher, who had long since disappeared from those plagues. ... in any case, he couldn't help noticing the black outfit the delegate was wearing, nor the red scarf tied around his neck... and the low revolvers denoted a person with dexterity in the use of weapons...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One