- But, father... did you really see it?

- Saw what, girl?

- The one with the papafigo...

- But what oriole?

- It was Juca who said it!

- Girl, we went hunting jaguars, not orioles...

- But he said you didn't find any jaguars...

- We don't even think...

- In her place, they ran into the oriole...

- There you go with that story, again… think about it… if we had found this “papa whatever”… do you think we would have been here to tell you the story?

- I hadn't thought of that...

- But it should... or do you think the head is just to carry lice?

- I don't have lice!

- I didn't say I had...

- Said yes…

- None of that... I said that the head is for thinking...

- Ok… but what did you see, then?

- I didn't see anything... I think Juca had some extra canjibrines in his head...

- Juca doesn't drink...

- True… he eats it with flour…

- Father…

- Girl, wake up... where have you ever seen a cowboy who doesn't “fill his face” in the entourages?

- I…

- I'm not saying that Juca is inventing. What he said is that the night was a little cold, he took a few drinks to warm up a little, and then his imagination ran wild…

- But did you see something that night...

- How do you know? Were you together?

- Jack said...

- Juca, Juca… that boy needs to go visit the doctor… I think he has a screw loose…

- But you saw something, did you see...

- Daughter, I've said it before and I'll say it again... we went hunting jaguars. We couldn't find even the trace of the damn thing...

- But Juca...

-Girl, I think that when Juca dozed off he had a nightmare and thought it was really happening... that's the only explanation...

And Zacarias closed the conversation. He would have to have a serious talk with Juca. After all, he had recommended to the two partners that they shouldn't tell anyone about the apparition. Tonhão followed his orders, and even though he was in love with his daughter, he didn't say anything to her. But Juca's loose tongue... it's very likely that he had commented with Graça... well, if Maria had known... that was all they needed, at that point in the championship...

In any case, how could he tell her about the strange sight he'd encountered in the field? Until now, he wasn't sure if he had really seen anything or if it was just sleep attacking his senses… no, why kid yourself? He had seen something, yes… a cross between a dog and a bat and who knows what else… but how could he comment on that?

And Zacarias began to remember that night… first, he woke his partners, all rifles in hand, ready to fire. But nobody fired a single shot. When the creature started to move towards the pasture, the three of them started to follow it from a distance. They went slowly, cautiously, because they didn't want to scare away the game... nor did they want to become the game. What really amazed them was that they had never seen anything like it… He would walk upright for a few meters, then start walking on all fours like a dog or any other animal. From time to time he stopped, sniffed the air, looked around… then continued his walk towards the pasture. The trio had no doubts, the strange being was going to meet the herd. But until the animal attacked the cattle, they could not shoot. After all, what if he wasn't the predator they expected? At a certain moment, the wind blew from the direction of the animal towards them... and they became sick with the smell that that being exhaled... it looked like it was rotten, so strong was the smell of carrion that they felt. And they found it strange… how could a smell like that not alert the cattle? They simply stayed there, quiet, as if they were at the disposal of the strange being. Finally he reached the herd and began to walk in circles around it. The animals got a little agitated, but they didn't leave the formation they were in. Gradually, after a long walk, apparently the monster seemed to have chosen its dinner... one of the cattle was being separated from the group by that being. As there were no more doubts about who the predator was, the three companions started to open fire against this one… the first reaction of the same one was of surprise… it got up, standing erect as a human being again and looked at the hunters. Zacarias was afraid of little in the world, but at that moment he felt his blood run cold as he stared at the creature. He discharged his rifle against that monstrous being, accompanied by his partners. Then he drew his revolver and continued firing. The monster opened its arms, let out a freezing roar, and simply vanished into thin air. The only proof that anything had been there was the unbearable smell of carrion… other than that, not a drop of blood, nothing that could denote the presence of any foreign body in the place… and the strangest thing… no projectiles fell on the surface. grass, which implied that all the shots had hit the target... including the silver bullet that Zacarias always left in the barrel of his revolver...

The three men stood where they were for some time, scanning the surroundings for a while see if the being wasn't hiding in some corner nearby, to attack them afterwards... but only silence reigned throughout the countryside. Even the stench was dissipating and, little by little, the cattle were awakening from their lethargy and began to move nervously…

- Nobody says an “a” about what happened here… are we clear?

- But what happened, Mr. Zacarias? I didn't understand…

- Me neither… by the amount of shots we fired, the bug must have been extended… but it disappeared, Mr. Zacarias… How could it?…

- Guys, I don't know either… and until we find out what actually happened, not a word with anyone… with anyone, understand?

- Can't I even tell Grace?

- Juca, I said nobody...

And the three were silent. They took a position near the herd, in the vain hope that the said monster would appear again… if it did, they couldn't do anything, but at least they would be sure they weren't simply dreaming… or rather, having a nightmare. But the rest of the night ended peacefully and soon the sun's rays began to bathe the field... And the three went to their homes, to sleep a little, because until they captured or killed that beast, they couldn't rest...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One