We often find ourselves in our lives without knowing exactly which direction, which destination to take. We were lost, without a north. We extend our hand, hoping that someone will hold it and help us, because we simply cannot see the path we should take. Yes, we live wrapped in a fog, the fog of fear of everything, especially loneliness. The greatest fear of a human being is, without a doubt, being isolated from the rest of the world, having no one to count on. This is the ghost that haunts most souls... loneliness. Yes, of course many people live alone by their own choice. But at certain times, at certain times, even they, who opted for a solitary life, feel the lack of company... and many times (not always, of course, since each being is a separate universe) they end up going into depression. The fear of loneliness is so great that people even annul themselves in order to fit into the image that the world expects of them. Although canceling yourself is a very simple thing for us. After all, we are trained from an early age to conform to certain societal standards. Yes, if there is something that is difficult for us, it is self-acceptance, since we are always chasing the group's approval, to the detriment of our desires. Since we were little, we leave our self in third, fourth, fifth place. Because the image that people have of us is more important than our true "self". Sad, isn't it? Much is said about "self-love", where theoretically the "I" would be the person's priority. But even the concept of "self-love" ends up being distorted in such a way that the person ends up being induced to believe that corresponding to the image that his group idealizes is having "self-love". And the acceptance of his true "I", hidden in the most secret corners of the soul, ends up not happening. Why? Because "my self", "my true essence", does not correspond to what is expected of me. So I start to live according to what society demands. And I stifle my soul's true desires. Of course, I can find an angel on my way to reach out to me and help me find my soul", no matter how it is. If that happens, I'll be in seventh heaven, for sure. But, unfortunately, the most common thing is that the person who extends his hand tries to suffocate you so that you fit into the image idealized by him... because he also doesn't accept himself as he is, and projects his dreams and desires onto you...

When we finally understand that accepting ourselves as we really are is the only path we have to fulfill ourselves in life, a world of possibilities opens up in front of us. Things that wouldn't even be possible in our imagination suddenly become tangible, and come true... of course, this is not a simple process... after all, managing to overcome years of programming is not the simplest job in the world... but, for those who finally manage to glimpse their life as it really is... well, it's like being in paradise... Do the struggles, the problems, cease? Of course not. But at least you know exactly what you're fighting for...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One