THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Fifty Nine


Chapter Fifty Nine

Finally the snacks arrived... Ricardo ordered a roast beef, Roseli, a cheeseburger... the two plates were placed in front of him, along with a mountain of french fries, as they had asked the attendant. The girl nibbled on her snack... and a sigh of pleasure escaped her lips...

- Well, isn't it?

- Very good... I loved this cheese...

- Yeah... here they really put a lot of effort into their snacks... this roast beef, for example... few places make such a good sandwich...

- It's been a while since we ate together, hasn't it?

- Yeah... so much has happened in these months...

- I know... and how are you?

- I'm taking... I touch the boat wherever life takes me...

- It's been a while since you visited Leticia...

- You know I don't have the head for that lately...

- Don't have the head to visit your daughter?

- Yeah... I don't think it would be very good right now...

- Like this?

- Well, children tend to notice our state of mind... and mine has been a little troubled lately...

- Why don't you see a psychiatrist? Maybe it helps you...

- Now is not the time... if I go to the psychiatrist, the company might think I'm not fit to work with them... I'm still in the experience...

- Stop being silly, man... taking care of mental health is a very important thing for our life, you know?

- You didn't come to see me to advise me to go to a psychiatrist, did you?

- No, no... I don't know, today I woke up feeling bad...

- He went to the doctor?

- No, it's not that kind of malaise... it's an anguish, as if I were predicting that something bad was going to happen...

- And then he came to see me...

- It was last minute... actually, I was going to my house...

- And then he decided to come see me...

- You have no idea how my day was today...

- It was really bad?

- Ever heard the expression "got up on your left foot today"?

- Yes... from time to time I usually say that...

- Well, today I literally got up on my left foot...

- Like this?

- I escaped several accidents during the day... I almost ended up in the hospital...

- Is playing...

- No, seriously... it started with a dummy shorting out and catching fire...

- Wow...

- And so on... if my guardian angel wasn't on duty today, I think I'd be on the other side of life by then...

- And your agony?

- To be continued. And suddenly I felt an immense need to see you...

- Uh... why?

- I don't know... but I felt I needed to come see you....

- Very well... you've seen me... and now?

- I don't know... what are you going to do now?

- Well, I was going home... to rest a little...

- Can I ask you to go to the movies?

- When?

- Now, uh...

- Now?! But...

- I pay for the tickets...

- It's not that... it's just that I...

- It's been a while since we've been together for a while... it would be really nice, don't you think?

- Okay... tomorrow is my day off, I don't have to get up early... but what about Dona Olga?

- I already told you I'm going to be late today...

- And does she know why?

- Yes, I said I had come to see you...

- Well, then I can't run away, right?

- No, there isn't... Shall we go?

And the two left laughing, talking like they hadn't done in a long time. Yes, apparently they were happy... of course it was a spur of the moment thing, but that's how happiness is, isn't it? It is made up of moments dispersed throughout life, like a big patchwork quilt... the two went to the mall, chose a movie at random... it ended up being a cartoon... and they had a lot of fun with the adventures of the characters on the big screen. Finally the movie ended... it was time to say goodbye... Roseli wasn't going to ask him to accompany her to her mother's house... the only thing she asked him for that day was her company. But, for some reason that the heart cannot explain, Ricardo decided to accompany her. For some inexplicable reason, he felt happy, with a light soul... as he hadn't felt in a long time. The bad feeling that Roseli had been carrying since she woke up that day, simply dissipated like mist under the sun... she felt strangely relieved. That bitterness that had accompanied her since the early hours of the day simply disappeared. She was even feeling cheerful...

It was a little after midnight when the two arrived at Dona Olga's door. Ricardo made a move to say goodbye, but Roseli got ahead of him and asked if he didn't want to sleep at his mother's house... after all, his room was always tidy, waiting for the return of the prodigal son...

After thinking a bit, Ricardo decided to accept his ex's invitation... he wasn't going to work the next day, he hadn't visited his mother or daughter for a long time, the house where he lived alone caused him a certain depression... and at that moment Roseli's company was extremely pleasant... yes, it had been a long time since he had had such a pleasant end to the day as the one he had experienced in the last few hours. When Roseli opened the door and entered the room, Dona Olga was sitting on the sofa, watching a movie. When she saw her son entering with the girl, her face lit up with happiness. He said nothing... he knew the boy's genius, and whenever he was in his presence, he always acted as if he were walking on eggshells... he didn't get up from where he was... he limited himself to greeting him as if he were anyone else, although inside he wanted to hug him tight and shower him with kisses. But she remained exactly where he was. Rose asked about her daughter, Dona Olga informed that the little one had been sleeping for a long time. Looking at her son, she asked him if she was staying the night. He replied that yes, since he was off the following day, he would take the opportunity to spend some time with Letícia. Only then did Dona Olga get up from her seat to tidy up the boy's room. Meanwhile, he and Rose continued talking animatedly, as they hadn't done for a long time. It was like going back to their dating time...


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