THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Fifty Five


chapter fifty five

Cecilia was sitting on a bench in the square, close to her parents' house. She was thoughtful. She had to do something about her destiny, but she didn't know which way to go. She was worried about her ex... it's true that she hadn't heard from him for a few days now, and she expected it to stay that way for a long time. Well, at least he was working... the only thing she had to do was stay as far away from him as possible... she was even considering moving to another city again. It wasn't an easy decision to make, as her life was all organized again. But if she couldn't find another way out, she would have to go for that solution. Who knows if, staying a long time away from everyone he knew, Ricardo would forget a little about this obsession he had developed for her...

- What is it, Ceci?...

- I swear I don't know what I'm doing, Estela... on the one hand, Ricardo worries me...

- Serious? Why?

- And you still ask? He simply incarnated my soul...

- Don't you think that...

- I don't know, Estela... I swear I don't know... anyway, I have to make some decisions in my life...

- Type?!!

- Like deciding what I'm going to do... I don't know... maybe take a bus and disappear again...

- Is running away the solution?

- That's the question I'm asking myself right now... and I can't find an answer that satisfies me...

- I wanted to tell you that I understand you... but it wouldn't be true....

- I know, little sister... thanks for listening to me...

- Lets go in? It's getting a little cold...

- No... I'll stay here a little longer... like I said, I need to think...

- What if "he" shows up?

- It will help me make my decision faster...

- Well then, bye for now...

It was just after eight o'clock when Roseli rang the bell at Ricardo's house. With an unfriendly face, he opened the door. Upon seeing her, he limited himself to inviting her in, without showing any kind of satisfaction in receiving her...

- Wow, Ricardo... what kind of face is that?

- It's the only one I have...

- It doesn't have to be so thick, right?

- That was always my charm... you liked me precisely because I was thick...

- No double meaning jokes, please...

- Okay... what do you want?

- Wow... every chivalry? The kindness?

- I think we're past that stage...

- New horseshoe?

- Rose, what do you want?

- It's been more than four months since we broke up...

- Yes...

- You had an accident, you recovered...

- Yes...

- Can I ask you a question?

- Do...

- It's been two months since you came back here...

- Yes...

- And in all that time you haven't paid a single visit to your mother...

- And why would I?

- Uh... she's your mother...

- Yeah... so what?

- Ricardo... you're going to tell me that you don't miss her at all...

- It should?

- Is your mother....

- She has her life, I have mine... and that's fine...

Roseli was disarmed for a few seconds... how to argue with someone with that kind of thinking? After all, he had simply said, in so many words, that his mother was not important in his life... how could anyone think that way, my God? After all, if you have no regard for the one who gave you life, what can you expect from your actions?

- Did you know that Letícia is a little sick?

- Of course not...

- Are you going to visit her?

-Is she hospitalized?

-No... she has a cold...

- Childhood illness...nothing unusual...

-But she wants to see you... she keeps calling for you...

- What's this news now?

- She was always very attached to you, Ricardo...

- I started working these days... at the moment, I'm out of time.... as soon as I get some time off, I'll stop by...

- I...

- Is there anything else you want to tell me?

- Not me...

- So I'm sorry, but I was already going to sleep... I have to get up at four in the morning...

And so, in that "delicate" way, Ricardo sent his ex away. As the door closed behind the girl, a thousand thoughts went through her head... yes, she was right... she owed her mother and daughter a visit a lot... but she didn't have the heart to pay one. visit whoever it was... not until he resolved his situation with Cecília once and for all... what the hell... they were still married... he had his rights... and if Cecília continued to to avoid him like that, he would run after the law... after all, he deserved an explanation...

   Roseli left Ricardo's house really worried. From the little they talked about, she felt that her ex really wasn't well... the ideal was to take him to a psychologist, a psychiatrist... but how could she do that? Well, if he really was going to visit his daughter on his day off, and if she were at home, he'd try to steer the conversation that way and see what he could do.

Miracle she knew it couldn't be done, so the thing was to use the cards she had in her hands. But she was aware of one thing... if Ricardo didn't get help as soon as possible, he would short out and then... God only knows what he would do...

   Roseli took the bus and about forty minutes later she was already at her house. Dona Olga was playing with her granddaughter in the living room and, when she saw her come in, she immediately asked...

- And then?

- You're right... but one thing I tell you...

- What, my daughter?

- If we don't help Ricardo, he'll go into a tailspin...

- Rose, you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped...

- I know, Dona Olga... but...

- You still like him, don't you?

Roseli blushed... yes, despite having been the one to break off her married life with Ricardo, she still loved him... but what was the use of that, if his heart belonged to someone else? Besides, she had no vocation for Amelia... she would never stand beside someone who didn't respect her... and Ricardo had already proved, on several occasions, that he didn't respect anyone... Dona Olga looked at her with pity. .. it was as if the old lady could read her daughter-in-law's thoughts...

- You know, Rose... for me you would be the ideal woman for Ricardo... but fate doesn't agree with me, what can I do?


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