Sometimes I wonder if we live in a real world or if we are just the imagination of some "superior" entity... and even? This doubt that comes to me from time to time is mainly due to my own training... I am a writer, and as such, imagination is my main work tool. But, and that's the crux of the matter... I can't write when I want to, but only when the story presents itself to me... it's as if someone determined that I should show the world that presents itself to my eyes only when I am authorized... not a moment before, not a moment after. And it's funny, that. Sometimes I have a vague idea of how my characters should act, and I even try to develop the action... but it's wasted work... the story takes on that forced appearance... it doesn't convince anyone. And you know that if a text doesn't convey credibility... well, surely no one else will want to know the production of that author or that author. Then, suddenly, as if by magic, my fingers start to run across the keyboard and that action that I couldn't describe simply springs before my eyes, and the words take on shapes and colors, come to life. And that's what makes me wonder... am I really creating a situation, a world, or am I just glimpsing the event from another dimension? Could it be that, all of a sudden, I'm not just the reporter of actions that are actually taking place on another physical plane, invisible to our eyes, but at the same time, palpable to the senses of some people? If that's the case, I don't create anything, I just tell stories that are actually happening... even those that have past eras as settings, since the wheel of time itself would be fluid and present, past and future would coexist simultaneously... yeah, I know... it's pretty crazy. Then I remember the movie "Matrix", by the Wachowski sisters, where people are in a state of stasis, sleeping, and having their dreams directed by a machine... that is, their life is the "fruit of imagination" of the machines where are connected...

Of course, I don't see myself connected to a machine, which directs what I think, desire and live. But then I stop and think... how much of our life is really in our power? After all, from the time we get out of bed in the morning until the moment we return to our resting place to recharge our energies... how many different characters do we represent throughout the day? Of course we never think about it. Our actions are instinctive, it's like we've been trained to act that way. But, if we stop to think a little bit, we realize that we were really trained... by the world and by society. Otherwise, let's see... in childhood we are trained to represent the role of the gender to which we belong, at first... and even if internally we do not identify with the gender imposed on us, we are trained in such a way that we accept what they present us as the truth and this is so ingrained in our subconscious that we have difficulties in accepting ourselves as we really are. As we grow, new roles are added to our lives, as if someone were writing a script for us to follow. And we follow these instructions that are installed in our subconscious. As I said earlier, none of these actions are taken by us consciously, even if that is our impression. After all, any action that does not fit the dictates of society is blocked by ourselves and until we manage to overcome this blockage, a lot of time passes and a good part of humanity has an unhappy life simply because they cannot live as they really would like... bizarre, Is not it?

Well, this is a rather complex subject and, if I continue to talk about it, I run the risk of ending up leaving the main theme, which would be "Are we characters in a novel written by a superior entity?"... How could we be? ... after all, has anyone ever wondered, once, if "were the gods astronauts?" So, in that case, my question is valid...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One