THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty


Chapter Sixty

Sunday, seven o'clock in the morning....Helena, Cecília and Estela, together with little Selene, are getting ready to spend the day away. Mario and Janete finish packing their bags... the family decided to spend a few days in the countryside. They intend to go to the Serra da Mantiqueira region, since that is where they have their roots. They still don't know where they're going, because they don't intend to stay with relatives. Helena decided that they would choose a random city. And so they left towards the mountains, ready to brave "the unknown"... Both Cecília and Helena were stressed, because of the recurring nightmares... besides, the fact of being unemployed made the girl more worried than the others. normal. Not that being inactive was an immediate problem for her... but the fact that she couldn't pass the experience really devastated her... mother, all that was happening was missing going to church... the third time he mentioned his opinion to Cecilia, the girl's patience ran out... and she exploded, giving vent to all her frustration. After that, Janete preferred to keep her opinions to herself.

Cecília's problem started... if you can say that... right after her first dream as an Amazon. It is not known if it was influenced by the story her father told, or perhaps because of her state of mind lately, but the girl began to have recurrent nightmares, always with the same scenario in the background... she, characterized as a cowgirl, chasing someone whose face he never sees, he thinks he has caught his prey and ends up surrounded by a group that starts shooting in his direction. During the dream, she remains calm, always trying to protect herself against the rain of bullets that come towards her. She starts to worry when her ammo, in both her rifle and her handguns, starts to run out. And the climax of her dream is always when she is wounded in her right leg... it's always in her right leg... and her weapons are completely unloaded... that's when she wakes up, drenched in sweat, and not infrequently feeling pain. pain in the injured leg in the dream...

Yes, Cecilia doesn't understand the reason for these dreams... as much as she tries to see some logic, she can't see any. She even commented on the dream with her psychiatrist... yes, she also started seeing the same psychiatrist who took care of Helena. But, like her, the doctor could not find any plausible explanation for such dreamlike reverie...

What intrigued her the most was the last thought she had before waking up... "I should have listened to Rosa and Graça"... she couldn't understand the meaning of that sentence... she knew it was important, even though she was sure that, even if she managed to understand the meaning of the sentence, nothing would change the outcome of the action... yes, she was sure that her character would die in the end, since before waking up she felt that whoever she was shooting, she was approaching the place where she lay wounded... and she was absolutely sure that, if she hadn't woken up, she would have witnessed her death in the world of dreams... there remained that doubt that tormented her... could it be that, if she died in his dream, would this death be reflected in the "real world"? Could that be why she woke up at that moment, when you sensed that the end of her character was near? They were questions that tormented her more than the situation experienced during her nightmare...

Helena looked worriedly at her sister, as she walked along Dutra, inward direction. She kept wondering what Cecilia was thinking at that moment. Yes, the sister had been on edge lately. The trigger that triggered his current state of mind was, without a doubt, the dismissal of his last job. Cecília had always considered herself a super competent person... and she really was... and she couldn't accept that she didn't have what it takes to work as a simple administrative assistant... just her, who was one of the best communicators, always praised in all the places she'd ever done service... to be dumped from such a lowly position, where nothing more was required of her intellect than the ability to write memos, answer phones, and take care of paperwork... simple service, which she got to do with her eyes closed... and yet... no, she really couldn't accept it... and that frustration perhaps projected itself into her dreams and, consequently, into her life...

Mario was also worried... after all, Cecília, who was so cheerful... in her own way, of course... lately she always looked sad... her eyes had lost the sparkle they had before... .it was as if, all of a sudden, she felt defeated by the problems that had arisen in her life lately... not even the books she loved so much were able to lift her morale... usually, when he received a new book as a gift, he was so happy that it was impossible not to be infected by his enthusiasm for reading the new novel he found in his hands. But lately... Mario even gave his daughter a new book he had found on the internet... what was the title of the book? "Angels of Humanity" by La Olive... it was a book by a new author, but it was one of her favorite reading styles... after all, it mixed fiction with horror, romance and all the necessary ingredients for a good story... .well, although she loved to read, as I said before, she left the book on the table and didn't even bother to read the synopsis... yes, the girl really needed to get out of the city, breathe some purer air... .get away from the noisy and suffocating routine of the city... who knows if, then, it would not recover its former freshness? That was her hope...

Even Estela was worried about her sister. That's right, the two were always fighting... well, that was before Selene was born and Jairo passed away... after these events, the perspective of the world changed radically for the girl. In any case, even when they fought, even when the argument between them was ugly, in Estela's heart the feeling of rancor against her sister never arose... half an hour after the fight she already regretted it. And if they didn't speak for days and days, it was because the two were too proud, and neither of them took the first step of apologizing to the other... but there really wasn't any hurt between the two... not the one that really pushes people away. And Estela was worried. After all, since she had separated from Ricardo, her sister had been banging her head in life. First, she disappeared into the world, leaving everyone worried... then, when she returned, her ex started stalking her... then, she got a job and got fired... yeah, things really weren't that good for your sister...

Janet was also worried. But her concern was for the salvation of her daughter's soul. She was in sin.;... she had separated from her husband... and the only solution for her case was to reconcile with him and go back to church... an answer that I will not reproduce here, because the words that the girl said to her mother are not in good tone...


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