What is real and what is fantasy in our life? The question may seem strange at first glance. But if we analyze it coldly, humanity lives in an eternal make-believe, where there are thousands of truths, all of them unshakable, all of them immutable and all of them... contradictory. Each social group has its north, which guides it according to unshakable rules, where the incontestable truth guides its members. And how that truth varies... even within the group itself. This is because, even if the element really believes in the truth of its peers, its reality is unique, as are its convictions. And it is at that moment that a series of adjustments are made in your subconscious, so that it can be in accordance with the desired parameters. Yeah, I know... it gets a little weird, talking like that...

As much as you look, like Diogenes wandering the world with his lamp lit, you will hardly find two people whose beliefs are exactly the same. Yes, just like the fingerprint that is unique, each person's feelings and beliefs are not matched by their peers. Even when they agree on various points, there will always be a small portion, hidden in the depths of the mind, in which their opinions will diverge so much that, if discussed, they would end up breaking the tenuous veil of understanding between them. And what causes this? I would say that there are several factors, the main one being the way that each person receives information from their environment in a peculiar way, where understanding will be determined by several principles... even their first impressions of the world - the way they was inserted into his family nucleus, where he learned the traditions of his ancestors - it will influence the way this individual will absorb information from this group, where, as I said, he will build his truth. Since this will have several points in common with the other members of the group, but this belief will not be homogeneous. Of course, few realize this... it's something so subtle, it escapes most people's eyes. And if you bring this subject up for discussion in any circle of friends, with the same orientations, with the same beliefs... well, depending on each one's nature, it is likely that the friendly conversation will end up in a fight. And, no... I'm not exaggerating.

One of the things that human beings fear most is the deconstruction of their beliefs. Because when these cease to exist, the reason for your life, in a way, is also extinguished. That's why it's so simple to put together any group with any orientation... as long as that orientation makes sense to the individual. Usually the leaders of the various groups tend to appeal to people's fear of ending up in Tartarus... in the hell of oblivion. Strange how people often deprive themselves of happiness in their life, hoping to find it after death. But, if they just deprive themselves of their desires and let their fellows live the way they see fit... as long as that way doesn't harm their life at all... there wouldn't be any problem. The issue is that the majority of the population who believe they have a monopoly on the truth (which, as I said before, does not exist) feel the duty to take other people to their private paradise, even if for them the "paradise" of others is the most terrible hell of all dimensions. Why do people keep forgetting the principle that says "what's good for you is not necessarily good for me"...


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