THE CRYSTAL CUP Chapter Sixty Three


Chapter Sixty Three

- But why would I want a pistol?!

- You never know, Ricardo... it's always better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it...

- Look, I really don't like guns...

- Why?

- Because... because I don't like it... that's it! I'm a peaceful guy...

- So am I, so am I! I don't like confusion, I don't argue with anyone... I give reason to whoever is right...

- Know...

- But still I always have my "guardian angel" in my holster...

- All right... but tell me something... I buy your gun... I can't register it, can I?

- What is it, what is it? This is a "hot" gun, it comes with all the legal paperwork... of course you can register it... I just don't see the point of doing that... if you need to use it and it's not registered, no one will come to you...

- I do not know...

- What is it that you don't know?...

- What if the "men" catch me with her?

- Well, you're not going to flag, are you? Of course, if they catch you with a gun, you could end up in prison...

- So... this is the situation that doesn't excite me very much...

- Here... hold her a little...

And Ricardo holds the pistol in his hands... he begins to examine it attentively... he is tempted to keep it. In fact, "Gato", the guy he was talking to at the time, had been recommended by a co-worker. The young man wanted to buy a gun for a long time and learned, through this colleague, that "Gato" sold all kinds of weapons under the table... and, if the person so desired, he also sold legal weapons, but it wasn't that his focus... yes, Ricardo was ready to close the deal...

- What about ammo?

- I'll sell you two boxes for a modest price...

- Okay... and then?

- Just look for me when you need it... you have my contact...

- One more thing... and how do I train?

- My friend, that's easy... just join a shooting club...

I don't need to say that Ricardo closed the deal, right? Even he couldn't say why he decided to buy the gun... but he did. He paid the boy in cash, put the box with the gun and ammunition in the bottom of his bag, where his work things were and turned his attention to the collector who was arriving with the report in hand... it was time to looking for "the good one", the last trip of the day... he waited for his partner to adjust himself in his seat at the turnstile and, smoothly, he took the brute to the point, where the passengers were waiting to board. "Cat" disappeared into the crowd... and Ricardo was amazed at how quickly the seller disappeared... it was as if he were a ghost... or, considering his type of wares, a demon. Ricardo knew he had screwed up, but for some reason he couldn't understand, he felt a mixture of pleasure and agony... it wasn't that kind of pleasure that makes you happy, happy... he himself couldn't explain how he felt in that moment. time. Yes, he wanted to possess the weapon and now he had it in his possession... but... what now?

Around nine o'clock at night Ricardo arrived at his house. Lately, she had given him agony... he felt very lonely, and he longed for some company to talk to... but only loneliness awaited him within those walls. Every detail of the house made him remember a moment from the past... happy and happy moments, not so happy moments... and with all that, he was moving along...he knew that the situation he was experiencing was unique and exclusive his guilt... but when he expressed his thoughts, he always blamed Cecília... she was the reason for his unhappiness... and when he followed that line of thought, only dark desires dominated his mind... a mixture of love and hate, if that's possible, he wanted to get his wife back... so he could dominate her completely...

His first action, upon arriving home that night, was to find a place to store his acquisition... he had no intention of walking around with it. In fact, thinking coldly, he didn't know the real motivation for buying the gun... he never liked that kind of equipment. And yet... go figure... he chose one of the drawers in his wardrobe, wrapped the box in a blanket and put it in the back. He didn't intend to mess with the weapon anytime soon. The thought of firing the pistol didn't turn him on so much. You know that kind of impulse purchase? Well, we can say that, although he looked for the seller, and the idea of ​​acquiring the weapon had been maturing for days, it was not his real desire to buy it... but, in the end...

After showering and dressing, he went to prepare something to eat. The slow cooker was his salvation... the rice was just right. He took a look in the fridge and decided that two fried eggs to go with the rice would be the best choice. He turned on the TV and while watching the evening news, catching up on the latest world news, he devoured his dinner. He had a cup of coffee, washed the dishes and cutlery, brushed his teeth and went to bed. And soon she plunged into the world of dreams ...

Ricardo was playing soccer with his friends on the street. He dribbled one, dribbled two, but when he got to the third, he was tripped, landing on his face, filling his mouth with dirt and dust. The kids went out in force to help him, and the boy responsible for his fall was desperate, since he didn't think that his little friend would be hurt as much as he seemed to be hurt. The scraped knee, the bleeding mouth... yes, the fall was bad. But it could have been worse... a few inches from her fall, a rock with the tip protruding... if she had landed on her... well, it was better not to imagine what could have happened...

Dona Olga took the boy to the hospital... apart from some dislocations and his face broken by the fall, nothing more serious had happened... and the boy was already thinking about the rematch, about the next game he would play...

And so he spent the whole night, dreaming of his childhood, where things were much simpler and it was possible to dream of a beautiful and wonderful future... where his mother's hand was always outstretched to help him get up. when life knocked you down... yes, your childhood time was simply wonderful... when did life start to go downhill?


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