Inside the car, over the cloverleaf at 100 an hour

Oh my love

Now you only have the affection of the engine

And in the office where I work and I get rich

The more I multiply, my love diminishes

In every mercury light I see the light of your gaze

You pass squares, viaducts, you don't even remember to come back

Back, back...

Our life is a constant race, where the final destination, although known, is uncertain. We know where we're going, we just don't know why. Since we understand ourselves as people, we set our goals and go after them. And that starts right there at the beginning, when we are learning to talk and walk. We are trained, from an early age, to set goals. First in Kindergarten, then in Elementary School, passing through High School and finally College... the much dreamed and pursued Higher Course, where we will finally become specialists in some area that we like... the incentive for us to become someone comes from the cradle, where from our first steps we started a frantic race towards the future, disputing with our peers a prominent position in our group. For the winners, the laurels of victory. For losers, potatoes...

Yes, life is a constant struggle, and everyone wants a place in the sun. However, there are few places on the podium, and only a chosen few... the best of their groups... manage to rise to the highest social levels. Is it a democratic choice? Not always, as some members have certain advantages to start the race that most individuals do not. It's not a fair contest. But who said life is fair?

Various obstacles are scattered along the path that the competitors will go through. And most of the time, they end up succumbing when they encounter these mishaps. It's just that life prepares obstacles with so much care, with so much care, that it is difficult for the competitor to overcome them. Only those who have greater support from their peers move forward, overcoming the difficulties imposed on them, not because they are more capable than those who stayed behind... many times, those who stayed along the way are even more capable than those who winners... but because they had a little help that allowed them to circumvent some rules of the game and move on until the final stretch.

Much of the success of these winners is due to their ancestors, who with a lot of struggle and sacrifice managed to build a heritage that would allow for a smoother race for their descendants. But wait a minute... so does that mean that people who don't have a certain amount of support from their parents are doomed to failure, to defeat? Of course not. With his own effort and the help of his group, the subject may manage to climb a few steps in his social group. This will depend, in addition to your own effort, on being able to identify the opportunities that are in front of you and take advantage of them. You'll just have to be aware of your chances... if you're at the base of the group, you'll be able to pave the way for your descendants. If it is in a medium degree, then its descendants can fight for a better position. And if you're at the top... well, that's even cowardice to say, isn't it? Although being born with a "golden cradle", as they say, does not mean that a person is destined for success. After all, as I said at the beginning, the race of life is full of obstacles and, if you don't have the strength to overcome them, no matter what initial advantages you get, you will be inexorably defeated. Because life is hard... and the race for success requires many sacrifices that not everyone is willing to pay...

It's 7:55 am on this cloudy Thursday, where the thermometers are 22°C right now... there's a possibility of rain throughout the day. If it rains, it will definitely get cold. But we'll worry about that when the time comes. For now, let's enjoy the warm weather...

May God grant us the most beautiful of all the days we've ever had to date. May He grant us wisdom to choose the paths that lead us to Celestial Paradise. May He pour His Blessing on our heads and always illuminate our lives.

Stay with God and see you tomorrow, if He allows us...


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