Oh! I'm happy

because love

that one day went away

Now it's back

Because you only like me...

With these simple and simple verses Ed Carlos (stage name of Oscar Teixeira) praised the return of a love that had left and then returned. As in many cases in life. In fact, they say that the best part of a couple's fight is reconciliation. I know, from my own experience, that when the person we care about breaks the romance we are living, we expect that he will regret it and return to our arms. Of course, this does not always happen, it is not always possible. But if it happens... oh, my God, what happiness! The doors of Paradise will surely open to us...

Have you noticed that everything in life, that everything in the world revolves around Love? We are always looking for what makes us happy, whether in the sentimental field, whether in the professional, personal field... we are always looking for the flame of that unconditional Love that will give us the grace that we so desire...

But what do you mean, Love in the professional field? Work is work, what does it have to do with Love? It's all about. If you don't look for Love in the things you do, then nothing will come out right, simply because you will do everything automatically. The more passion you have for what you do, the more love you dedicate to your work, the more perfect everything will be. Yes, I know it sounds a little confusing. But it is not. I don't know if you've noticed, but there are people who dedicate themselves body and soul to what they do. They live and breathe their work. Not out of obligation, but simply because they like it. In fact, nothing that is done out of obligation is done well. Yes, because if you do something simply because you are forced to do it, well... it is clear that you will try to get rid of what you don't like as quickly as possible, for which you will receive your reward that will allow you to acquire what you need. And, for sure, your effort will result in something imperfect. Because it wasn't made with what is most sacred in our life... Love.

Okay, okay... so if I don't do things in the professional field with love, nothing will work. I understand... but... and in the personal field? How does it affect me? Well, honey... if in your professional life you need Love for everything to work out, it is clear that in your private life this has to be present every minute. After all, what is the force that moves the world? "The money", someone will answer... well, wrong, that someone isn't. However... a life without Love is an empty life, where the person will desperately try to fill that void in his soul. Yes, because a life without Love is doomed to loneliness, even if you are surrounded by thousands of people. Many of them will scream things in your ear, but who says you can listen? The fact that Love is not present in your life will make you deaf and blind to the things that flow around you. And nothing, nothing within your reach, will satisfy you. For the simple fact that you lack one thing. That you don't know what it is. But what is in front of him, imperceptible, but palpable... and, for not being able to see what really matters, he will try to remedy this lack with other things that he will find in the paths of life...

And we arrive at the most intimate part of people, the sentimental field. Which is connected to the personal field. Why? Well, because one doesn't exist without the other. My sentimental life is also my personal life. If I couldn't find Love in my personal life, how will it be able to act in my sentimental life? It's just impossible. And for one reason only... I'm not prepared to take that step. Huh? As well? It's very simple... if I don't open my heart to Love, if I don't try to see the beautiful things in life (it's harder than it seems), well, even if my perfect match is walking beside me, I won't I will be able to understand. If I can't see the beauty of a child's laughter, the poetry of a butterfly's flight as it lands from flower to flower, if I can't hear the birdsong that bring joy to our world, if I can't see beauty in the birth or at sunset.... well, love certainly won't be able to enter my heart or my life... And so, I'll be doomed to loneliness, not understanding why happiness doesn't knock on my door.

But if we open our hearts and let Love into our lives...oh my God! Our days will be more beautiful, our nights will have the most starry sky we've ever seen, the silveriest moon in the entire Universe... and the angels will sing praises to bless our lives. And all this because we accept Love... and then we can sing, like Ed Carlos, that the Love that once left has now returned... because it likes us... and we simply love it!

It's seven o'clock this cold and rainy morning... the thermometers are currently showing 17ºC, and there is no expectation that the temperature will rise much today... perhaps, at most, it will reach 20ºC... and, for sure, the rain expected to continue through the day!

 May God bless us all, granting us the best Thursday we've ever had in our lives, and may he give us the wisdom to allow his love to invade our hearts. And may he help us to follow the path of righteousness, so that we can walk to his Kingdom...

Stay with God and see you tomorrow, if He allows us...


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