From the window the horizon

The freedom of a road I can see

My thoughts fly free in dreams

Far away and where I am

I sometimes wonder how far this road is

can take someone

So many people have already regretted it and I

I'll think, I'll think...

How many times have we not thought about throwing everything in the air and going out on the road in search of something that we feel is missing in our lives? We look at the horizon and feel a little envious of those people who manage to disconnect from everything, put a backpack on their back and go after their dreams. I know some people like that. But most are like me... even if you dream of some change in your life, you prefer the security of your home to face the unknown behind something that, suddenly, is right next to you... and you just can't see it because your eyes are facing infinity...

Yes, I know this is a simplistic view of life. But one of the things I value most is security... I can't willingly put myself in a situation I'm not comfortable with. It's a basic need for me... I need to feel safe all the time... I need to feel loved and cherished, and to get that feeling, I don't mind giving up some things that keep screaming inside me. We are slaves of society. Throughout our lives we receive a script of how we should proceed and, with rare exceptions, we follow it to the letter. When we are born we are free. Nothing and no one tries to direct us to anything. But, as we grow, we are directed to fulfill certain rites that will guide us towards the future that awaits us. And so we are being prepared to move on with life. Not the one we would often like to live, but the one that society has chosen for us. And then, the personal "I" is nullified so that the group has some gain from "my" life choices. Only, in fact, they're not "mine"... they never were.

As soon as the child begins to walk and gains some autonomy, he is inserted into his first group, where he will learn, through imitation, the first rules of the game of life. And so it will be for the rest of your days. We are led to believe that goals are set for fact, we are led to do so. The choices we make, all of them, without exception, have a cost and a premium. Some prizes are really not worth the effort, because it would leave us on the fringes of the group. It is true that this is not always what happens, sometimes our fear of daring to be true prevents us from living in full happiness. This is because our own prejudices do not allow us to escape what is expected of us. Examples of people who threw it all away and managed to achieve their goals abound. But it's like I said... it takes courage to take the first step. Because if something goes wrong and nothing you expect happens, you know there's no going back. It's like I said... many times your fear is unfounded and you could achieve your desires... but your fear of change doesn't allow you to take the step that would free you from the chains of fear of the unknown...

Yes, I know that things often don't seem to make much sense in our everyday lives. After all, we wake up in the morning, get ready for work, take care of our offspring, fulfill the tasks assigned to us, return to our nest, sleep, and then wake up to start all over again. And the script never changes. Some scenarios change over time, but the essence remains the same. Routine makes us, after a while, act like automatons, carrying out the tasks we are assigned without even paying attention to them...

Then, one beautiful day, we look out the window, as the song by Erasmo and Roberto says, and the desire to lose ourselves in it, in search of a dream that we don't even know if it will be possible to fulfill or not, arises in our being. Whether we have the courage to go out for it will depend on each one of us. He who manages to defeat his own ghosts will certainly go after the much-dreamed freedom. He whose fears of the future are stronger than the desire to know what the horizon may suit him... well, he will remain in his state of lethargy, fulfilling his role as a mere extra in the great theater of life, serving as a ladder so that those who dared to pursue their dreams succeed in their endeavor...

It's eight o'clock in the morning of this cloudy Thursday, where the thermometers are currently at 20ºC. There is a possibility that the temperature will rise a little today, if the forecast of rain in the course of the afternoon does not materialize. If it rains... well, then the temperature plummets again...

Stay with God... may He bless us all. May He provide us with the best of all the Thursdays we've ever experienced in our lives and allow us to accomplish at least one of our goals.

the little dreams on that day that begins... See you tomorrow, if He so allows ... kisses!!!!


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