We and the world...


We and the world...

No, tonight love

I no longer thought about you

I opened my eyes

To look around me

And around me

He traveled the world as always

Today the day dawned beautiful and wonderful, as beautiful and wonderful are all the days of our lives. But today is a special day of the week. Today is Sunday. It is the day when we must thank the Creator for allowing us to stay an extra week on this plane, together with our loved ones. Yes, I know many have departed these days, leaving their loved ones inconsolable with their loss. But that's life... some arrive, others leave. But those who remain here, well, they should be grateful for the opportunity they have to carry out not only their life projects, but also help their peers to reach their goal. The world doesn't stop just because we think things aren't easy... nothing is easy in life...

Sometimes we feel that we are being wronged, because no matter how hard we fight, we cannot achieve the goals we set for our lives. And I'm not talking about big goals, but about insignificant little things in our everyday lives. A new shoe, that beautiful dress that we saw in the window and were crazy to buy, but that the bank account did not allow, at least at that moment... superfluous things that add nothing to our lives, but that in that moment when our desires are not fulfilled, we feel as if the Universe conspires against us... as if the Universe is worried about us, mere grains of dust scattered throughout the Cosmos...

Yes, we feel an uncontrollable need to value things that only mean something to ourselves... and we are surprised when we discover that what is the most important thing in the world to us means nothing to the people around us. . How many times do we share our ideas, our plans with the people closest to us, and when we finish exposing our thoughts, all we see on their face is an expression of boredom? Most of the time they just listen to us out of politeness, but at the end of our monologue they end up with a "scene face", because they didn't see even one percent of what we tried to convey in what we explained. That's because everyone has their own view of the world and what's important to some doesn't mean anything to others. And I'm talking about people in our innermost circle of relationships, not those in a secondary group. I'm talking about you exposing your ideas to your husband, your wife... people very close to you. Often the view that these people have of the world is very different from the one you have. And this is where we end up being surprised. But we forget that they also have their dreams, their projects... and many times, when they expose their thoughts to us, we too will not understand exactly what they want. Because every human being is a universe apart...

When we think about doing something new in our life... something different from our daily routine... we tend to weigh the pros and cons for an infinite amount of time. After a long time weighing the possible consequences, we take one of the following actions... if we think that what we want does not compensate for the risks to our social life, we abort the project at the same time, although we are brooding over the idea, which does not go away for complete of our wish list... yes, because if there is one thing that we value a lot, it is the judgment that people make about our actions... and many times they don't give a damn about what we are doing. .. of course, depending on what our action is, the people next to us will be shocked, at first... but after some time they end up adapting to our... "madness", so to speak, and the world will go on its course normally, without really caring about what we do or don't do...

If we think that people won't care that much about what we want to do, we will certainly have two different attitudes... either we start to act cautiously, taking one step at a time, until we complete the desired cycle, or we go straight ahead, because life is short and we cannot postpone our actions, with the risk of leaving without having had time to accomplish this feat, this adventure, this dream... and so we carry on with life. Living one day at a time. Trying to fulfill a dream every day. Trying to be ourselves and not the image that people around us make of us. Because, most of the time, we give up our true "self" to correspond to the image created by the social group to which we are inserted. And so we live life. Until the day we opened our eyes and found that no matter what attitude we had in our lives, the world continued to turn as it always did...

Today is Sunday! Let's thank God for giving us the opportunity to live another day and learn a little more about life. And let's pray to Him, asking Him to give us discernment to that we can find the path of light and truth. May He grant us a simply wonderful day with the people we love.

May this be the best Sunday we've ever had in our lives. May God bless us all and allow us to be here tomorrow again. Kisses to everyone...


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