A handkerchief bathed in tears,

That someone crying threw away

A trail on the side of the road,

To indicate that a love has gone away

Two letters engraved on the trunk

Of a beautiful paineira in bloom

They are, they are, they are, my lord,

They are pieces of love.

They are, they are, they are, my lord,

They are pieces of love.

Today I decided to look for inspiration in the songs I listened to as a child. As I've said here several times, we come from the interior, and for that reason, what was heard most at home... and in the neighborhood... was country music from the southeast. I emphasize that we were from the Southeast region, because today when talking about country music, people immediately see the Center West and Northeast of the country... the Southeast tradition was practically erased by the traditions of other regions. And, yes, there are differences in how each region treats its past histories and traditions. Today, there is practically no redneck culture in the southeast. Everywhere you go, the influences from the Midwest and Northeast are very strong. You even find some remnants of our culture, exploring the small towns in the interior, but it's not that easy to find anymore... in any case, that's not what I came here to talk to you about today...

When we meet the first and only love of our lives (every new relationship that starts is our first and only love... previous relationships were mistakes on our part...) the world seems to light up much more. The sky is bluer, the sun is more radiant, the moon is more silver, there are many more stars in the sky at night... the birds chirping is much more beautiful, the perfume of the flowers is more intoxicating...

When we are next to our love, life is simply beautiful, isn't it? The simplest things we share with them become priceless treasures and both of them keep them with all the affection in the world. Yes, because after all, what we receive from our partner is the incontestable proof that our love was born to last for all eternity... but... and there is always a "but" in our lives... happiness seems not to be something eternal... and there comes a time when, just like the flame of a candle, the love that was meant to be eternal is gradually extinguished, until it finally goes out for good...

And, when we come across a little note that we had forgotten in some corner, when we find that tape that came with a proof of love that had been offered to us... or even that photo that we thought we had torn up a long time ago. .. they bring us a wave of memories of a time that was simply wonderful and that has passed...

We remembered, then, the walks hand in hand, the kisses exchanged, the vows of eternal love... until the final climax, when he arrived and said that everything was over, that it was not our fault, but his. .. and that we would find someone better, who really loved us... and then he left, without even looking back, leaving us with a broken heart and tears running down our faces... and all that was left for us was little pieces of this love, which every now and then remind us of other times, when our world was much simpler, even if it seemed so complicated to us...

It's 8:15 on this beautiful and wonderful Sunday, with the thermometers showing 23 degrees, but already signaling a storm for later...

May God grant us the most beautiful Sunday we've ever experienced in our lives... until tomorrow, if he allows it...


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