I would give my life to forget you

I would give my life not to see you again

I would give my life to forget you

I would give my life not to see you again

I have nothing but you with me

I know I need to forget but I can't

I know that these days I've been getting heavy with the themes chosen for my daily chronicles. But it's not on purpose. As I've said several times here, I never plan anything in advance. The music just pops into my head, and from there I start writing. But the weather in the last few days got kind of "dark", and I decided to be more "light" today. After all, it's Thursday, and the week is ending. It's just for this reason, and for no other reason, that I chose Martinha's song "o queijinho de Minas" as the theme for today, to talk about love... but... look which song I ended up choosing... is one of Martinha's most beautiful compositions, there is no doubt about that. But... precisely "I would give my life"? Well, that's what ended up falling into my hands. I believe that many of the people who read what I write had a moment of farewell lulled by this song, in the author's voice or even with the "King" Roberto Carlos... I, particularly, prefer the recording in her voice...

When we are beginning to discover the beauty and hardships of love, we go through several stages... first, the cold that dominates our body, followed by the shivering that affects us when, for the first time, someone says to us, very awkwardly:- "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" At that moment, the two of you are in a "big pool"... he, because he is "in love" and wants you to give him a positive answer, because only then will his world be complete... you because, despite being longing so much for him to ask her that request, she's not sure it's really what her heart desires. But you end up accepting it, because he is the cutest thing in the world, and all your friends will envy you for having conquered the most handsome boy in the whole school.... yes, normally our first love is born during our primary course, there through the final years... that's when we're blossoming into life. And that's when the school inspectors get mad at us... after all, every now and then they have to stop our "unauthorized studies" of human anatomy... yes, because the big problem is that we are in the first phase , that of curiosity and discoveries of anatomical differences between men and women... and we found that these differences fit perfectly, and we want to test our findings...

Our first kisses are the best, although we haven't mastered the techniques yet. The boy, greedy, almost pulls out his beloved's tongue, in his eagerness to show her that he really knows how to kiss. And the marks on the neck, on the lap? Yes, it's our first trophy in the race for love. We always want to be together with our loved one, we like to walk hand in hand and, if any girl even dreams of looking at him... poor thing! If we grab her, we will definitely leave her bald, because there will be lots of hair pulling... yes, some time ago, girls' fights were more about slaps, bites and hair pulling... but nowadays this phase is a little different. little more... violent!

We kept, among the pages of our diary, the petals of the first flower offered to us, and we tried to smell its aroma long after we had received it. And, in our imagination, the perfume of the flower was still intoxicating, as when we received it. The diary was our faithful confidant... it was there that we recorded all our love, from the beginning of flirting to the request for a date... after that, the day to day of our relationship. The meetings and mismatches, the happy moments, the first disappointment... the discovery of betrayals, when we discover that in fact we are not the owners of his heart... the first fights, the reconciliations... and finally, the outcome in the end, when everyone goes their separate ways... and then, you are unhappy with the situation, because he is your eternal and true love... but then, why didn't it work? And you stay in the corners, crying over lost love, until Cupid, that mischievous and mischievous god of love, arrows your heart again and you fall in love with the most handsome boy in school again...

It's 7:50 am on this beautiful and sunny Thursday, where the thermometers are currently showing 21°C, with a forecast of reaching 30°C during the day....

May this be the most beautiful day of all that we have lived until today. May God pour all the blessings of heaven on our heads, and may he light up our path, giving us wisdom so that we can walk the path of truth and justice.

Everyone stay with God and see you tomorrow, if He allows it. Kisses...


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