check it out

What a silly story I have to tell

Who will want to believe me

I'm an unintentional clown

check it out

What an amazing thing my heart

All painted and in this solitude

wait for the time to dream

Oh, the world has always been

A circus like no other

Where everyone represents good or bad

Where a clown's farce is natural...

This is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful songs by Antônio Marcos. Well, at least in my opinion, of course... there are several songs in his repertoire that are simply beautiful, but this one, besides being beautiful, makes us reflect on the meaning of life... Antônio Marcos had this gift... he managed move us with your poetry. He left too soon....

Well, the world is a stage, where we play many roles. Sometimes, in the same moment, we play five, six characters at the same time. And we are so used to pretending that we are something that doesn't correspond to our spirit, that we often find ourselves acting out to ourselves. But that has a reason. If we don't decorate correctly the role entrusted to us backstage, when we get to the stage we can forget our lines, our actions. And then our true essence can show through, which may not be well accepted by the audience...

We are lonely from the moment we are born until the moment we close our eyes so as not to open them again. And, in that time interval, we are directed to live what society expects of us. We are tagged from our first vat, and many expectations are created of us. Whether we are going to correspond or not will depend on a series of circumstances. Throughout our walk through this endless world we are always playing some role, crucial in fulfilling some need of the group to which we are inserted. If the group in question is the family, and if you are the woman, they expect you to be a good housewife, to take good care of your offspring, to be a good wife... if you are the man, your job is to provide home to all the material things the group needs. And you have to be strong, never show any sign of weakness...

We live in an image society. Stereotypes are created every minute so that we fit into some category. We are judged by the group at all times, and for this reason we police ourselves so that we do not deviate from the parameters established as correct. Of course, some members of the group will rebel against this systemic tyranny, but the bulk of the group will conform and move forward, playing by all the rules of the game.

It is clear that many of the judgments they make about us derive from the prejudices that society instills in each person, from their earliest childhood. Values are taught to the individual from the moment he starts walking, until the moment he leaves. I'm not saying that this is not good... the opposite of order is anarchy, and if there is no north that indicates the path you should follow, how can you learn and evolve in your earthly life, isn't it? The problem is the extremes... which can come in many forms, the most common being prejudgment of the people around you. You often fail to meet a person who could become your best friend for the simple fact that he apparently has nothing in common with you. And most of the time, you're more alike than you might think...

Mutual respect is the best way to overcome these barriers that exist in our daily lives. If you treat others the way you would want to be treated, your relationship with the people around you will surely improve. And the loneliness of the soul will be a little less heavy on your soul... it depends on each one to decide how their destiny will be...

It's 7:30 am on a cloudy Friday morning, with 21°C (1°C dropped in the last half hour)... it could rain later. Although yesterday the weather announced rain, but it remained only overcast. Of course, as the rains of the moment are localized, somewhere in the city it rained. But not here...

May God pour his Blessing on us and grant us the best of all Fridays we've ever had in our lives. Stay with God, and see you tomorrow, if He allows it...


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