See how foolish we are

We fight so much

If later we go to smile

change well in the end

So that we mistreat love

A love is not mistreated

Why if these people want what

Is to see our separation

The song chosen to serve as the north for my chronicle today is one of my favorites... "Brigas", by the incomparable Altemar Dutra. I love that song. Reason? None in particular. I simply like her. this song, written by Evaldo Gouveia and Jair Amorim, talks about the life of an ordinary couple, with their day-to-day disagreements... and that's what makes it so human, so special...

Who, in their married life, has never had some kind of quarrel with their partner? And for the most childish reasons in the world? I don't think anyone manages to live next to another person and pass in white clouds, without the slightest disagreement possible... after all, they are two different people, trying to live as if they were one... and of course their desires, their goals , their interests are not always the same... often the reason for the discussion is so silly, but so silly, that the person who started it ends up not knowing how to end the discussion... it happens. The problem is that, if you don't know how to end the fight, and it remains pending, it will have consequences in the future, both for you and for your partner. Why? Simple... unresolved conflicts are the seed for a bad feeling between the two that, if not resolved, can even lead to separation...

The fans beside us exist, both in favor and against the couple. After all, there are several players waiting for their turn to sit down at the table and try their luck...

The best of the fight, they say, is the reconciliation... because the love between the two is reinforced when they realize that they really need each other to complete themselves. The best thing is that there is no fight and that the two do not have to reconcile. Even because we always know how a couple's fight starts, but we have no idea how it could end. In a couple disagreement, you never really know who is right and who is wrong. Why? Simple... the two have a share of guilt and a share of reason in the conflict that began. Both the wife and the husband have their valid reasons for defending their point of view during the conflict. The one with the greatest persuasive power will win the argument... the one who resorts to physical violence first will definitely be defeated... unless it's the woman who started and ended up getting the worst... then the husband will lose the argument twice...

No, I'm not pulling sardines for anyone's embers. But the thing is, when talking about domestic violence, the husband is always pointed out as the villain in the story... and that's not always the case... many times the only thing he did was try to defend himself... I know some stories... for example, I have a cousin who fought with her husband, hit him, he defended himself... he ended up in prison because he had attacked his wife. Of course after that the two broke up. But the core of the story was that he was the real victim of the conflict, but he ended up being found guilty and penalized for it...

Speaking of domestic life, have you ever wondered why most people prefer to stay out of the house, in bars and other places of entertainment? Nowadays both women and men do this, but until some time ago this was a typically male characteristic. And then? Do you already have an answer to my question? Not? So, come on... in my opinion... and that doesn't mean I'm right, it just means that it's what I think... people tend to gather in groups to drink, gamble and have fun, postponing their return to their home at the end of the day simply because they cannot see the cozy home they imagined when they got married there. And, because their expectations are not met, they prefer to move away from that place they consider not welcoming, rather than trying to transform it into the paradise of their dreams... make that your home. Because many times the house is transformed into something to be shown to visitors... the more beautiful and tidy the house is, the more successful and happy the couple will appear in the eyes of others...

When it's just the two of them, away from the eyes of the audience, they end up arguing over trifles that end up undermining their relationship, until the definitive breakup happens. And it would be so simple to prevent things from getting to that point... all you had to do was listen to the voice of love...

It's seven and a half hours on this cloudy Monday, where the thermometers are showing 22ºC, but the feeling is much lower, due to the relative humidity of the air... the forecast is for rain in the afternoon...

May this be the best Monday we've ever had in our lives, and may God bless our homes. See you tomorrow, God willing... Kisses...


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