Why do you cry in the afternoon?

Your cry saddens the way

Why do you cry, if you have the beauty of the sun and the flower?

Why do you cry, the afternoon knowing that there is another day?

And the joy after the storm

It's sunny day...

When the day is cloudy, depending on our mood, sadness usually hits us. Of course, as I said, it depends on the moment we live. For even though rain is something essential, it is a harbinger of sadness in some moments of our lives. This becomes real if we are being dumped by someone dear to us, by someone for whom we would give our own lives. Especially if this someone is our first love...

Funny how the world makes us deal with all the feelings. Sometimes it comes in homeopathic doses, sometimes it comes in a whirlwind. And when we are teenagers and we experience our first love... oh my God! We keep counting the minutes that separate us from our good, and our desire is that he will always stay by our side, and that he will not leave, because the separation will be unbearable for our being. My God, everything our love does for us is beautiful. A simple little flower, plucked from the middle of the bush and offered to us, is the most beautiful of all the treats we could receive. And if he, complementing his gesture of love, puts the flower in our hair... well, then we really don't have anything else to say. We can even decorate, with our own hands, our hair with the flower received. But it will never be the same. When our darling is the one who decides to put the flower, and still comes up with that well-worn phrase, but still so beautiful:- "a flower for another flower" - well, how can we not melt?

The walks... ah, the walks we take, hand in hand, hearts pounding with happiness... we walk through the park and every little thing we notice in Nature has a very special air for us. Yes, because we are walking together with our loved one... a butterfly that perches on a flower, a bird singing on a tree branch, a rosebush in full bloom... the stream that cuts through the park and flows towards the rivers of life ... everything, everything has a special beauty for us, in that moment... and in those unique moments we are absolutely sure that nothing in the Infinite will separate us...

Of course I'm talking about that first love in our lives when we still don't have the true dimension of the world nor do we know exactly why we approach someone... it's still the innocent love, which will bring us the discoveries of life. We will have good and bad things. We will discover over time that the person we idolize may not like us as much as we would like them to. And when we find out that we're being ripped off, through the gossip of some "friends"... yes, our rosy world collapses. Let's confront our loved one, in the hope that he will deny everything that is jumping our eyes. And our hope is that, even contradicting all the evidence, he loves us and only us... because we need to be unique in people's lives, especially if they are the owners of our heart.

Well, when we learn about the betrayal through other people's comments, we still have a thread of hope that it's all just a big misunderstanding. But what about when we catch our partner kissing and hugging someone else? Our first impulse is to fly on their necks... normally, nobody does that. There are exceptions, of course... well, even in that case, that of catching our love cheating on someone else, we try to blame the rival and not him. For your love for us is pure and beautiful and innocent like the flower... well, of course we're going to have a fight. After all, we need an explanation for the unexplainable. And depending on his lip, we swallowed the excuse hook and all.

We have an uncontrollable need to be loved. And we do everything to keep that love, including swallowing our pride and accepting situations that we wouldn't normally accept. But every situation we go through in life has its limits. And sometimes it's our limit that extrapolated. We are going to suffer, our world is going to end, but we do our best and try to get back on top. That's still good. But when our partner ends the relationship... well, the tragedy takes on Homeric proportions, how are we going to manage to survive this? Will the sun rise tomorrow and still find us here? Perhaps... but the afternoon will cry along with us, and will try to console us for the loss of such an important part of our life... and then we will stop being so naive and innocent, because we discover the hard way that life is hard...

It's seven twenty-five minutes into this Friday, which promises to be beautiful and sunny. Yes, there are chances of rain during the day, but it can still be warm to make our day even more beautiful... may this weekend be simply spectacular in the lives of all of you... and may today be the day be simply amazing and bring only good things in each one's life.

May God pour his Blessing on our heads and grant us the best of all the days that we have lived until today. See you tomorrow, if He so permits...


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