I want to see myself in nineteen ninety-six
Because I want to know how things are going to be there
I need to see myself in nineteen ninety-six
And say yes or no to the life processes there
The other day I dreamed I was in a giant arena
I was the rarest object sold at auction
Laughter resounded throughout this merchant arena.
And I was a dull clown sold at auction
And I looked at everything in silence
And I had faith in that hand
And I heard the prices screamed
And I shut up my heart

José Roberto Monteiro Surian, wrote this beautiful song, which was the theme of the soap opera "The Prophet", on Rede Tupi de Televisão. The story, written by Ivani Ribeiro, tells the story of a young man who has the gift of premonition. But the song talks about a little more than that. She talks about how faith is treated in this world, where it is only worth as one more commodity, which must be exploited... and, in a way, this is what happens in our daily lives. We are trained to believe in something, and after we are, shall we say, prepared for the market, we are put up for auction and sold to the highest bidder. Before you scream "sacrilege" and want to throw me on the fire, let's think a little bit...
There is an exaggerated number of religions practiced in the world. I say "exaggerated", because if God is one and created the world, there is no reason for such a great dispersion when what is at stake is the worship of the Supreme Being. But there is this... division. All are considered correct, and those who do not practice them are condemned to eternal suffering...
Perhaps the biggest problem is not the number of centers of faith that are so different from each other... although they all have certain similarities,,, but the dispersion within the same faith... I'll explain...
I am a Christian by birth. Roman Catholic, baptized as soon as I was born, with a priest and a nurse as godparents. I grew up being taken to Sunday masses throughout my childhood. I took my catechism, my first communion... my path to Paradise was being paved. However... ah, however... well, I'm curious, I like to read, and I love discovering new things. And so I threw myself into studying Greek Mythology, and I discovered that, in certain respects, our faith has many parallels with it. So I went to read a little about other mythologies, and despite the existing differences, all, without exception, have some points in common. Even in the spraying of them in various sects... but let's go back to Christianity, which is the faith I grew up with...
Well, I'm not going to talk about the historical point of view, but about how our religion is distributed around the world. And "across the world" does not mean across the entire globe, but between various communities. Well, our religion is based on the life of Jesus the Messiah who came into the world to save us from our sins. He offered himself in sacrifice, and his blood purified our souls, freeing us from original sin and opening the way so that we could one day enter Paradise. But that ends up creating a problem... if we can only be saved because He came to Earth and died to save us, does that mean that the people who came before Him were condemned to eternal suffering, since they couldn't enjoy His Benevolence ? Complicated... just like his own birth. It is part of Christian dogma that Mary conceived her divine son in a virginal state. It is not something impossible, if we consider that the woman was impregnated without having a complete carnal relationship, so to speak. But without any kind of physical contact... well, that's another story. But we are not going to go into that area, as it would not be very good to discuss it. Let's talk about another point in history. In all existing mythologies, it is common for a virgin to serve as, so to speak, a surrogate mother for the generation of a child of some divine on duty. Okay, let's accept that, since most religions around the world, since the dawn of civilization, take such a meaning for granted...
One of the things I disagree with about this liturgy is exactly this... how can a mere mortal conceive of an immortal being, a being endowed with powers beyond our imagination? For this she too must be divine. But the liturgy denies this condition to our heroine until the moment of the death of her divine son. Later, much later, they admit that she, for having brought the savior of humanity into the world, is also, in a certain way, the Supreme Mother of all men on earth. But... ah, but... well, not everyone agrees with that view and then the church begins to split, and each faction is absolutely sure that the right way to go is the way it professes. What's up...
Well, in my personal view... it's not what the Church professes, it's my point of view... Mary is the third element of the Holy Trinity. For some reason that I can't explain, at some point they decided to take away her sanctity... but think about it... Holy Trinity is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the manifestation of the Father... that is, He is quoted twice, which makes the Trinity a Duo... and if Mary is the third element...? Well, that would be The Father, The Mother and The Son, which would really be a Trinity... but it's better to leave that discussion there, isn't it?
What is really under discussion, at this moment, is the auction made by the preachers of the faith, in an attempt to gather new believers to their hosts... and with them, to fight against the pagans and convert them to their faith, because only they there is the path that leads to paradise...
It's 7:50 am on this sunny Monday, where the thermometers are showing 23°C right now... there's a chance of rain later...
May God give us a simply wonderful day and may everything we hope and desire in our lives be granted to us by the Most High, if that is His Will...

May God bless us all and allow us to meet again tomorrow...


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