It's so quiet at night

The night belongs to the two of us

Nobody loved like that

There's no need to love later

When tomorrow separates us

In our memory will remain

summer kisses

moonlight tenderness

The whispering breeze

Your song

Everything has soft charm

when the night comes

The night is ours alone

There is no one else in the world

  The night arrives, and with it the peace and tranquility that are denied us during the day, because a thousand duties present themselves in front of us, all of them urgent, all of them unavoidable. And because they are so important and urgent, they don't allow us to think about anything... we don't even have time to breathe, many times. Modern life (the moment we live in is modern life, no matter what era we are in) takes up all of our available time. It's the price we pay for trying to achieve our dreams. There is no guarantee that we will reach them, but if we don't, our chances will be reduced to zero... that's why we never give up. We set our goals and try to meet the goals we set, because we know that many obstacles will be in front of us, until we manage to cross the finish line. And many times, for reasons beyond our possibilities, we get close but we can't cross it... it's a frustrating situation, but it's more common than we might expect. Yes, I know that most people can reach their goals. But not a portion. And, despite the motivational speeches, the main reason why many fail is not their lack of will to fight, but the fear of giving up some small conquests they achieved in their race for life. Yes, for the vast majority of people, the saying "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" is the guideline of their lives. Because he's simply afraid of throwing himself headlong into an adventure that has no guarantees that it will succeed... after all, that kind of leap in the dark requires long-term planning, and most poor mortals can't even plan a relays weekend...

In order to fulfill our goals and reach our final objective, we often have to give up several things that are dear to us. We stay away from our loved ones, for example. Sometimes, even living in the same house, we go months without seeing a familiar face, as time runs against us and we have to work hard so that we can beat him, or at least draw with him. Social life has to be crossed off our agenda. Because during our race to success, social life will simply cease to exist for us. Outings, family reunions, meeting friends on weekends, all of this will be excluded from our priorities. Love life simply won't exist, because we don't know for how long we will have to give up any kind of involvement... yes, because loving someone requires time and dedication, and while we are focused on our goals, all our time can only be directed to them. After all, when we finally reach our goals, when we finally reach success, we will be prepared for the approaching sunset. And then, finally, we will be able to appreciate the calm and tenderness of the night that will begin...

We will know love, and in the warmth of our bedroom, we will have the tranquility so often dreamed of... then we will share our dreams and desires with the chosen person, we swear eternal love and surrender to the intoxication of the passion that will be eternal while it lasts... because passion is a flame that goes out when the night ends... and when the day begins, all we have will be the sweet memories of the moments of love and tenderness experienced by us....

It's 7:50 am on Tuesday where we have a feeling of cold due to the air unit. Thermometers show 21ºC right now, and it could reach 30ºC... but, if it rains, the feeling of cold will remain...

May God bless us all, allowing us to follow the paths of Love and preparing us to walk in this life towards Heavenly Paradise, when we will be together with all our loved ones who have passed away...

See you tomorrow, if God allows it, and may He grant us the best Tuesday we've ever had the privilege of living. May He grant us His Peace and His Divine Love....


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