I see trees of green and red roses too

I watch them bloom for me and you

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

Music is, without a doubt, the universal expression of Love. Music is poetry. Music is the celebration of life. And it doesn't matter where in the world she comes from. We will always meet with beautiful odes to Love and Life...

Today I woke up with the melody of What a wonderful world in my head. The deep and at the same time soft voice of Louis Armstrong echoed in my mind, singing such beautiful poetry, which invites us to reflect on the world... it is one of my favorite songs. I remember when I was still in high school, I got goosebumps when I heard that song on the radio. I always called it "my song of the night", because it seems to rock our dreams and make us dream, exactly what we don't know at the moment, but it gives us such inner peace... well, I can't speak for others, but that's how I feel, when I hear it...

When the poetic persona invites us to admire the flowers and trees, I instantly feel back to my childhood, when the backyard of my house was a huge enchanted forest of flowers of all kinds and colors... roses, palm trees , evergreen dahlias, daisies... and, around our street, trees of various types and sizes, gracing us with their perfume and beauty. Yes, the dynamics of life were different, nature still prevailed as far as our eyes could see. The green of the meadows, the blue of the lakes and streams, the flight of birds of all kinds, echoing their song in the sky in homage to the life that swarmed in every bit of the forest, the song of the cicada in spring, the butterflies fluttering around the flower in bloom, competing with the bees and hummingbirds for the essential nectar of its life...yes, it was too beautiful.

The clear blue sky, the white clouds like cotton floating through space... made us dream of beautiful and wonderful things, which we didn't quite know what they were. But we felt happy, just being able to admire that beautiful and majestic sky... And when night fell and all the daytime animals gathered for their deserved rest and the sound of the night filled the air with its beauty... and the sky... oh, the sky! The stars shone in the firmament like small jewels encrusted in the mantle of the Lord, who came to watch over our deserved rest. The moon was still the lover's confidant and the shooting stars granted the wish of whoever saw them cross the sky. Small fireflies replicated the brightness of the sky between the leaves of the plants, giving a beautiful and wonderful effect to the world...

And when the rain came, combined with the sun in the sky? "Sun and rain, widow's wedding", said the children, jumping in the pools of water that formed. Everyone on their feet, because shoes were rare around here... we got wet, but we had fun. Of course, mothers didn't like this story of getting wet in the rain, but who said they could hold us? And then, when the rain eased, that beautiful figure of the Rainbow formed in the sky, with its dazzling colors... . After all, the stories your ancestors tell you are what will make you admire or fear anything. Even my mother, depending on the brightness emanating from the "old woman's arch", as the old people on my street called it, would do a spell to "cut" and destroy the arch, as it was evil. And she made us hide from him. But it was such a beautiful thing... how could it be a bad thing?...

And we come to the little ones. The cry of babies is something that enchants everyone. The effect is not always the same, some like it, others just hate it. In fact, I swear I don't understand how anyone can dislike a baby or a child. My God, everyone was once small... "children take work, and when they grow up they become unbearable"... I don't know, but I think these people mirror themselves in the world around them. I love the little ones. I am surprised with each achievement they reach, and as the song says, I know they will learn things I could never imagine...

There is nothing more beautiful than friendship, and love... friendship is an expression of love for your fellow man. Perhaps it is a purer feeling than love for a partner, because while you expect reciprocity and loyalty from your partner, you expect nothing from your friend. You give your unconditional love to him, and if it returns, good. If not, there will be no charge on this...

Yes, seeing all these things happening around us, I can only say that George David Weiss and Robert Thiele were at a very special time in their lives when they wrote this poem, for I really fear I have to say, out loud to the world... THAT WONDERFUL WORLD....

It's eight o'clock in the morning of this cold and cloudy Saturday. At this moment the thermometers are marking 17ºC. If it doesn't rain, maybe warm up a little later...

May God allow us to live a wonderful day and may Love be something always present in our lives. May He bless us all and, if that is His wish, tomorrow we will be together again. Kisses to all...


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