The most beautiful dreams, I dreamed

From a thousand chimeras, I built a castle

And in your gaze, dizzy with emotion

With eagerness, a thousand fortunes I foresaw

Your body is light, seduction

Divine poem full of splendor

Your smile captivates, inebriates, intoxicates

You are fascination, love

Our life is made of dreams. He who does not have the ability to dream is unhappy. Why? Simple... dreams are the north of our life. All we have to guide our destiny are our hopes, our daydreams. And as much as we try to be rational, if we don't have a little bit of fantasy in our thoughts, a little bit of illusion about how our future will be... deep depression. That's because life is a succession of inconsistencies. We are not sure of anything that may or may not happen to us a few minutes ahead in our future. That is, the main ingredient present in our lives is the blind and unshakable faith that we will achieve all our goals. Some people refuse to recognize this, that life is just a dream that we live minute by minute. Others already cling to this like the lifeline that the shipwrecked person finds in the middle of the ocean. That can help you wait for help to arrive. Which may or may not come. But hope keeps that being, on the verge of the final abyss, fighting until his last breath for the survival of the mishaps he is going through. Of course, the mention of the shipwrecked man here is a mere figure of speech, only by way of illustration of an extreme situation. But that repeats itself at all times in our lives. He doubts? So let's go...

I wake up in the morning, take a shower, then go have my breakfast... it could be a light meal or something a little more substantial, the important thing is that I'm satisfied at the end of that little meal... well, I'm going to get dressed, I choose that blue dress that I think is beautiful... I choose the shoes I like the most, I decide if I'm going to wear socks or not... if it's too hot, definitely not. Well, I'm finally dressed up, ready for the daily battle. But... wait a minute... I missed fixing my hair, makeup... which lipstick am I going to use? The nude or the fire red? Well... then the nail polish... a very discreet one or a bright color? It doesn't matter... after I manage to go through this battery of choices (of course I'm skipping stages, otherwise I'd be here all day) I'm finally ready to hit the streets and face my daily commitments. I'm running to the bus stop, hoping that it's not late and that it's at least a little empty, so I can catch it... Did you notice something in this little report I made? From the moment I got out of bed, until the moment I headed to the bus stop, only one thing moved me through life... hope. The faith. I went to sleep not really sure I would wake up in the morning. Even so, I set the alarm clock to call me when I needed to get up. I went to the bathroom, certain that I would have water to bathe in... but nothing in the world could guarantee that I would be able to do that. When I went to get my coffee... well, I know what you're thinking... if I had the ingredients in the pantry, of course I could make my breakfast any way I wanted... not quite , and for a thousand reasons. But let's leave that there for now... well, even when I'm going to choose what clothes to wear, my faith is what allows me to do it... after all, a thousand things can happen when choosing... and most things aren't very good, no... well, having beaten all these stages, I'm hoping that the bus didn't go too early and that it won't be late... that it won't be too crowded, so that I can enter it... and, deep down in my soul, I have the vain hope that it will come empty, so that I can travel seated... do you understand, now? My day hasn't even started right, and all that drives me through life is my faith that everything will work out. Of course, most of the time it will. But sometimes the imponderable interferes with our routine, and then...

Anyway, faith and hope are present in every moment of our lives, from our birth until the time we return to where we came from. Of course, some people only believe in the here and now, but they still haven't realized that their very existence on this plane is a divine miracle. That your life is driven by dreams, daydreams, hope... that all your plans are nothing more than chimeras, and that your castle is made of the same matter as the clouds, where a simple wind can tear it apart....

It's seven forty-five minutes into this Wednesday where the sky is overcast, which means it might rain later... or not. We are at 22ºC at the moment, so we can reach 30ºC like yesterday... for now, the temperature is pleasant...

May God grant us the best of all Wednesdays we've ever lived in our lives. May He allow us a peaceful day, free from tribulations and allow us to discern right from wrong... May He bless us all. Stay with God and see you tomorrow, if He allows it...


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