prepare your heart

For the things I'm going to tell

I come from the hinterland

I come from the hinterland

I come from the hinterland

And I may not like you...

Good Morning. After a little absence of 24 hours (not so little... I was just agonized that I couldn't be with you yesterday! But we don't always manage to reach the goals we set, and sometimes God says it's not time to we say or do what is our desire, but it is not His. And we have to accept it...) I am together with you again. You have no idea how much I missed this contact yesterday. It doesn't seem like it, but the moment I write to you is the most important moment of the day for me. But we don't always succeed, do we? It's part of life...

Well, today I chose the song by Théo Azevedo and Geraldo Vandré as the guiding thread of my narrative. This tune was the winner, along with Banda de Chico Buarque, of the Festival de Musica Popular Brasileira in 1966, in the beautiful interpretation of Jair Rodrigues. Entitled "Taureau", this song was recorded in French and was performed by the singer Frida Boccara... but... what was I going to talk about, really?

Well, at first what the lyrics say is that universal truth that we all know, but that we prefer not to remember... that life is finite, and that we are fragile like a simple crystal glass, where anything... anything even, it can turn off the light of our essence...

We have a life a well defined hierarchy. Who established it, I don't know. But it has existed since human beings decided to live in society. We don't know exactly why, but the large group was divided into several degrees of importance, where each element has its well-defined position. It starts from the lowest class and gradually rises to the most prominent positions. And there are many ways to reach the top, but few are allowed to complete the journey. As I said, there is nothing written that defines this or that, but the rules are faithfully obeyed, even if we don't really understand why it has to be like that...

Strange, isn't it? After all, even if theoretically, all people are equal and have the same rights. But in practice, some have more rights than others. And this maxim is accepted by the group. And the decisions of the occupants of the highest ranks of society are accepted as absolute truth, leaving no room for questioning... in fact, people never question it at all. Oh yes, I'm not talking about politics, I think it's better to clarify. I'm talking about the life of ordinary people in everyday life, without any bias...

We are just numbers in the group we belong to. Yes, of course we have our friends who support us whenever we need it, but if one of us is absent, he will automatically be replaced by another and the Wheel of Life will continue to turn without any interruption, most of the members of the group will not even will realize that there was an exchange during the course. As the song says, "I used to be an ox in the herd, but one day I got on, not for my own reason, or anyone else's, that any want had, but out of necessity, from the owner of a herd, whose cowboy died". .. do you understand? The central character of the song explains that she was part of the mass, but that at a certain point she was elevated to the position of leader of one of the many existing groups, not because she claimed that position, but because someone stopped being part of the group for reasons of strength. older... passed away... and they needed someone to help lead the group... and that's how the world works... we are mere components of a machine that needs all its elements to be working perfectly, otherwise the whole society collapses. Therefore, the individual is nothing before the group in which he participates. However, if he is raised to more important positions in this group, he will be defended by this group, even at the cost of the lives of the lower castes. Because he is important so that the group does not disperse...

Of course, as you climb new positions in society your eyes will open and you accept, or not, the rules of the game. If you don't accept it, you will be deleted and another will be pinched to take your place...

It's 7:50 am on a cloudy Tuesday morning, with rain forecast for the afternoon. We are at 19ºC at the moment and, if the rain forecast is confirmed, temperatures will remain low for a few more days...

May God grant us a simply wonderful day in our lives, may this be the best of all Tuesdays we've ever lived. May God bless us all and see you tomorrow, if He allows it...


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