Chapter Forty-Six

- Deputy, you're right...

Doctor Carneiro examined the corpse in front of him, paying special attention to the cut on the victim's neck. He had been examining the place with a magnifying glass for a long time, hoping to find something that could clarify what was happening. After much searching, he finally found some remains of fat. But such a small amount, it was almost impossible to detect unless he knew what to look for. It was a stroke of luck, but what mattered was that they got something more... finally the mystery of the lack of blood at the scene was discovered. Probably the worms (I don't know if I could classify them like that) accompanied the monster and cleaned the place, after it feasted... well, but we still had to find out what... and what... this monster was. Until now it had no form or appearance. The only thing that was known for sure was that he was hematophagous. And the worms were just his companions...

- It's a shame you weren't able to capture one of the leeches...

- Izabel stopped me... it's as if she knew that it represented danger...

- It must certainly be dangerous, yes... after all, there is evidence of a very strong acid in the traces of the adipose material...

- What I don't understand, doctor, is how the animal disappeared into the earth...

- Really, it's strange... but what's not strange about this story?

- Like this?

- Well, there must be some logical explanation for what you saw in the field... after all, a body doesn't disappear like that, out of nowhere...

- I agree with you... but the thing simply disappeared... and without leaving a trace...

- I think next time I'll go together to collect the bodies... suddenly I can discover something more, checking the place...

- Yes, doctor.... getting out of your office for a bit will help a lot...

At that moment Izabel entered the morgue, where the doctor was performing the autopsy. She walked over to the lifeless body, examined it, and suddenly turned the body face down. With this gesture, her head almost came off the trunk... Juvêncio and Dr. Carneiro stared at the girl without understanding what was happening. After some time, the girl motioned for the doctor to come closer, and pointed to a specific place on the body...

Curious, Juvêncio also approached to check what the girl had found. On her spine, about five fingers below her neck, there was a gray mark... it was so small, almost imperceptible, where hardly anyone would notice it. The doctor began to examine the wound. He discovered that a fibrous nodule had formed beneath the skin. Both the doctor and Juvêncio were intrigued by that... what could that nodule really be? The doctor took a scalpel and made a small incision at the site. To his astonishment, the nodule ended in the spinal column... and then they discovered that not only the blood, but also the Cerebrospinal Fluid had been completely drained.

- And this, now...

- What's up, doctor? What do you think?

- I do not know what to think. I've never seen this...

- Neither do I, doctor... nor do I... and I've seen a lot of strange things in my life...

- But who the hell could pierce a bone to suck out the marrow?

- How it is?...

- How much do you want to bet that if I examine any bone in this corpse, it won't have bone marrow?

- I don't like betting... besides, I believe in you...

- Honestly, Juvêncio... while it was just blood... okay, it's tragic, but it's acceptable...

- Yeah... we could even say that this was natural...

- But when the liquids from the bones are also drained... well, then things start to get complicated...

Santana also entered the Morgue, accompanied by Graça and Rosa. They looked curiously at the body. They didn't ask questions, even because they wouldn't know what to ask. Carneiro finished his examination, his expression closed, as if he was thinking about what was happening. Juvêncio, serious, stood next to the stretcher, observing the livid body in front of him. Yes, he had more evidence than he had a day ago. But it still wasn't enough to get an idea of what he would actually face. Apparently Izabel would have to be trusted... although the first time the group leader was Graça, this time she was the one taking the initiatives...

What was irritating our friend a little was the exasperating silence of the three girls. When he met them they talked to each other, as they say. When they met again, the girls were still talkative. After they disappeared and were found by him, there was only silence. At times they seemed scattered, as if they didn't know exactly where they were.

- And then, Juvêncio?

- Hmm...?

- Do you have any idea what's going on?

- Santana, I can only say that he's a vampire... other than that, I don't know anything else, at least for now...

- That's terrible...

- You can't imagine how much... Doctor Carneiro, one question....

- Can...

- How long do you think people took to die?

- With your neck almost ripped off? Instant death...

- But the bodies were in supine position... it didn't look like they had been turned over after they were dead...

- I understood your question... but I would still say it was instant death...

- Why?

- Well, whatever killed these people, attacked their spine... and the way it was done must have taken their lives right away...

- "He must"?...

- I can't say for sure that this is what happened... but the spine is a very delicate region... depending on how you fall, for example... it could be fatal...

- But sometimes the person stays alive.

- Yes... sometimes with consequences... like being paralyzed, for example...

- Well, that's not what we're talking about, is it?

- I don't think so...

- Ram...

- You can talk, Santana...

- You said this... thing... sucked these people to their bones?

- Yes... they were completely drained...

- But apparently they are perfect...

- And...?

- And shouldn't they have some after-effects... I don't know... like... aging?

- Why?

- Well... there's no liquid in your body...

- And...?

- And that's it... I think they should look very... different. After all, apart from the almost torn off head, the bodies look perfectly normal....

- Santana, I don't know how to explain this. I know it's a little strange....

- Do you agree with me, then?

- Until I understand what's going on here, I'm open to all suggestions...


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