Chapter Fifty-Five

The first shadows of night reached the group in their incessant search for Anhangá's lair. Their journey took them to the river, near the waterfall. They did not believe that this could be the creature's hiding place, but Juvêncio, based on his experience in cases like this, did not rule out any hypothesis. Therefore, as they approached the waterfall, he signaled to his companions to spread out around the place, not losing sight of the waterfall...

Why was Juvêncio sure that this could be the place he was looking for? Well, after a life on the road, he learned that springs and waterfalls were favorite places for supernatural beings to take shelter from human gaze.

It seemed logical. After all, that being had already existed in the region for a good couple of years... decades... centuries, perhaps. And his address was never located. The fact that he was a creature from beyond the grave did not explain how this was possible, as they certainly looked for him when the previous attacks took place. Even though they were afraid of a mysterious entity, groups of hunters certainly pursued the beast. And they never found her...

From what Matilde had discovered in her research, the creature was older than the history of the region itself. After all, stories about it went back generations to the first known people. What do you mean, perhaps you're wondering?... Well, artifacts prior to the arrival of the first known groups of indigenous people in the region already bore strange inscriptions, which referred to a blood-sucking monster. From these artifacts, it was deduced that they made sacrifices to appease their strange god... who didn't exactly seem to be a benevolent god.

Ah, yes... these artifacts were relics found during the construction of the first houses of the white conquerors. It is true that much of the material found was destroyed, but there is always a prodigal soul who wants to know the origin of everything... and a certain colonel, owner of one of the first farms in the place, upon realizing the historical value of the pieces found, He collected them and kept them as if they were a priceless treasure... and they really were.

Of course, not much was saved from what was found... about twenty pieces, more or less. But they told a story. Cave drawings narrated a visual story, showing the creature's attack on the natives of the region and its relentless hunt, until its disappearance.

Am I making this up? Of course. Everything I'm telling you really happened. Of course, this happened a long time ago, but as I said, Matilde, being a person who studies society's past, had access to these pieces, whose owner never revealed the identity. She also never said how she found out about them, although that is easier to deduce... After all, who doesn't like to show off their treasures to those who know how to appreciate them, who know how to value what really has value?

When Matilde passed this information to Juvêncio, he mentally compared it with what he had already experienced in other situations. And he came to the conclusion that water was the key to everything. Because one of the pictograms resembled a waterfall...

Of course, he didn't expect the design to be faithful to the region's landscape... after all, everything changes over the years. And certainly, since those artifacts were left in the place where they were found until the moment they saw sunlight again, a lot has changed in the region.

People came, conquered the land, fought, were defeated, left... others came. And so the years went by. The only thing that remained untouched in the region was the ghostly being... it had been sleeping for a few decades. And then he returned, to exact his blood tribute...

From what Juvêncio could understand, at some point in the history of the region, the creature had been worshiped as a god. Yes, from what Matilde told him, he deduced that somewhere in that forest there must be a place reserved for the worship of Anhangá. In fact, why not? Even the current indigenous people, although they did not worship him in any way, considered him a god...

That the creature had powers and that it did not belong to that plane, Juvêncio had indisputable proof. After all, changing the entire structure of an animal, transforming it into a completely different one... well, an ordinary being wouldn't be able to do it...

It was for no other reason that they were exploring that place... after all, the original people always tried to stay close to the springs... or even waterfalls. And, if there was a sanctuary dedicated to the beast, erected at some point in human history in that location, it was most likely there. He who has eyes, let him see, said the wise men of antiquity. And that was what Juvêncio was trying to do at that moment... see the place destined for the worship of the beast...

After searching for a long time and finding nothing, Juvêncio thought it best for everyone to hide in the surroundings and keep an eye on the river. Because he was sure that that would be where the creature would appear. "But how"? Maybe you're wondering... "don't they say vampires can't cross running water?" Well, there are vampires and vampires... as I said above, this one was on a higher level compared to its peers... it had the status of "god".

Juvêncio was sure about this because the three Marys were messengers of the gods. And he knew he couldn't count on them until the final hour, when everything would be resolved, for better or for worse. But he knew that, despite this, it was necessary to keep them with the group. They would be your main protection against the creature of the night.

Confused? Not so much. Although they could not interfere in the fight between the group and the entity, it would not attack them openly as long as the trio remained alongside the entourage. They were the Walküren... the messengers of death. And no mystical entity wished to cross the path of these Amazons, whose main objective was to lead her back to the kingdom beyond...


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