Chapter Forty-Eight

- Santana...

- Speak, Carneiro...

- I already know how the "car" drives...

- It is like?

- You will not believe...

- Speak once, man of God...

- The car is electric....

- I didn't understand...

- It moves with electricity...

- So you can't walk with him in the city....

- Why?

- You're not going to walk on the train tracks, are you?

- Huh, why would I do that?

- You said the car is electric...

- Yes, you ignoramus. But the car has a battery, which is charged from the electrical grid...

- Oh... and how long does this charge last?

- I think about two hours....

- Then you have to reload again...

- That...

- What if the charge ends in a place without power?

- Then it chipped...

- Yeah... with the horse, there's no such problem...

- But I didn't say I bought an electric car...

- How not?

- I told you there's a new company there in America... now I know the name... it's Ford. They're making cars that run on gasoline.

- And that's the one you're going to buy...

- I'm still thinking...

- That's right... you have to think about it...

- Look... there are already some gas stations around this world... but it's more prudent to wait a little longer...

And so the two friends continued to talk pleasantly, even to escape the low spirits that dominated the environment. Carneiro talked about his dreams, Santana talked about life and so the two moved on...

Marieta, after finishing her duties at the morgue, decides to join her boss and his friend. After all, she had already finished preparing the bodies... with the help of some friends, of course... and she thought about getting away from that smell of death that permeated her entire workplace.

- So, Marieta... ready to take Dr. Carneiro's place?

- Imagine, doctor... I still have a lot to learn...

- But you know that he will travel and leave you to take care of everything....

- Yes... the doctor told me... I'm studying everything I can...

-And she's an excellent student, Santana... she's the most dedicated person I've met to date...

Marieta blushes at the compliment.

- You were lucky... you got an excellent assistant...

- And you will have a first-class doctor. She is more competent than many of my graduate colleagues, there in the Capital....

- You are very kind, Doctor Carneiro...

- He's right, Marieta... when people come to the office, they always ask about you...

- See... some prefer to be attended to by her... they don't even want my services anymore...

- This is bad?

- Of course not, Santana... that means I prepared my replacement well...

- Thank you very much, doctor...

- And tomorrow, Carneiro?

- What's tomorrow?

- Will you go along and collect the bodies?

- Ah... the field work... no, I won't, no...

- Huh... but you said...

- I know what I said... but tomorrow Delegate Juvêncio is going with his assistant and the three girls to the Indian village...

- And?

- So I prefer to wait for them to come back...

- Huh... and why is that?

- Honestly... I feel safer escorted by those five...

- But I can protect you, boy... or don't you trust me anymore?

- That's not it, Santana... you know we're dealing with supernatural forces....

- Yeah... you could see...

- And we are laymen on this subject.

- And?

- So, if we are with someone who understands the risk, we can find some new clues for the case...

- Aries... are you scared? The beast only attacks at night...

- It's not that, Santana... it's just that Juvêncio knows what to look for... it makes our work easier.

- So it's not fear...

- Of course not, man...

- If you are saying...

- Marieta, do we have any commitments for this afternoon?

- No, doctor... no appointments scheduled, only if an emergency arises...

- Well, then I think we can take the rest of the day off...

- What do you intend to do, Carneiro?

- I was thinking about going to the creek, fishing a little...

- But, man... you don't even like fish...

- I don't want to eat the fish... just fish...

- Can I go with you gentlemen?

- Of course yes, Marieta....

- But I'll let you know that I'm not going to clean or fry the fish...

- Don't worry, girl... we never fish anything, anyway...

- That's it... we just go fishing for fun, really...

- So let's go... just let me go get the reeds and the samburá...

And off the three of them headed to the river, spending a few hours without thinking about the problems that were around them, nor about those that would certainly appear...

Each one thought of something pleasant... Santana dreamed of finally solving the mystery of the deaths and, who knows, getting a promotion in the police... Carneiro continued to dream about his future car... there would have to be a way to achieve it buy it... he already had the money, the problem really was how to maintain the vehicle... but there certainly had to be a way... Marieta was a little worried... after all, when the doctor retired ... and intended to retire as quickly as possible... health of the citizens was in her hands... and she was afraid of not being able to take care of everyone as she was doing under the supervision of her mentor...

Soon they reached the banks of the river. It was a pleasant afternoon, and Marieta, although she was not willing to clean or prepare any of her friends' fish, carried a basket with a snack that she had prepared, while the two packed their fishing gear.

They stayed for a long time on the banks of the river, hook thrown into the water, while the fishermen lay under the trees, enjoying that lazy afternoon... the sun walked slowly across the sky and the white clouds that passed through the sky gave the world a feeling of peace that those three hadn't felt in their souls for a long time...

The three were dozing, when one of the rods... precisely the one in Marieta's care... gave a sign that she had hooked something. The girl was excited by such a feat... she had never fished before, and was loving the experience... her companions began to instruct her on how to proceed and, after a few minutes, she brought a reasonably sized fish to the bank. ...

- Congratulations, girl... you're the first to catch something in this stretch of river... Santana and I only managed to catch colds, really...

- And how were you the one who caught him....

-Ah... sorry... I brought you lunch... how about if you were gentlemen and did this for me?

- Touché!

- The girl gave us a low blow!

- Oh, boys... please...

- And then, Carneiro?

- Can you say no to her?

Marieta smiled... she, like Santana, hated fish... but it was fun to participate in that fishing trip... Carneiro and Santana also smiled... the fact that they never caught anything in their fishing trips was that they just threw the line into the water with the weight of the hook... but they didn't use either hook or bait... after all, they didn't really want to catch anything... they just went to that place to rest. Fishing was an excuse they used... they just didn't tell the doctor's assistant... and they enjoyed her joy at having succeeded in something that, she thought, her boss had failed...


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