Chapter Fifty-Four

- Your Juvêncio...

- You can talk, Torquato...

- Is it just me, or is the animal shrinking?

- The animal is shrinking.

- But that...

- I know... you're going to say it's impossible!

- And it's not?

Doctor Carneiro also decides to talk...

- Of course it's impossible... but the animal is shrinking, yes...

- It's just that he's dying, guys....

- And?

-He is a magical animal, have you forgotten?

- And?

- So, doctor... you won't have a dinosaur to present to your scientist friends...

- What do you mean, delegate?

- I already know what it is, doctor.... the lizard turned into a tegu...

Everyone, with the exception of Juvêncio, who was already familiar with things from the beyond, and the three Marias, who were also mystical creatures in a certain way, were astonished at what was happening. In fact, the immense dinosaur, which a few moments ago had launched itself against the group in a furious attack, had suddenly become a lizard no more than fifty centimeters long...

- You know what that means, don't you?

Juvêncio looked at the group when he asked the question. Everyone looked at him strangely. No, they didn't know what that meant...

- Guys... it's clear... the vampire transforms any available animal into his mount... which happens to be the lizard...

- And the vampire?...

- He must have his lair close to where we first saw him. Well, we don't recommend looking for it now... but we can do it during the day. I think the hunt is over for today... We'd better go back to the city...

- Do you think the animal won't attack anymore today?

- I don't think so... after all, he didn't expect us to confront him...

- But...

- Besides, it won't be long before the day will break... as I already explained, these monsters can't stand sunlight...

  He didn't need a second invitation. Everyone tried to mount up and head towards the city. In the name of science, Dr. Carneiro collected the lizard's carcass...

The first rays of sunlight bathed the entire plain when the group dismounted in front of the stable. They left the animals in the care of the groom and headed towards the guesthouse, to eat something and rest for a few hours. Yes, the police station would not be open that day. After all, everything was calm as far as the citizens were concerned. And, if by chance the intervention of the Law were necessary, the citizens knew where the police officer was and would certainly summon him....

Medical care for those in need was once again in the skilled hands of Marieta. Yes, Dr. Carneiro subtly let his pupil replace him on a daily basis. He did it in such a way that neither Marieta nor the patients realized when the exchange actually took place... in fact, most people referred to the girl as "Doctor Marieta"... and there were already many patients... especially the women women... who preferred to consult with the girl...

It was around noon when everyone got up, ready for action. They tried to have lunch and then left for action. The plan for the day? Find out where the vampire's lair was. This had to be done during the day, because at night the being was too powerful... not that during the day he was completely defenseless... of course not. Your resting place would definitely be well protected.

When they were getting ready to leave, Marieta arrived at the guesthouse. She needed to talk to Doctor Carneiro. She had a patient who would need a small surgical intervention. And although she helped the doctor in many operations, she didn't feel confident enough to take the risks. She talked to the doctor, explained the symptoms and asked him to help her... after listening to everything her pupil had to say, she told her to schedule the surgery for the next day... and he would help her.

Marieta returned to the office, tense. It would be the third day that she would practice alone, without the help of her mentor. Was she prepared? Of course she did... but she still felt a little insecure...

Finally the delegation set off. They had to discover the place where Anhangá (for lack of a better name) was hiding. After riding for some time, they finally arrived at the previous day's location. They tried to make the animals as comfortable as possible and began to beat the track, looking for any clue they could find.

Again it was Torquato who discovered the first signs of the vampire's passage. It was by chance. Some dead animals. Medium sized. A peccary, two wolves... and even a jaguar. All with their throats cut. With his head almost severed...

- Mr. Juvêncio, it wasn't the lizard that cut off the heads, no...

- I understand, Torquato... what do you say, doctor?

- That claw wasn't from the dinosaur... but from our friend Anhangá.

- But why did he kill these animals? Isn't he the protector of the forest?

- Who, Dona Matilde?

- Anhangá, Juvêncio... they say he protects animals against hunters... it doesn't make sense...

- Dona Matilde... understand one thing... this being we are hunting is a vampire... it is not the guardian of anything. And he attacked these animals because he was still hungry... and was in a hurry to protect himself against the day...

- But... from what I understand, he's been here for a long time... and never...

- Dona Matilde, this being remains in a dormant state for some time. Then he returns to life to satisfy his hunger. That's what happens...

- Our! But this is so...

- Wild, I know... but, if you think about it, we're not very different from him...

- Do you think you look like a vampire?!!

- Don't you eat chicken, pork... cattle in general?

- Yes, of course... God left these animals to satisfy our hunger...

- Make sure animals shouldn't think that way. If they could escape the fate we have in store for them, they would certainly do so...

- But, Juvêncio, it's not the same thing...

- Think about it... what if, instead of being born human, a chicken had been born, for example? Would it be fair for humans to kill their peers to satisfy their hunger?

- No but...

- I think you understand now... In the case of the vampire, he also thinks that his creator left us on this earth to feed him...

Matilde crossed herself...

- Stop the heresy, Juvêncio... we were created in the image of God the Father... we were not created to be used as beef cattle...

- But that's not how the creature sees us... for it, we're nothing more than a good snack...

Matilde decided to end the conversation there... she didn't like the way it was going. The group continued in silence, following the Anhangá trail...


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