Chapter Fifty-Two

- Girls, we need to talk....

- What happened, Izabel?

- This situation we are living in...

- You mean... the hunt for Anhangá?

- Yes, Graça... I think it's time for us to act...

- Izabel... remember what Yara told us?

- Yes, Rosa... of course I remember...

- So... in that case you know we can't do anything... only as a last resort can we react...

- That's the problem, Rosa... and Graça will agree with me...

-I don't know if I agree with you, no... Yara was very clear about her instructions...

- Grace, we never ran away from the fight...

- And we are not running away... but our role in this story is just that of observers...

- My fingers are itchy, girls...

- I know you want to shoot something...but you know you can't...you're prohibited from doing that.

Yes, Izabel remembered Yara's instructions well... neither she nor her partners should take the lead in that hunt for an earth elemental. He would be confronted, yes. But not for them.

- Guys, we even know the likely locations where the monster will appear...

- I know... but we can't say a word about it... to anyone...

- The magic of the wedges was powerful... it reminded us of everything we went through in Yara's kingdom...

- It would be better if we continued in a dormant state... at least we wouldn't feel as useless as I feel right now...

- I understand you, Izabel... I swear I understand you.

- But...?

- But our orders are very clear about that...

- Was that being we found really a vampire?

- Of course... and he had some guests with him...

- For what?

-?! I did not understand the question....

- Why did he bring these... diners?...

- Look, I have no idea... but they were stuck to his body like feathers...

- It means that they are "the clothes" of the vampire...

- I think we can say yes...

- Girls, I think you're wrong...

- What do you mean, Rosa?

- Yara said something about these beings... and I don't remember exactly what, but those animals perform a very specific function for the vampire...

- And what function is this?

- There it is... I can't remember... but I know it's important...

The three girls remained silent for some time, thoughtful. Graça got up from the bed, where she was sitting, calling her friends...

- Let's go out for a bit... it's time to sunbathe...

And there the three of them went, towards the city square. As they walked, playing casually, they crossed paths with Torquato. The deputy's assistant was in a hurry, as he had slept longer than expected and was now trying to get there as quickly as he could to replace his boss. He didn't know that Juvêncio had already released him...

A few minutes later the boy arrived at the police station door. The girls decided to go in too. After all, if there was any place he could find out about the news, it was definitely there. As soon as they entered, they came face to face with Marieta, who was talking to Dr. Carneiro and Juvêncio. The three tried to understand the dynamics of the strange vampire they would face...

They were surprised by the fact that the windows were closed, and the room was lit by a lamp... until they saw the glass with the gastropod and then they understood what was happening. They immediately realized that if they opened the window and sunlight entered the enclosure, the animal would disintegrate...

Carneiro was so excited that, although he hadn't slept a single minute all morning, he remained awake as if he had just woken up.

Torquato, when he entered, asked for Deputy Santana. He was informed that he had already gone to rest, and that he could relax... everything was calm until that moment. He asked if there had been any deaths during the night and sighed with relief upon learning that nothing unusual had occurred during his patrol. This meant that there was only one supernatural being attacking the community....

- Doctor...

- What happened, girl?

- My name is Izabel, doctor...

- I'm sorry... I haven't learned your names yet...

- Okay... can I ask you a question?

- Clear...

- What is the relationship between these animals and the being we found?

- Besides covering his body?

- That...

- I still don't know... I believe they serve as protection...

- Like this?

- Well, the deputy said that this type of monster can't stand daylight...

- And...?

- And, maybe... I say maybe... they are the equivalent of animal fur...

- Like this...

- Well... let's say that being is surprised at dawn before it can escape to its burrow...

- What would happen?

- I believe that these molluscs would be consumed before reaching him... giving him time to take cover somewhere...

- And would that be possible?

- It depends on how fed they are...

- Like this?

- We did some experiments with this animal...

- And...?

- I think I'd better show you...

Doctor Carneiro makes a small cut on his finger and lets a reasonable amount of blood flow into the container. At the same moment the slug absorbs it. The doctor makes a bandage. Then, they turn off the lamp and open all the windows in the room. The sun's rays bathe the glass. The small creature begins to squirm, trying to escape the light... but it has nowhere to run. And, after some time, it slowly starts to burn. After a few minutes, it disappears completely, leaving only a little soot at the bottom of the glass. Everyone is stunned.

- As you can see, when we see the beast, its body is completely covered by these creatures. And you noticed that it takes a certain time for this slug to be consumed by the light... so the monster would have time to hide from the daylight in some hole lost in these mountains...

- And the loss of protection should be very low... as we saw, the Lagartão is very fast...

- Yes, delegate... the dinosaur is faster than our steeds...

- We have to find out where his lair is... I think it's the only way to surprise him...

- And how are we going to do that, delegate?

- I don't know yet... but by tonight I'll certainly have some idea...

- And what do we do now?

- I suggest everyone get some rest... because the night will be long...

Juvêncio got up from the chair he was sitting in, poured alcohol on the glass and set it on fire. Soon all the soot that was at the bottom of the container completely disappeared, and the glass was clean of any type of impurity...

- Guys, the game is over. Now, only when night comes will we have fun again...

And everyone, with the exception of those who needed to continue on duty, left to prepare for the upcoming hunt....


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