How sorry I am to tell you

that you can despise me

Soon, soon I know that I must leave you

I can no longer dream

you are so silent

I do not know what else to do

If you feel because of my despised fault

I know I won't be forgiven

(Valerio Negrini / Camillo Facchinetti)

There's nothing worse than falling in love with someone who's in love with someone else, right? Sometimes, when our "object of desire" breaks up with the person he loves, we feel happy, because we will finally be able to fulfill the desire of being together with our love... after all, if he broke up with his ex, it is a sign that he has not they liked it, didn't they? Unfortunately, this is not always the reality... many times, for various reasons, two people who really like each other end up separating, each one going their separate ways. And in the meantime, lost in a profusion of feelings, they end up getting sentimentally involved with other people... however, the feeling they have for each other is not over, sometimes it's just latent, others, it continues to blossom. .. and all it takes is a spark for everything to explode...

Yeah, but as long as the romance is in full swing... as long as we have the illusion that the person really likes us... wow, we're in the best of all worlds. The big problem for us, who are serving as comfort to the other person, is that we don't understand the signals that this person constantly sends us. Yes, because even when she appears to be really in love, she involuntarily sends us messages saying that she really has no interest in us... she often demonstrates a lack of interest in what we talk about, when she doesn't criticize most of the things we like. Our problem is that we always think that we can "change" the way the person treats us... without realizing that he is not even that guilty of acting like that... it's just that his thoughts are far away, fixed on someone else that is not us... .

When we are next to someone who also likes us, we are in Paradise on Earth, because everything is just perfect, both for us and for our partner. But when only one of the partners is really in love, perfection doesn't always appear in our eyes. There's always something wrong going on, there's always something that isn't as it should be... the criticism, veiled at the beginning, becomes more scathing as time goes by. And together, the couple's first disagreements begin...

Let's be frank... if these... disagreements... start still in courtship, we can say that the couple is truly blessed. Yes, because at some point things will reach such a point that the way out for both of them is the end of the relationship. But what if this only occurs after the official marriage? Even worse, after the arrival of the children? Well, then it won't be such an easy separation, since much more than a simple union has been undone. After all, it was a life for two that was already established, with their relationship being built day by day. But the signals were being sent to both of them from the first day they decided to "get to know each other better"... after all, one not liking the same things as the other is even normal, after all they are two different people living together on a daily basis. .. but the moment this becomes a relationship problem, being the subject of sporadic discussions at the beginning, constant after a certain time, it cannot even be considered as a red light in the relationship...

Have you noticed that some couples just don't live together? They live in the same house, but that's about it. They relate sexually, but it's also the whole relationship they have. That loving relationship, where the simple touch of fur is enough for both people to feel happy, ends up not existing. That's because the only connection the two are having, for various reasons, is just the animal relationship, that of male and female... while they are satisfying themselves in bed, they will still have some connection. However, sex alone is not enough to keep one person next to another...

One thing that people tend to overlook is that the house is not usually male territory. Those who dominate this area are women. Or they dominated, because nowadays even they are not the owners of the place... until some time ago, the woman was called "queen of the home" and she was really the one who dominated the house. Even if, apparently, the man had predominance over her... the one who really ruled the house was the woman... for the man, what remained (remains, in fact) is the group of friends, his brotherhood, which takes him to the fields of football and bars of life. The house is simply a dormitory for most men. At most, he has a little corner on the bed and a space in the wardrobe to turn around...

And then the relationship between the two really frayed... and the day comes when parting is inevitable. And both hearts get hurt. And go to your side. With regrets on both sides. After all, both have made mistakes since the beginning of the relationship. And they will hardly recognize their part in the failure of the relationship, always blaming the other for the end of the union... if they have children, they will always try to make their offspring also blame the other side for the failure of the marriage, without bothering to leave their heads little ones in an unprecedented hell...

It's 8:30 am on this beautiful, sunny Sunday... although there's rain forecast for later... ah, I started writing this chronicle yesterday, but for various reasons, I couldn't go beyond the first paragraph. So I'm finishing today...

May God grant us the most beautiful Sunday we've ever had in our lives. May He bless us and allow us to be happy with our loved ones. Stay with God and see you tomorrow, if He allows it...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One