

The world is changing


And in the sky, millions of clouds

Already start to cry

And the rain will fall

In this small world

(Antonio Marcos / B. Lind / Mogol)

This was not exactly the song I wanted to use today as a motto for my daily chronicle. It was also about rain, but it would be a version of the lyrics of a song about the same time as it. If I'm not mistaken, the original version of the song I wanted was "Umbrella" ... But without remembering a single verse of the original song, the only "Umbrella" I found was from Rihanna ... and that wasn't that The one I wanted ... Anyway, this letter that ended up falling on my lap is also very beautiful. Recorded by the VIPs, with the lyrics of the incomparable Antonio Marcos, talks about our world, about the lack of love between people. In fact, it is a somewhat depressed letter, because it speaks of people's disappointment regarding love ... He says people are lost, looking for some hope to cling to ... Yeah, things have not changed much, since then...

Since we understand each other, we run after Dona happiness ... But as she is slippery, my God ... When we think we have it by our side, we find out she was thin, and didn't even have the work To give us a "goodbye" ... Yeah, often, it leaves us alone in Rua da Bitterness, not understanding exactly what happened in our life. And I'm not talking about great loving tragedies, no. Sometimes, even though everything seems to be wonders in our lives, in the warmth of our home, without notice and often for no reason, the crisis settles in our lives. I know what that is. It has happened to me several times in the course of my not so long existence in this land plane. Many times we are calm in our home, apparently without any problem between us, smiling happy because life is beautiful, when then, like the night that falls over the firmament, everything changes from one hour to the next and we live an astral hell . And why does that? I don't know, I have no idea. It just happens. When we realize, we are trapped in the cruel swamp of misunderstanding ... Things start to dendrine, your pair out of nowhere begins to tease you, wanting to fight with you ... Well, if you owe something, if you have committed some slip on your Day by day, at least you will know how to defend yourself, even if you have done something indefensible. You know the reason for the now that begins. The problem is when we have no idea why things are as they are ... when you have no idea why your pair is acting on this or that way, there Hamlet, being Ophelia ... Yeah, Then it is difficult to manage the crisis ...

The crisis can be triggered in many ways. This is a fact. The insecurity of some people about their role in the other's life is one of them. The problem is that most of the time the ... danger, let's say ... that the person is thinking of exchanging you for another there is only in your head. At least that's what I think. I, for example ... I have my pair for a long time, and never crossed my head to change love. Because love we don't exchange. Either love or do not love. And if you don't love it, it makes all the sense of the world to try to change its status, hoping things to work out in your life. But if love exists in your heart and you only feel safe next to the chosen person, why would you want to exchange? Does not make sense. Not even. But suddenly, I don't know what, your pair thinks you are no longer caring about him ... And then the crisis is installed ...

Many times you try everything to make your loved one understand that, yes, you love her with all your being and that nothing, but none of this world would make you change you for another. Because it is she who loves, she is the reason for your life. But for some incomprehensible reason, one cannot see it, refuses to understand that it is everything to you and that nothing in the world can change it ... so the biased, monosilabas response begins ... until you get tired and Withdraw to your corner, hurt because you can't understand what you did wrong so that your love treats you like this ...

Sorry for the somewhat depressed tone today ... It's how I'm feeling ... and I think I understand why this, and not the other letter, I was offered, today ... because it reflects what I'm going through at that moment ...

It's nine o'clock this rainy Sunday. I hope in God that the day is the most beautiful of all we have ever had in our lives. May God bless us all and bring us happy and happy moments with our loved ones ...

Stay with God, and may He enlighten us the way and lead us to the road of truth and justice. See you tomorrow, if he allows him ... Kisses and a good Sunday ...

The world is changing


And in the sky, millions of clouds

Already start to cry

And the rain will fall

In this small world

(Antonio Marcos / B. Lind / Mogol)

This was not exactly the song I wanted to use today as a motto for my daily chronicle. It was also about rain, but it would be a version of the lyrics of a song about the same time as it. If I'm not mistaken, the original version of the song I wanted was "Umbrella" ... But without remembering a single verse of the original song, the only "Umbrella" I found was from Rihanna ... and that wasn't that The one I wanted ... Anyway, this letter that ended up falling on my lap is also very beautiful. Recorded by the VIPs, with the lyrics of the incomparable Antonio Marcos, talks about our world, about the lack of love between people. In fact, it is a somewhat depressed letter, because it speaks of people's disappointment regarding love ... He says people are lost, looking for some hope to cling to ... Yeah, things have not changed much, since then...

Since we understand each other, we run after Dona happiness ... But as she is slippery, my God ... When we think we have it by our side, we find out she was thin, and didn't even have the work To give us a "goodbye" ... Yeah, often, it leaves us alone in Rua da Bitterness, not understanding exactly what happened in our life. And I'm not talking about great loving tragedies, no. Sometimes, even though everything seems to be wonders in our lives, in the warmth of our home, without notice and often for no reason, the crisis settles in our lives. I know what that is. It has happened to me several times in the course of my not so long existence in this land plane. Many times we are calm in our home, apparently without any problem between us, smiling happy because life is beautiful, when then, like the night that falls over the firmament, everything changes from one hour to the next and we live an astral hell . And why does that? I don't know, I have no idea. It just happens. When we realize, we are trapped in the cruel swamp of misunderstanding ... Things start to dendrine, your pair out of nowhere begins to tease you, wanting to fight with you ... Well, if you owe something, if you have committed some slip on your Day by day, at least you will know how to defend yourself, even if you have done something indefensible. You know the reason for the now that begins. The problem is when we have no idea why things are as they are ... when you have no idea why your pair is acting on this or that way, there Hamlet, being Ophelia ... Yeah, Then it is difficult to manage the crisis ...

The crisis can be triggered in many ways. This is a fact. The insecurity of some people about their role in the other's life is one of them. The problem is that most of the time the ... danger, let's say ... that the person is thinking of exchanging you for another there is only in your head. At least that's what I think. I, for example ... I have my pair for a long time, and never crossed my head to change love. Because love we don't exchange. Either love or do not love. And if you don't love it, it makes all the sense of the world to try to change its status, hoping things to work out in your life. But if love exists in your heart and you only feel safe next to the chosen person, why would you want to exchange? Does not make sense. Not even. But suddenly, I don't know what, your pair thinks you are no longer caring about him ... And then the crisis is installed ...

Many times you try everything to make your loved one understand that, yes, you love her with all your being and that nothing, but none of this world would make you change you for another. Because it is she who loves, she is the reason for your life. But for some incomprehensible reason, one cannot see it, refuses to understand that it is everything to you and that nothing in the world can change it ... so the biased, monosilabas response begins ... until you get tired and Withdraw to your corner, hurt because you can't understand what you did wrong so that your love treats you like this ...

Sorry for the somewhat depressed tone today ... It's how I'm feeling ... and I think I understand why this, and not the other letter, I was offered, today ... because it reflects what I'm going through at that moment ...

It's nine o'clock this rainy Sunday. I hope in God that the day is the most beautiful of all we have ever had in our lives. May God bless us all and bring us happy and happy moments with our loved ones ...

Stay with God, and may He enlighten us the way and lead us to the road of truth and justice. See you tomorrow, if he allows him ... Kisses and a good Sunday ...


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