down dooby doo down down, come on come on

down dooby doo down down, come on come on

down dooby doo down down

breaking up is hard to do

Don't take your love away from me

Don't you leave my heart in misery

If you go then I'll be blue

'Cause breaking up is hard to do

(Howard Greenfield / Neil Sedaka)

Today, for a change, let's talk about the end of a great love... the first love. Yes, because that is always the great love of our life. It's one that will last for eternity... even if that eternity only lasts a few months. Yes, when our heart falls in love for the first time, the world reveals to us a reality that we didn't know existed. Everything is new for us... the heart pounding, almost as if it wanted to get out of our chest, the faster breathing... the desire to always be together with the person we love. Yes, life suddenly takes on another color, the world takes on another dimension... it's just you and the person you're in love with that matters to you in the world... the rest? It seems perfectly disposable to you. Nothing else in the world matters to you, your truth becomes the truth of your partner and everything he says has an importance that you cannot measure. Yes, your life belongs to him, for he is your world...

While the spell lasts, your life is to live among the clouds, to live in heaven on earth. Everything is beautiful, everything is wonderful. Nothing that happens around you matters to you if it doesn't come from the mouth of your love. You start to be interested in the same things as him... things that, until recently, you simply abhorred... like that song that you simply hated, but as your lover likes it, you too, start to like it. And things you used to like, if they don't suit him, you just tuck them away in your memory... and in the sometimes not-too-distant future, you're left wondering how could you let things stay that way? Yes, because when the spell wears off and you are plucked back to reality, you don't understand exactly what happened... funny, isn't it?

In any case, while the spell lasts... my God, what a good thing... the walks in the moonlight, the walks through the leafy park among the flowers... the walk through the streets and lanes, hand in hand, daydreaming with the future next to your love... because your love is eternal and will never end... what you still don't know is that the first love, normally, is what we call "passion"... burning, it's strong, but unfortunately it already comes with an expiration date... most of the time it doesn't last long, although for us it seems like it lasted forever. I know that. My first relationship lasted exactly three months. But it was intense. So intense, that I keep his memory to this day...

What we don't know when we start our first relationship is that it is a life lesson. It will be good at first, but it will make us suffer as it grows. Because, really, first love isn't really love... funny, isn't it? We love someone... and discover that, in fact, this is not love... how can that be? Well, I won't say I'm right, because I don't own the truth. That's my way of thinking. Life puts us in various situations that simulate what we will really face during life. It starts very early, with the fun, where we imitate the situations that adults face. Yes, because children's games are preparation for serious situations that we face in real life. Just like when we have our first love... conflicts will come. And in real life they will be present in our daily lives...

Now, when do we feel the weight of reality? When the first love, our first passion, our first contact with the loving relationship with another person ends. Our first reaction is disbelief. But how so,. he finished? It's not possible! This is the love of our life, how are we going to live without our love by our side? What will become of us now? And that avalanche of fear and disappointment invades our soul, we run out of north, we don't know how to react, what to do... yes, our world just collapses! Let's spend some time with our wounded hearts, trying to understand exactly what happened in our life. Why did our prince charming decide to leave us? Why did he just drop us off halfway, and not take us to his castle to live happily ever after, like in the fairy tale? And once again there is life preparing us for future situations, which may or may not happen... but if they do, our spirit will be prepared... but this will not mean that it will be an easy situation, because a true love we never forget.... and all the loves we live, while they last, for our heart will be true...

It's 7:50 am on this beautiful and wonderful Tuesday, where the sun has already risen, happy and smiling, making our world much more beautiful and happy. May this Tuesday be a better day than yesterday, and may it bring us only good things into our lives.

Stay with God and see you tomorrow, if He allows it. May He pour all the blessings of heaven on our heads... and may He give us a simply wonderful day to live in all its fullness.... kisses...


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