5 - Night in Campina

5 - Night in Campina


Zechariah sought to organize the wakeful shifts so that everyone resting enough to face the next day's walk. Although he was not necessary, he checked the ammunition of his weapons and asked his companions to do the same. There it didn't seem to be a dangerous place, but it will appear some jaguar wanting to feast on one of the cows of "his" Nardi ... that was out of the question. The animals had to arrive at the Farm strong and healthy. After all, they were dairy cows that should increase the production of the farm. After having dinner and checking out if everything was at all, Zechariah took the first round of guard. His partners extended his bass under a leafy tree and tried to close their eyes. Juca could not preach his eyes, afraid of the stories he had heard from the place. He got up several times to talk to his partner, who always told him to try to sleep a little, because the next day's load would be pulled. From time to time they looked at the firmament. The stars shone like small fireflies, as small accounts adorning the night cloak. The silver moon did not illuminate much, because the terrain was quite wooded and the tree cup covering its light .... The biggest concern of the three really was a rain, common at this time of year ... Usually arrived without warning ...


It should be close to midnight when the first drops of water fell. Softly, at first ... I couldn't feel. So suddenly, without warning a true water trunk collapsed on the earth. Juca, who was watching the cattle, ran to wake her companions. Of course there was no need for it, for the water that fell over both the time had awakened them on the spot. The momentary concern was actually another ... the first thunder began to echo far away, there in the mountain ... But soon they would be audible where the three had their cattle ... and then ...

Zechariah tried to gather the head of cattle in a circle and cheered not to lose control over the animals. The three men, each mounted on his horse, divided around the flock, ready for any eventuality. Soon cattle began to stir, because the corrisks not only began to fall closer to where they were, but the sound of the thunder echoed more and more intensely ... It was not an easy job, but with the help of whiskey, the Faithful companion, they managed to keep the cattle where they were camped ... the rain was decreasing their intensity, the rays and thunder began to scarce ... The cattle began to calm down ... Apparently they had won the battle ... they would pass The rest of the night wet, as they didn't have time to put their covers, because the priority was to keep the cattle grouped ... Well, at least they had won that step. Or so they thought ...

Tonhão took over the guard's shift and his companions were leaning back to rest a little. It would not take the dawn and would have to get the splash toward the village. The two were starting to sleep, when Tonhão called them, terrified ...

- Zechariah ... Juca! Ox-tatá!

"Are you crazy, boy?" What are you talking about?

Juca looked at the side where Tonhão pointed ... and said, terrified ....

- He is right! Look!...

Zacarias looked too ... It was livid!

- No, guys ... It's not a ox ...

- Yeah, yes, man ... look there ...

- Tonhão, does that seem like a fireball?

The two companions looked at the appearance that was on the top of the sky ... I almost covered the moon, so great ... it spinned at such a speed that it failed a thousand colors, decorating the sky with a multicolored rainbow ... Ball cut the sky going from one point to another drawing colorful arches in the sky ... Now it was blue, sometimes red ... and in its trail, a rainbow ... illuminating everything like day ...

- Guys, that's another thing ...

- What is it then?

- I had heard that this had appeared there in Limoeiro ... Look, I don't want to give you bad news for you, no ... but we will have work all night, today ...

- But what is this, man of God?

- You will already find out ...

Suddenly, the ball began to advance towards the group at such a speed that it seemed it was going to explode the world... it exploded, but without any noise or major damage on earth. The ball broke and, from its interior, hundreds of one-legged imps emerged, red caps on their heads and a pipe in their mouths... their skin was very dark, and their eyes... they looked like two balls of fire. so red. Despite the unusual, they did not have a malevolent appearance. In fact, they had the height and appearance of a child of eight or nine years old. And they began to act like naughty children, doing a thousand mischief in the camp. The cattle, which had been contained at great cost, this time scattered across the meadow... and the three men stood still, without action... they didn't know how to act in the face of the situation... Finally, after some time, the little beings disappeared into the woods, laughing at the shenanigans they had done. It wasn't a malicious laugh, just the frank laughter of children who are content to get up to mischief... anyway, for the three of them there was no remedy. They would spend the rest of the night trying to get all the cattle back together... and pray they hadn't lost any head of cattle...

The night, which had become clear during the manifestation of the strange sphere and its occupants, returned to nighttime gloom. The three men, disheartened, looked for their horses... but they, too, had scattered. They walked through the woods looking for the animals, until they found them, out of breath, scared... their mane and tail sported braids, the mischief of the little nocturnal beings... They took some time to calm their mounts and finally began the search for the scattered cattle. . Whiskey was of great value to them, as he could locate the cattle with relative ease. After two or three hours, they managed to gather all the heads in one place. They examined the animals. Despite being scared, none of them had been hurt. Zacarias looked despondently at his companions... The sun was already rising over the horizon, it was time to leave... and none of them had managed to sleep a little, whatever... this would be a really difficult trip...


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