Hymn to love

Hymn to love

If the blue sky darkens

And the joy on earth wither

It doesn't matter, dear

I will live on our love

If you are the sun of my days

If my kisses were always yours

It doesn't matter, dear

The bitterness of the pains of this life

(Edith Piaf / Marguerite Monot / Odair Marzano)

One of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard is, without a doubt, Hymn to Love. Yes, I know Edith Piaf's version… the original lyrics, actually. But the version sung by Maysa and Altemar Dutra is also very beautiful. And it's beautiful for just one reason… it pays a simple homage to what we call “true love”… it's the purest and most beautiful declaration of love anyone would want to receive. It's such a simple declaration of love that it's impossible not to be moved by it... after all, who wouldn't want to hear from the lips of their loved one that all that matters in their life is our love? Who wouldn't want to hear that it's the light that guides your steps? Wow, there's no way we can remain indifferent to a statement like that... have you thought? Your loved one going to the sky and looking for the moon and stars to lay at your feet… yes, I know it's just a metaphor, but still… it's very beautiful…

I don't know if people stopped being romantic... or I just don't notice that in the world today, since I lost a lot of my innocence as the years went by... I don't know, but it seems that the world was losing its candor... songs only talk about drinking, betrayal and sex, when they don't deal with a more down-to-earth subject... yes, there are still some songs and poems that talk about the rawness of life. But the new poets prefer to shock their listeners, not infrequently using profanity. Nothing for or against… I don't like this type of poetry, but I know that there must be people who appreciate it… even pornographic “songs”, which some people insist on playing at the highest volume, have their fans. Too bad they think everyone has to have the same musical taste as them...

A long time ago, people gave up the simple beauty of the poetry of yesteryear. Not infrequently, when you show a poem or a more romantic song, which only talks about beauty and love, and which has a soft melody, the most common comment they make is “that's old stuff”…. As if the beauty of life were something outdated, with no place in today's society... some time ago I showed a slightly older song to a colleague, and her reaction was exactly that...

Well, I was talking about poetry, in its most beautiful form. After all, I like beautiful things, things that evoke the beauty of life. I can't find beauty in a song that talks about betrayal and drunkenness... and it's no use saying that this type of music is made to dance, not to listen to... we keep having to listen to those poorly made lyrics, speaking only obscenities. It's been a while since I've followed the latest music releases... the options I see, in the very short time I connect to some radio station, put me off so much that I have to turn off the radio... after all, it's not just the lyrics that are horrible … the singers' voice doesn't help either. So, I keep asking myself… where is the art of singing… and writing songs heading towards? We haven't had a song that really deserves that name for a long time… And the musicians, where are they? Nowadays it is rare to hear a melody with an orchestra in the background. The songs from not so long ago had a whole production, a very special care for them, with a maestro making arrangements for different types of instruments, and the end result was to make the listener feel inside the melody itself. You simply traveled inside the musical notes, you could see what was described in the lyrics… you could walk through the meadows, hear the birds singing, feel the intoxicating perfume of the flowers, all of this just listening to the orchestra play… not today. Today everything has changed. Invariably what is used is a synthesizer... very poorly played, by the way... and the singer screaming as if he were being disemboweled. There is no longer that concern for singing with a soft, mellow voice, which makes the listener dream... everything has changed. It's like I said… some people like it. And since the listener is always right...

I don't know… maybe I'm getting old… but I don't see much fun in songs today… I don't know, but the lyrics are… how should I say… very simple. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this is not “my time”… yes, because I am considering my teenage years as “my time”… yes, I know that people always think that our time is the best of all time. all... it was like this with my grandparents, it was like this with my parents, it is being like this with me and it will certainly be like this with my children... we always look at the past with nostalgic eyes, so all the time we live takes on colors that maybe it doesn't deserve, in fact... it takes on the colors of a perfect life, without any flaws, even if it has had many... because our affective memory is selective, and only keeps the good times so that we only have comforting memories , that make us sigh for the past moments…

But let's face it... a love song that promises to meet us even in the afterlife... is it or isn't it a declaration of incomparable love? After all, when we get married we promise to stay together until death do us part... and how many couples break up well before that event? So, having someone who not only declares their love for us, but commits to following us to the other side… can there be proof of greater love?

It's 7:20 am on this cloudy Wednesday, which already promises rain for later... I hope it's not as heavy as yesterday's... our workplace was simply flooded with the rain that fell... well, but today is a new one day, isn't it?

May your day be simply beautiful and wonderful and may God grant you the best Wednesday of all you've ever lived... Everyone stay with God, and may He pour all the blessings of Heaven on your heads... and see you tomorrow, if He so allow it...


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