I follow an ad and see

In forms of desire, a soap

In the form of ice cream, I wake up and sleep


toothpaste, health

I follow in a smile, paradise

Almost played, boosted

in a commercial

only had tea

Almost forced, I'm going to have coffee

I turn on the device, I see King Pelé

So let's repeat the goal

The world revolves around communication. This is a fact. Every minute we are bombarded with information about everything, from some really important fact to irrelevant things, which in practice are of no use to us. When we turn on a device... be it a TV, a radio, or even a computer... let's not forget that, nowadays, a smartphone is a computer... that avalanche of news, of all kinds, is poured out on us. From relevant news that can, in some way, affect your life, to advertisements trying to sell you supreme happiness.

Yes, we live in the age of mass communication. I really believe that we never stopped being inserted in it. What has changed over the ages is the vehicle used to reach the final consumer, but the message has always been there, in various forms. Otherwise, let's see... during the Sunday sermon, the priest, the pastor or whatever the spiritual guide of his belief is, will instill in his faithful the notion of good news that he is offering in the name of a superior force. At the fair, or in the market, the seller will try to convince you that his goods are the best in the region and that no one has a price as good as what he can do for you, so that you can take what you need home... when you pass by a store, the products are strategically arranged so that you awaken your desire for them and, consequently, take them home... in exchange for a small amount, which can be paid in modest installments. We are induced to, at all times, make choices that are not really ours. But that, if we don't do it, society stops. Because the dynamics of this is the circulation of information and values that the group has. And without that, society goes numb.

From the moment we open our eyes when we wake up, until the moment we retire to our bedroom, information does not stop reaching us. And we absorb a good part of this, discarding only a small portion that really has nothing to do with us. But it's less than one percent of that information that we end up ignoring. The bulk of them are registered by our brain, which will process them later and file them for later use. And actually, it doesn't matter if this information corresponds to reality. What really matters is that they were broadcast. If they have the slightest semblance of truth, we will certainly be another propagating agent of this. This is how gossip is spread...

Okay, the world revolves around society, which needs to be constantly fed with information. And the information has to be of all kinds, because everything has its purpose in the end. A case of violence that happened, the birth of a child, the couple that got together without the blessings of the Church and society, the father of the family who became unemployed, the couple that, after many fights, separated... and there you go. The most varied news serves as fuel so that communication between people does not cease. Incidentally, when two people meet and have no subject to talk about, it is in their personal archive that they go to find some subject that is common to both so that they can start an argument... and that is also how lovers find endless subjects to talk about. talk for hours on end...

It's 7:30 am on this cloudy Thursday, with 22°C at the moment, which may or may not reach 30°C during the day. The thermal sensation is cold, due to the relative humidity of the air, which foreshadows rain later...

Stay with God, and see you tomorrow, if He allows it. May this be the most beautiful Thursday we've ever experienced... and may all the good things we hope come true during this day... kisses...


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