I started a joke
Which started the whole world crying
But I didn't see
That the joke was on me, oh no
I started to cry
Which started the whole world laughing
Oh, if I'd only seen
That the joke was on me
(Maurice Ernest Gibb / Robin Hugh Gibb / Barry Alan Gibb)

The world is one big ring, someone once said. The world is a theater where everyone is playing their part, said someone else. In short, we are all represented something or someone at all times of our lives. As the poet once said, "the poet is a pretender... he pretends so completely... that he even pretends that he wants pain... the pain he really feels..." and there is no greater truth than it is. We are always pretending, acting out some scene. From when we wake up until the time we go to sleep. I won't say since we were born, because we learn to act as we grow up, but we certainly only stop acting when we die. And we believe so strongly in what we pretend to be, that at a certain point it becomes difficult for us to discern what is reality and what is fantasy... our fantasy. Yes, because in reality, people don't all live in the same world. After all, what is untouchable truth for me is not necessarily the truth of the person next to me. We have some parameters to follow, of course. This makes acting a little bit easier. But just a little...
Much of what we experience on a daily basis only has value if we attribute it to it. For, in reality, nothing, but nothing of what is around us is of any use if we do not give it a value that we measure as real. But then I say it again... each one gives the value they think the object or action has, and it is not, necessarily, a unanimity among the group. Why? Because each element of the group is a universe apart, which suffered various influences in its formation and, therefore, has its own peculiar way... I would say particular... of seeing the world. The same object seen and described by two different people, if they are in separate environments, will have some similarities, but the discrepancies will be much greater...
And disagreements are on our side at all times. The way we see people, for example... sometimes our opinion coincides with that of the people around us... or so it seems. In fact, if we were to compare people's opinions, we would discover that there are more divergences than coincidences in the way that each one sees and understands each fact that occurs during the group's day. It's like I said... people follow parameters so that their particular opinion doesn't leave the final product so far from what was expected. But it will never turn out to be what was planned in the beginning...
Let's talk a little about personal relationships... since we were born we've been part of a group. Our first relationship with the world is undoubtedly our mother. It is our first physical and emotional contact with the "real" world. She supplies us with love and food. Take care of us, making us feel important. And the bond between us grows stronger as the days go by. But along with her also comes her partner (of course, sometimes, this one decides not to be part of this family group, but let's consider that he is part of it, yes), who over the days also becomes someone important and influential in our life. You see, I'm talking about an expected situation, an ideal situation. This is not always the case. Sometimes the script is modified, and the actors have to improvise their performances... well, anyway, we learn, day by day, how to act on this huge stage... we learn that if we act correctly, following the script delivered to us, we will earn rewards, but if we decide to ignore what is expected of us, well... then we will certainly be penalized and we will have to repeat the scene to exhaustion, until we learn the correct way to act. As we grow up, we are induced to choose between "right" and "wrong". And many times the concept is so abstract that we find it difficult to distinguish one from the other...
It is in this first phase that concepts and prejudices are inserted into our programming... yes, as much as we don't want to admit it, from an early age we are programmed to act in accordance with what society expects. However, we do not always follow the schedule. The reasons can be several... we can say that, at some point, the programming is corrupted and then the individual starts to act in an unexpected way... or else, that another programming was inserted over the original one, causing there to be a new pattern of behavior. After all, although the family is the first influence on the individual, the social environment that surrounds him has a greater weight than what we imagine in the formation of the person's character... in any case, one thing needs to be very clear... no matter what program the person was urged to follow... their original programming, the one that was written in their DNA when it was still forming in their mother's womb, it will always fight against everything that does not correspond to its original truth. No matter how faithfully you play your roles, as the world expects of you, your essence will surface from time to time, contradicting everything you say and do in your everyday life...
It's six thirty minutes into this beautiful and wonderful Wednesday. May this day only bring us good things... it's 22ºC right now, the sky is partly cloudy, so it's sure to rain later. But rain is life, so let it come, in all its grace and beauty!
May God bless us all and grant us the most beautiful Wednesday that we have ever experienced in our lives. See you tomorrow, God willing...


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