I'm so sad today

I needed so much

talk to God

talk about my problems

also confess to you

So many secrets of mine!

Know about my life and ask

because nobody answered me

If happiness really exists

Or if it's a dream of mine!

(Nelson Ned)

Someone has asked me a few times how I choose the verses with which to start this daily conversation with you. I don't choose. They just pop into my mind. I also don't decide what I'm going to talk about until I'm actually talking. Of course, saying it like that, it gets a little weird. But actually, what happens is that what I write is the reflection of my soul at that moment. It could be one happy thing or another not so happy thing. This even happens with texts of a historical nature... many times I sit down at the table with an idea about what I am going to write and the result comes out completely different from what I had planned. By the way, when I try to change this way of writing the text simply does not come out. Because he is not in tune with what I feel...

Today the song I'm using is "If I could talk to God", lyrics by Nelson Ned and success in the voice of Antônio Marcos. It's a beautiful song. It talks about the feeling of defeat that we have from time to time, in the face of some problems we face... in the case of the song, it's because of a broken heart. In real life, there could be thousands of reasons that lead us to feel this sensation... at the moment I'm feeling this way. No, I'm not depressed... yet. And I'm going to fight with myself as much as possible not to get to that point, because I know that if you accept defeat, it's very difficult to get up... hand...

The biggest problem in life is that people don't pay attention to popular sayings, which come from a long time ago and are full of truth... one of those adages is "with good intentions, all hell is paved". People fail to understand that the world is full of truths and that my truth is not necessarily the truth of the person next to me. And realities keep clashing, because they are all true... my truth, even if it's not the same as my neighbor's, is still real...

Disputes are often triggered by differences of opinion. And that's simply because each plaintiff can only see his own truth, not his opponent's version. Your truths are solid, so solid that they don't allow you to see a little bit of the other's view of the world... the problem is that the world is made of illusions, and each one has their own, which shapes their own belief... and that's where the danger lies. Often, out of intransigence, you don't back down from your point of view... and neither does your opponent. And then the battle of egos begins, where everyone loses. Yes, in a fight, it doesn't matter who started it, everyone loses. Because there are no winners in any contest. The wounds will not heal, they will remain open and will certainly bleed again at any moment, all it takes is for the trigger of misunderstanding to be triggered. And then they all go down the canyon...

It is at these times that we raise our hands to heaven and ask for divine intervention. But... look at this... each one asks that their truth prevail... and since God is one, how can He give reason to both, if they themselves cannot see that the solution is within their own hearts? Yeah... so it's hard to come up with a solution...

It's 7.30 am on this sunny Monday... may this Monday be simply the most beautiful of all the Mondays we've ever had in our lives and may God enlighten our paths, giving us discernment to choose the best road always. ... May God bless us all and allow us to meet again tomorrow...


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