THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Forty


Chapter Forty

It was a meek, peaceful Sunday... one of those days when the only thing we really want to do is lizard, because there is something better than simply enjoying the laziness of a Sunday where the sun is at that pleasant, inviting temperature, begging you to do we run to a beach, step on the white sand, play with the waves or, in case of not being able to be on the beach, stay by a pool, just enjoying the moment? Surely, if she could, Roseli would be enjoying a beach right now... but it had been almost three months since she had visited her daughter. The laundry service had increased a lot and the company asked the employees to help, since the benefit would be for everyone... that usual story, that businessmen play for their employees... let's work so that the cake it grows, and then we share it with everyone... of course there's never even a crumb left over for the people who really work, but that's part of life, isn't it? Anyway, the unscheduled overtime ended up earning extra money, which Roseli didn't count on... and extra money in the account is always welcome. Honestly, Roseli was a wreck. She could see the signs of weariness on her face. But, as I said, it had been some time since she had seen her daughter, and for that reason, she took advantage of her day off to visit Dona Olga, her almost mother-in-law. Almost, because although she didn't marry Ricardo, since he was already married when they met, Letícia was the fruit of that forbidden union. And at the moment, Dona Olga was taking care of the little one. And the two liked each other very much. Truth be told, before meeting Roseli and her daughter, Dona Olga had certain reservations about the girl, reservations that dissipated when she met her. And you said, to anyone who would listen, that Roseli was indeed the right woman for her child... too bad he didn't agree with that idea...

- Girl, what funeral face is that?

- Fatigue, Dona Olga... we are working fourteen hours a day, from Monday to Monday...

- But why is that, girl?

- The firm got a new client... and they don't have enough employees... so...

- I know... just like the bus company where Ricardo works...

- Yeah... that's more or less it... but from what the boss said, new people will be joining soon and then the job will be lighter...

- That is good...

The two were quiet for some time, busying themselves with emptying the cup of coffee that was in their hands. after taking another sip of the bitter liquid that was in the container, Roseli spoke again...

- And Lê, how is she behaving?

-This girl is a little angel, she doesn't give any work... and today I think she's going to sleep until noon, since she doesn't need to go to daycare...

- Let's let her sleep, then... when she wakes up, I'll play with her a little...

- You should come here more often...

- No, Dona Olga... both my job and my home are too far away...

- And why don't you come live here with me? The house is big, there's just me and the baby... Ricardo almost never comes to see me...

- I don't know, Dona Olga... it doesn't seem right...

- What's not right, girl?

- Coming here, living with you... Ricardo might not like it...

- He almost never comes here...

- Still... he might think I'm forcing something... it's better not to leave room for misunderstandings...

- I understand... but as I told you, the house is big and I live alone. A company would do me a lot of good... and you would be close to your daughter...

- I am going to think...

The two were silent for a few more seconds, then they started talking about banalities, about nothing, as every conversation usually does. After some time they heard a noise coming from the room and went to see. it was Leticia who had woken up. Roseli took her in her arms and the three of them went back to the living room. After some time, after they had changed the child and fed her, Roseli invited Dona Olga to take the three of them out for a walk, as the day was really beautiful. And so, the three of them left towards the Mall, where the little one could have fun in the park and then they would watch a cartoon and, of course, devour a Pizza Hut...

Cecilia was a little restless. Not even she herself knew why, but anyway, she felt that her nervousness had a lot to do with her sister's nightmares. She noticed that the latter was looking at her with a look that was mixed with fear and compassion, and she kept wondering if Helena's nightmares didn't have something to do with this behavior... what was it that her sister was so afraid of, that she didn't want to share a simple dream... nightmare actually... with her? Well, everyone has their own way of being, and that was Helena's. If anything worried her, she didn't know how to share that burden with anyone... she kept the whole weight of the problem at hand to herself... but she couldn't help but leave clues about what was bothering her... like right now, for example... whenever her gaze crossed her sister's, the feeling that something very bad was about to happen was very strong. And so he would like her to tell him what the problem was...but...

Taking advantage of the fact that she now had weekends off (when she worked at the store, she had a weekly break... Sundays, only once every three months... two days off? No way...) Cecília decided to take a walk in the park. which was close to his house. Helena had gone to work, so she was alone, since her sister wouldn't return until around five, six o'clock... and the day was too beautiful to be trapped, alone, between four walls. She grabbed her purse and a book (the third volume of The Mists of Avalon) and off she went to stretch her legs a little, as they say. Maybe later she'd stop by her parents' house to pick up Sunday lunch. Cooking just for her wasn't much fun, and eating at a restaurant... no, it was better to enjoy Mom's cooking anyway. And so, Cecilia moved on...

It was a little after two in the afternoon when Cecilia arrived at her parents' house. From the gate she could smell that freshly roasted roast beef ... she already knew that the menu for the day was pasta Bolognese, mayonnaise salad and roast beef ... my God ... she didn't need anything more than that to leave her incredibly beautiful and wonderful day. So much so that the restlessness she had felt in the morning dissipated like mist dissipates with the sun's rays... and off went Cecília, to talk to her father, with Estela... and of course she took little Selene in her arms... .the little girl was so cute, it was impossible not to fall in love with her...


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