

Today I'm going to talk about the oldest profession in the world... it's the one on which all of us, without exception, depend... but which we rarely give the value it deserves... that is, of course, until the moment when we, at least ride the carriage, we have to start exercising it. Yeah, my dears, we only appreciate the value the umbrella deserves when the water starts falling on our face...

I know that the beginning of my chronicle was a little dubious... because when you talk about the "oldest profession in the world", people are automatically taken to the side of malice, thinking of something else... and, in fact , while all services are honorable... even this one, which people tend to associate with... well, never mind... has its social value. But that's not what I'm talking about. Today I want to talk... and honor... about housewives. Yes, those selfless women who are always the first to wake up and the last to go to bed and rest, when the mantle of night covers the entire firmament...

Have you ever stopped to think a little about how much this profession is underrated? When a woman goes to fill out a registration form anywhere, and she has no position in any company, when asked about her profession, she invariably says "I don't work" .... my God in Heaven ... what do you mean, does not work, creature? Was the breakfast, hot and tasty on the table, for the husband and children to enjoy before leaving for their appointments, made alone? Did the clothes, clean and smelling, run through the wardrobe, wash and iron themselves?

Of course, the answer to these and other questions is "no"... these tasks only got done because that person who doesn't do anything all day rolled up his sleeves and went to work... that no one notices, until the day what are you stopping doing...

It doesn't matter what time her husband has to leave for work... she is always ready to prepare everything so that he leaves the house impeccable... when the kids get up, his coffee... usually milk... already it's ready, and right after that she changes them so they can go to school neatly lined up... sometimes she takes them herself, but when that's not the case, she's attentive to when the school van passes by to pick up her children.. . and then his rush begins... cleaning the house, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, preparing the family's food... see if there's anything missing in the pantry, if not, run to the nearest supermarket to buy what he needs... go to the clothing store to buy a blouse for the youngest, or underwear for the daughter... run to the grocery store to replenish the stock of fruits and vegetables, essential for the family's diet. .. well, that's the basics of everyday life... but of course there are accidents along the way, and she, prepared or not, has to handle it...

Who is at your bedside when you are sick? Who comes to take your temperature every minute, gives you medicine, stays up all night, taking care of your well-being? Yes, that's her... and that's just one of the many situations she, the Housewife faces, to make sure hers are ok...

And what does the family have to say about this selfless person, who is on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, four weeks a month and twelve months a year, with no right to vacation or pay? Simply that she doesn't do anything... that she has a quiet life, that she doesn't have to worry about anything, because she stays at home all day and doesn't have anything to do during the day, besides watching television, or computer... and the poor thing usually doesn't even have time to sit down during the day, to rest a little from the hardships of life. And look, I'm talking about a lucky housewife, who doesn't have problems with conflicts in her home... because, in that situation, the poor thing will suffer Hell in life...

When the day is over and she is sure that, finally, the day's journey is over, she goes to rest in her bed... but already preoccupied with the next day's tasks, so that everything goes well, so that nothing goes off track ... and, like Sisyphus, she is already prepared for her never-ending journey...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One