Katiuschia... what a craze mothers have to name their children after some character or artist they like... no one has ever wondered if the child would appreciate being named after someone... Katiuschia, or simply Kiki, as she was called, certainly didn't appreciate her mother's gesture. When someone asked what her name was, she said it was Carla, Cátia or any other that started with "c"... she never said her real name. It's not that she didn't like her name... even she did. The problem was pronouncing her name correctly... or, even worse... writing it! When she started to read and write, the girl suffered when trying to write her name. She rarely got it right. And when she asked her mother for help to write it correctly, the sonnet was worse than the amendment... yes... although she loved the name, her mother didn't know how to spell it either...

And when did you reach the age where you start dating? When a boy asked the little girl who, by the way, was very pretty, what her name was, she got all confused... and ended up saying her name was Carmen... it was much simpler... she could say that her name was Cátia, as the sonority was closer, but normally she identified herself as Carmem in a first contact. Afterwards, when she got to know the person better, she would ask him to call her by her childhood nickname... Kiki.

As you might expect, Kiki has reached marriageable age. And she met a boy who won her heart for good. He wasn't handsome, but he was funny. Nor was he one of those people who live holed up in a bar and wouldn't trade her for a football match, for example. Whenever he went to visit her he would invariably bring her a bouquet of roses, red ones, because that's the color of love. If love has color...

Everyone expected the two to get married soon. After all, they were practically together every day... people even wondered about the boy's line of work, since he was at Kiki's house from Monday to Monday. At first she even liked it, but as the days went by, it started to bother her. The girls loved to do things that their boyfriend disapproved of. She liked to play volleyball... she lost a few matches because the guy always came up with something to do on days when there was a game. She liked to run... he kept complaining that there was no point in running aimlessly along a path, running the risk of falling and getting hurt... what she loved most in life was dancing... and the boy said that, simply, he didn't see any sense in it... but the last straw was the day he arrived and she was reading a book. The boy simply took the book from her hand and threw it aside... the book fell to the floor. Kiki looked at him in disbelief...she couldn't believe he had the nerve to do that. And the boy, all smiles, talking about what the two were going to do that day. When he saw her standing up, she complained that her shorts were too short and that her shirt showed more than it should... the girl crossed her arms, looked at him with such an ugly face, that the boy fell silent. immediate. Kiki didn't say a single word…she simply rested her hand on his shoulder and gently but firmly pushed him towards the exit. The boy was speechless... it was the last time they saw each other.

The wedding didn't happen... not with that boy, anyway. Kiki decided his happiness didn't depend on having someone by his side... especially someone controlling. After all, to be happy she had to first listen to the voice of her heart. And this one said that, before anything else, she should love herself... and only then could she give her love to others...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One