THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Thirty Six


Chapter Thirty Six

It was a little after two in the morning when Jairo parked the van he was working with at the company's garage. He handed over the packing list with the due measurements, delivered his report and tried to go out into the street. He was tired. And he was in a hurry to get home. After all, he would have to be at the accounting office at eight o'clock in the morning. He was tired. Really tired. And sleepy, very sleepy. So much so that he was afraid to get on his motorcycle to go home. He had already “fished” during the journey to the company's garage… fortunately nothing more serious had happened, but he knew that sleep could overtake him on the way… but after much thought, he decided to take the risk. After all, the motorcycle was the best means of transportation for him... and, even with a little trepidation, the boy went down the road towards his home. But... ah, but... when your intuition tells you not to do something, common sense tells you to listen to it. But we hardly want to listen, do we? And we almost always pay a high price for our disobedience. And with Jairo it was no different. At the first curve he found ahead, he went straight… and crashed against the wall of a residence… he was killed instantly. In the "hake" of the moment, he didn't even realize he was leaving for the other world...

Estela was inconsolable. From the moment she received the news until the last handful of earth was thrown over the grave, the girl could not hold back her tears. The boy's parents were also dismayed. Seu Jeremias could not come to terms with the tragedy. What would become of the family now? Well, of one thing he was sure… recovered or not, he had to urgently get back on track, because the one who had always helped him, left for the journey from which there is no return…

Cecília and Helena tried to console their sister, but of course they lacked words that could cheer up their younger sister... and the worst... there were less than two months left for the child to be born... Between one bout of crying and another, Estela kept asking herself " what am I going to do now, my God?”…

The last handful of earth thrown over the grave, the last bouquet of flowers packed in the place and there goes that huge line of people who showed up there to say their last goodbye to the boy, who was very dear... and so, everyone withdrew from the holy field , each feeling the match in a different way…

It had been a week since the incident. Estela was still unhappy, which was no surprise… after all, the state of mourning takes some time to overcome. But Cecília and Helena did their best to keep their sister from falling into depression. Little by little, very little by little, the girl managed to get back on her feet. Of course, the whole family played an important role in this fight. Both Mario and Janete, plus the two sisters, all tried to help the girl to overcome the lack of her boyfriend. And so the days passed...

Finally, the big day! And Selene was welcomed by the whole family on a beautiful sunny day. Natural delivery, her mother stayed almost the whole night, until the morning the little princess arrived, announcing at the top of her lungs that she was here to overcome the challenges that life prepares for us. Everyone was delighted with the little one. Mario and Janete and Jeremias and Isabel couldn't help but be overjoyed at the birth of the family's little heiress. Ah, yes… the girl was named Selene because that was Jairo's favorite name. And to honor him, they decided that would be the name of the little girl. Soon everyone was back at home… home. Estela's room had a child's decoration in one of the corners, and the little one's crib was all decorated. Yes, the little one brought life to Estela's life. Of course, she felt Jairo's departure... but the little treasure she had in her hands comforted her for the loss of her beloved...

Ricardo started hanging around Mario and Helena's house. He finally learned that his ex had returned to town. And since then, he tried, in every way, to talk to her. But CeCe made it very clear that she didn't want to talk to him, no matter what ruse she used... as she had said many times, all she wanted was to stay away from him as much as she could.

Ceci started a cat and mouse game with her ex. If he waited for her near her parents' house, she would go straight to Helena's house. And vice versa. As Ricardo didn't know where the girl worked, she could play her game calmly. In the morning it was quiet, since by the time she left for work he would already be in charge of a bus... it's true that, twice, the guy missed work to try to catch Ceci, but unfortunately for both of them days he waited in the wrong place... the first time, he was lying in wait at Mario's house, but she was with Helena... the second time, he was close to Helena's house and she was with her parents. This joke had been going on for a few months and, in fact, Helena was getting tired of it. Helena was a little worried about the situation. After all, this type of relationship wasn't normal... an ex is an ex, she always said... but, apparently, Ricardo didn't share that idea. He wanted it because he wanted to meet his ex again, to try to reconcile with her. Helena even advised her sister to file a police report against Ricardo, asking for a protective measure against him. Ceci said that she didn't want to do that, because it would harm the boy, and despite everything, that wasn't her wish. Yes, despite the odds, Ceci was concerned for his well-being. Helena grumbled in the corners, saying that this story could not end well. But that the last word belonged to her sister, since she was the one most interested in the case...

- Cecilia...

- What is it, girl?

- Have you ever stopped to think that this story could end badly?

- Ricardo is not so...

- So what?

-So clueless.... he knows that if he tries anything, he could end up in prison.

- And you think that can hold him?

- I think... he has his little girl to take care of, remember?

- Girl... have you ever seen him with his daughter?

- No... but I know she's with him...

- I wouldn't be so sure...

- Serious? And who would she be with then?

-She's not with her mother... she works all day... and, as far as I know, she doesn't have any relatives around here..

- Don't tell me you investigated the girl...

- Of course yes... after all, I had to know who your rival was...

- My rival?

- Yes... weren't the two fighting for the same man?

Cecilia laughed. Then she looked seriously at her sister.

- If I had known before that that piece of shit was cheating on me with someone else, I would have left him a long time ago...

- Well, Cecília... you still like him.

- I won't deny it. But I don't accept betrayal...

- Well... and who accepts?

- I don't know...

- All right, all right... and what do you intend to do? Run away from him all your life?

- For now, yes... I don't want to see it even painted in gold...

- Will you break up?

- We are already separated...

- Legally, I meant...

- Further ahead, who knows... for now, let's keep moving along...

- Why?

- Look, we already have Estela's problem... if I file for divorce now, her mother might have a heart attack....

- You are right.

- I know I'm... each thing in its time...

- Speaking of which, how's the new service going?

- I'm adapting...

- Don't want to be a salesperson anymore?

- I like to sell... but inside an office I don't run the risk of meeting... you know who...

Helena shrugged. She knew Cecilia was a tough nut to crack. But she was really worried about her sister. And, to make matters worse, her nightmares had returned. Her quiet time lasted only about three months... she liked it when her sister slept at her house... at least she had someone to share her fears with... but she never explained to her sister the reason for her fear. ..


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