THE CRYSTAL CUP - chapter thirty eight


chapter thirty eight

- What is it, Helena?

- The usual...

- He had another nightmare...

- Yes...

- But hadn't they stopped?

- They had... I was calm for almost a week, in peace...

- AND...?

- And then they started again...

- And what does your psychologist say?

- That I have to relax... that I can't take life with iron and fire....

- And you take it?

- Of course not... what a question! I think I'm the quietest person you know...

- Yeah... I have to admit that you're pretty quiet...

- So it is...

- But your dreams...

- Nightmares!

- Nightmares are also dreams... and what did you dream?

- Well, first I saw Jairo...

- You dreamed about him?!

- Yes... do you believe it?

- And... what did you dream about?

Helena bit her lips, remained silent...

- You don't want to talk, do you?

Helena remained silent, immersed in her thoughts...

- Gosh, Lena... say something...

But the girl really didn't want to talk about it, and she tried to talk about her job, how boring it was... the world of sales no longer attracted her, she felt that she needed to change the course of her life... .

Mario was worried. Everything seemed to be on track, but he felt that things were not right. It was as if... well, the feeling he had was that, at any moment, everything could come crashing down. Starting with Estela.... although she tried to hide it, it was clear to anyone who wanted to see that things were not going well with the girl. Yes, she was apparently happy, next to her little girl. she was all cuddles and cuddles for the little one. But when they caught her distracted, when she thought no one was watching her, you could see a cloud of sadness on her face. Okay, that was understandable, since her suitor, her daughter's father, had recently passed away... and tragically. In a way, Estela blamed herself for what happened... if she hadn't pressed him so much, maybe he would still be alive, she blurted out the rare times she was willing to talk about what happened. Janete didn't do much to lift the girl's spirits. She once told Estela that everything that happened would be a divine punishment, since they didn't want to follow the teachings of the Church. Jairo was nearby and, when he heard his wife saying this to his daughter, he couldn't help but ask her if she was going crazy. Janete turned red ... she fell silent at the time, lowered her head and left towards her stronghold, the kitchen. Estela was crying softly, hurt by her mother's words. Mario consoled her, asking her not to mind the barbarities her mother used to say... and little by little, the girl began to calm down. To make Estela more comfortable, he invited her to go out for a while, and he took his daughter and granddaughter to the mall, Estela's favorite spot. After a few hours strolling around and admiring the stores, watching a movie and, of course, eating a Mac Donalds at Burger King, happiness stamped the girl's face again.

Marcela, Jairo's sister, was almost every day after school visiting her niece. She was dazzled by little Selene. One day she asked Estela why she had chosen that name. Then Estela explained to him that Jairo had once said that since she was a Star, if the child she carried in her womb was a girl, then she would be the Moon. Hence the name...

Geremias went back to work. Of course, at first, it was difficult for his clients to give him work, as he had not yet fully recovered. But, slowly and patiently, he regained their trust, and the services started to come naturally. Geremias even tried to help with his granddaughter's expenses, but knowing his and his family's financial situation, Mario refused to let Estela accept it... and she didn't want to accept it either. And so, they went on with their lives.

Of course, every situation always has a "but".... and the "but" of this family had a name...Ricardo. Since Roseli separated from the boy, he began to tirelessly pursue Cecília. He wanted to because he wanted her to give him another chance, but he couldn't even get close to her. Roseli created a block between the two, and their paths did not cross. Ever since she'd switched from her job as a shop assistant to an accounting assistant, her ex's chances of finding her were slim to none. Of course, the risk always existed. But she was managing, so far at least, to avoid seeing her ex. Because she knew that if they met again, the consequences of that meeting would not be pleasant...


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