We often underestimate the power of the words we speak. But as someone once said... be careful what you say and wish for... your speech may come true and your wish may come true... and not in a good way... it's funny... when you wish something good for someone, the effect takes time to be noticed... it seems that good wishes are not fulfilled that easily... but when you utter a "little" curse... wow, it seems that she falls like lightning on its target, whether it's heart or not. Maybe you don't understand what I'm trying to say... after all, until now, I haven't explained myself correctly. As I've told you several times, I never know how I'm going to start a text until I'm sitting in front of the keyboard and letting my fingers wander between the letters. Some people understand this, some don't. But it's like I keep repeating... I don't have full control over what I'm going to write. I simply write. And, for me, that's enough... but let's talk about the subject above...

Since the dawn of history, human beings have been experiencing a battle between this world and the beyond... what do you mean, you ask me?... Well, despite the answer being simple, understanding is no longer... and why ? Simple... for you to understand what I'm going to say, you need to believe in the world beyond... and not everyone does, right? Either out of conviction, fear of admitting that there is another plan, or pure and simple fear... if you don't believe in another world, in another life, maybe you won't understand... I hope you understand.

Well, I'm a big believer in another world, other lives, God and all. Is there a Paradise? For me, yes... there is. Is there free will among omniscient beings? No, it does not exist. You are trapped in a system where you have to fulfill your journey, and there is no escaping the trials that are imposed on you.... oh yes... omniscient is being used in this text to refer to thinking people... no in the meaning of "the one who knows everything"...

Although you cannot escape the destiny that was traced for you... we have a script to follow... there are some rules that we cannot escape... we have to follow the script religiously, if we want to overcome the difficulties imposed to prove us... and that's where the power of the Word comes in...

"In the Beginning was the WORD"... well, that's how the Holy Book begins, isn't it? And from then on, everything was formed thanks to the Word... what He pronounced was promptly carried out. It was through words that the Firmament, the Stars, the Light was created, which was separated from the Darkness, and so on... when the first humans lived in Paradise, it was the Word that led them astray from the life they should lead... .and as a result, they had to pay for their actions, being expelled from their home nest... and, for a lifetime, humanity paid a price for the Primordial Rebellion... even though it had, several times throughout its existence , given chances to redeem himself. Paths were shown to them... scripts were traced... and the game of life was played. Rules were created but not enforced. Not because the featured characters didn't want to do it... but because it wasn't his original script, it wasn't his character's lines in the soap opera of life...

Okay, you answer... but so what? What does all this have to do with "the power of words?" If everything is already predefined, what is the weight of my words in the Universe? That's where the problem is... we're on this plan to accomplish a mission... and we have our roadmap to follow. And we are going to follow him, no matter what we think... but small interferences in Destiny are allowed to us... and these interferences will be activated with some word that we pronounce... if we wish something good for our fellow man, he will have the your dose of goodness... you will hardly notice it, but you will receive the blessing pronounced by us... and the same happens when we wish for evil. The problem is that the evil will come in a massive dose, and the person in question will feel the blow...

I'll give you an example... this long weekend, my eldest son decided to escape to the coast for three days and invited me, my wife and my little one to accompany him. For work reasons, I declined the invitation, and the three of them went to rest a little, enjoy the holiday. It must be said that I have four children, and the little one is the daughter of my youngest. But, for various reasons, she has lived with us since she was three months old. When my daughter found out that the three of them went to the beach and didn't invite her, she said angrily .... "I want the three of them to explode" ... Coincidentally, or not, they had problems on their outing. Half of the son had strained his leg muscle ... he was almost unable to drive .... my wife had a fall and came back all hurt ... and even the little one ended up hurting herself a little, due to a fall she had . Did you manage to have fun? Thank God, despite all these mishaps, they returned home happy with their trip... but the consequences of my daughter's thoughtless words are visible to anyone who wants to see...

I know many people don't believe any of this, but again... this is a fact. Never wish evil on anyone. Whenever you can, pray that God will protect your fellow men. And never, ever, utter evil words... for what comes out of your mouth will never return to it...


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THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Sixty One