THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Twenty Seven


Chapter Twenty Seven

Helena was worried. Her night's sleep was restless, and it wasn't the first time the dream had repeated itself. She always found herself lost in the forest of her childhood, and it was always the same way... first, as a child, when a fairy (was it really a fairy?) saved her from the monster's clutches... then, as an adult, running away from the same monster , but this time she had no help in escaping her fate... and invariably felt her tormentor's claws closing around her throat. The sensation was so intense, that she stayed for hours feeling the sharp claws on her skin, and one morning she had the distinct impression that a small cut had been made in her trachea… she woke up with a few drops of blood sprouting from her neck. In fact, there were two dreams that alternated... in one, her childhood friend appeared, and told her that she would face a great tribulation in her life and that she would need all her determination to overcome the problems she would face... if not If she was capable, she would end up succumbing... and in the other, she saw herself as a child and an adult at the same time, and the monster was chasing her. If someone asked what kind of monster it was, she wouldn't know how to answer. Aside from the glowing red eyes, only darkness enveloped such an apparition. But the nauseating smell lingered in her nostrils long after she woke up. And the terror he felt during the nightmare... when he fell during his run through the forest, the sensation of scratching his knee was so vivid that he once limped all day long, such was the pain he felt from the blow he had taken in the dream... No, the things couldn't go on like this... her fear was that someday the monster would kill her in the dream before she could wake up... would that be possible? Speaking like that, the thing seemed kind of stupid...but that's how she felt. The funny thing is that in her dreams she was married… she was the one who had the real aversion to marriage… although, suddenly, the aversion was due to the continuous repetition of the dream… that could be it. She looked at the clock… it was nine o'clock in the morning. As it was Sunday, she had no choice but to go to her parents' house… she didn't want to be alone that day… not after the nightmare she had lived all night…

As she walked to the bus stop, Helena began to think about how her family had been having problems lately... first, Estela's untimely pregnancy, then Cecília's separation... if that wasn't enough, these recurring nightmares night after night… if she were superstitious, she would even say that this was some kind of warning for her to take care of herself… Well, on Monday she was going to see the psychiatrist and who knows, maybe she would prescribe some medicine to help her sleep more peacefully? Commenting on her dreams of her parents was unimaginable. Even she was seeing her mother telling her that this was a lack of going to church, that she had to pray more and that she should follow the commandments of faith…

The day was pleasant. It was neither too hot nor too cold… and that made his walk to the point somewhat relaxing. She came across some acquaintances, they talked about amenities, and so she went on. When she was already close to the stop, she saw out of the corner of her eye Senhora Mariana, a lady already in her eighties... whenever she could, Helena avoided her, because she found the little lady very boring. But she couldn't get away this time. The woman had spotted her much earlier and was already heading towards her. Well, what to do, right? All she could ask heaven for was that the conversation wasn't too boring...

It was almost noon when he finally arrived at his parents' house... he knocked on the door, although he knew there was no need for it, after all, both she and Cecília, even though they no longer lived in that house, had the keys to it and their father's authorization to enter. arrived at whatever time it was and entered without warning, because that was their house...

It was Cecília who opened the door for her. Helena almost didn't believe it. After all, as far as she knew, her sister would be living in the country… well, apparently, she was visiting her parents, like her…

- Hey, Ceci...

- Helena… how long has it been…

- Yeah… it's been what… about two months?

- More or less that… and you? What are you doing with your life?

- Well, today is my day off...

- That's not what I asked...

- I know…

The two entered the room. Mr. Mario was still sitting on the couch. When he saw the two sisters together, he couldn't help but smile. After all, the two have always been very close, and rarely have they been apart for so long...

- Now only Estela is missing...

- Is she home, Daddy?

-In the bedroom… that's where she's currently hiding.

- And the boyfriend?

- Killing himself at two jobs...

- Serious?

-Yes… his father had an accident and he can't work for the time being… his sister isn't old enough to work yet… she's left to him…

- And on top of that there's Estela...

- And on top of that there's Estela. The worst thing is that she doesn't recognize that the boy is doing what he can... taking care of a family alone is not easy...

- And Estela...

- Do you think that the guy's obligation is to come visit her every day... He starts his first job at eight in the morning and leaves the second at four in the morning... I don't even know how he's holding up in this routine...

- Well, he rests at the end of the week, doesn't he? Just come visit her on Saturday or Sunday…

- That's the thing... he works on weekends too...

- So you haven't seen each other for a long time...

- Yes… about three weeks, more or less…

-And she's holed up in her room...

-Yes... and she doesn't want to leave...

- Oh, no… I hardly ever come here, and when I do I don’t even see that annoying one?… No way… come Ceci… let’s get that owl out of her nest…

-I think you should leave her in her corner...

- Today she has to come down to lunch with us… after all, Ceci and I haven’t been here for a while…

- I still don't think it's a good idea...

The two pretended to be deaf and went up to the youngest's room. Janete, who had heard everything from the kitchen, was encouraged to learn that the family would actually be together for Sunday lunch, after so long. Maybe they didn't fight like the last time. That was expecting too much, but hope always dies last, doesn't it? While she was setting the table for lunch, Janete was talking to Mario. The two started talking so excitedly, they didn't even notice when the three sisters stopped at the foot of the stairs and stared at them. After a few minutes Janete turned towards the stairs and noticed her daughters looking at them, smiling. She smiled too. The five went to the table and started their meal, for the first time in a long time, without any trace of discussion…

It was about nine o'clock at night when Cecília consulted her watch and realized how late it was. There was no way back to the city, not then. After all, by the time she got to the bus station… moreover, the bus departure times had already ended, the last one left at eight in the evening… well, she would miss work on Monday… moreover, she was well in the sales ranking, so no need to worry too much...

  Mario asked if she didn't want to sleep there, but Cecília said she would make Helena's life a mess… after all, they had a lot to talk about. And the two left towards the bus stop…

Mario and Janete were happy. After all, after so long, they had a peaceful day with the family together. It was the first time in a long time that the three sisters were together and didn't fight each other. In fact, they talked civilly, asked questions, answered, and at no time did one give a biased answer to the other. On the contrary, it seemed that they didn't want to be separated... which distance from time to time doesn't do for people... Mario was doubly happy... after all Janete was silent the whole time, just watching her daughters at the table, and later in the living room, while they talked . And at no point did she make any unfortunate guesses to the three of them… It was the first time that she arrived mute and left in silence, without trying to convert her daughters to her church… and that probably helped a lot to keep peace in the family that day… Estela laughed a lot the sisters' jokes... and she also made her own jokes, but she didn't attack the two, as was her habit. And, surprise of surprises...she continued to talk to her parents even after her sisters were gone. Yes, Mario could say that this was a perfect Sunday...


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