Good morning. Today is Mother's Day. Or Maternal Love Day, as my little girl's ballet teacher says. Mother's Day Why? Mother's Day has a much more sonority... moreover, it's our tradition... but do you want to change the name of the day we honor our mothers? What is that? You can't... Calm down... let's go by parts...

What the teacher says... and I agree with her... is that, for various reasons, other people often play the role that not so long ago was assigned to mothers... and, if we think about it , there have always been cases in which the mother was replaced in this role, not by her will, but for a thousand reasons that only life has control... a mother who needs to work outside the home to financially support her offspring is no less a mother for not being able to offer her affection for the little ones... but someone else ends up giving them motherly love... which, in this case, is that affection that protects, that takes care of, that becomes the cozy lap where the child goes to seek comfort when he feels fearful, helpless... and, in a way, becomes a kind of "stand-in mother" through which the child develops his filial love to the same extent that he has for his mother...

Modern society has created many types of families, and traditional denominations cannot always describe them all. Some schools, for example, end up abolishing the celebration of Mother's Day because some children don't have them... and the management of the establishment doesn't want to let the children get frustrated with the festive date... but, it's like I said above. .. we shouldn't see this date as something static... maternal love comes from anyone who is around us and who gives us the same security as our mother... which, as I said above, for various reasons can be who is unable to offer it to us... would be giving it to us. If not, let's see... I'm a small child and, for a thousand reasons, my mother is unable to stay by my side. I have an aunt who plays this role and takes care of me, fills me with caresses, gives me pampering .... she is not my mother, but she provides me with the security of Maternal Love. Oh yes... let's get one thing straight... Motherly Love doesn't necessarily have to come from a woman. Huh? Like this? What nonsense is this? Well, come on, explain ourselves again...

There are many children who, as fate would have it, are being raised in an institution for children... well, let's name it a bit... they are being raised in an Orphanage, without the affection of a mother or a father. While they are at the Institution, they receive a little bit of Maternal Love from their caregivers. But then, the luckier ones end up being adopted,,, and some of them are adopted by a homosexual couple, for example. Does this mean that they will be deprived of maternal care? Of course not... the fact that they are being raised by a male couple does not mean that they will not receive affection and tenderness in the same intensity that they would receive from a straight couple. The care that this child will receive will be the same as if a woman were taking care of her. Therefore, she is, yes, receiving from the couple that adopted her, Maternal Love, so important for her psychological safety. Because that child will feel welcome, she will have a lap to snuggle in when the ghosts of life try to scare her. And she'll have that little kiss to heal her boo when she needs it. That is, she will not be deprived of any of the care that other children have... after all, Maternal Love will always be by her side supporting her, giving her support to overcome the obstacles that life insists on placing in our paths.

As I said, Mother's Love comes from anyone who is present in the child's Universe. Normally, this Love is offered by the mother... it is normal, it is socially expected... but it can also come from a sister, an older brother, sometimes from the father... remember that Paternal Love is different little of Maternal Love, so sometimes (or many) times, we receive Maternal Love from our father in the form of care that Society usually assigns to our mother. Maternal Love can come from an aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather... it can come from anyone in that child's family nucleus. So, to stop celebrating this date because the child, due to fate, does not have a mother in his life is to deny that the feeling of Mother Love exists and is present in this little one's life...

Therefore, congratulations to all the people who give their care to the little ones, protecting them, giving them support to prepare for life, teaching them to love, because Love is the force that governs the Universe. Happy Mother's Day...


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