THE CRYSTAL CUP - chapter ten


chapter ten


Helena arrived suddenly. Her parents were in the living room, talking to Jairo and Estela.

- Mr. Mario, we need to talk.

Helena arrived already interrupting the conversation between the two.

- Dad, mom... stay calm, don't be nervous...

Jairo looked at her, not understanding what was going on. Mario and Janete looked at their daughter and questioned her with their eyes. Estela felt a mixture of agony and relief at the interruption of the conversation that she would have to have with her parents, but which, in fact, she did not want.

- Dad, I don't know how to say this... but Letícia is missing...

Everyone jumped up from their seats at once, as if they had been shocked. Janete was livid. Mario supported her, preventing her from falling. Not quite understanding what he had heard, he asked his daughter in disbelief...

- What did you say? As…

- It's been three days since she disappeared. Ricardo said they fought, he went to work and when he got home, she was gone…

- But how…

- I don't know, mom... we went to the police station today, to register the B.O.

- Today? Why only today?

- Mom, he called me at two in the morning to tell me about it. When dawn came, we went to her job, and then we went to the police station...

- But what happened, my God in heaven?

- I don't know… anyway, all we know is that she left. Some of her clothes are missing from her wardrobe, as well as her documents and bank cards. That's all I know for now...

A sepulchral silence took over the room for a few seconds. Estela was the first to emerge from the torpor that had dominated everyone…

- Did you go to the store where she works?

- I went.

- And nobody knows anything? Does anyone know what happened to her?

- No. I talked to her colleagues, she didn't say anything to anyone. The manager told me that she asked for her resignation via email…

- But, can that?

- Well, there is no law forbidding it. This procedure is not very common, but yes, it is possible…

- But how will they know for sure that it is she who is asking for the bills?

- Well, the application may have been online, but the reckoning must be done in person… to terminate the relationship with the company, it must appear at the Union or TRT, to formalize its termination…

- And the manager doesn't know where she is?

-No… she called him the day before yesterday, and informed him that she would not return to work at the place…

- And you didn't say why?

- If he did, he didn't say it... but I don't think so... you know Letícia...

Yes, everyone knew her very well. Extremely reserved, she tried not to share her projects with the people around her. “Not to be bad luck,” she said. “The less people know what I'm doing, the more chances for things to work out”… she was like that with everyone, especially with her husband. He never found out about his wife's projects. She simply didn't share her failures and personal achievements with her other half. “There's no reason for me to talk about what I do,” she said. “I don't ask about your job… why would I have to tell you about mine?” was the answer Ricardo received when he asked him something. At first he was upset, and showed his displeasure. But, over time, he ended up getting used to this different way of his wife, and he no longer asked anything about how his day had been. This was one of the reasons for the couple's separation...

Janet was desperate. What could have happened to your daughter? Surely, it could only be her husband's fault. She had warned Letícia that that guy was no good… what could she expect from a guy like that? She only knew how to drink every day. It was rare to find him sane on a weekend... when they found him at home, because almost every time they went to visit the couple, the boy had gone out...

Mario was a bit gloomy. He couldn't understand… what would have happened to Letícia to make her disappear like that? She was kind of difficult to deal with, even her parents couldn't hold a conversation with her when she didn't want to... but she was a centered person, and didn't usually take rash actions. Her question was the same as that of all the people present there… what would have led her to take such an attitude? And without talking to anyone?

Silence reigned in the room again. All seated, thoughtful. Janete continued to cry, worried about what had happened to her eldest daughter. Once again it was Mario who broke the silence that had taken over the environment…

- And you, Jairo? What did you want to talk to me about?

- Mario, I think it's better to leave it for another day...

- No, better not... if you have something to say, it's better to say it at once...

- I don't think this is the best time...

- And is there a right time to talk? Drop it at once...

Estela turned pale… the moment of truth had arrived…

- Well… your Mario… is that…

- Is that what, boy? Speak at once, enough of this stupid suspense…

- It’s just… I don’t know… I think Estela should speak…

Everyone turned to the girl, who remained silent. Her father looked at her with a questioning look. She knew that look well. He wanted to say that she'd better come clean right away, and say what she wants her to say, bluntly. She took a deep breath, lowered her head a little, as if she were ordering her thoughts, and then finally addressed the audience that was waiting anxiously for her…

- Daddy… mommy… I… I'm pregnant!

It wasn't exactly what everyone expected to hear...

- And this one, now!... exclaimed Mario, upon hearing his daughter's statement...

- Daughter… are you… sure?!

- Yes mom…

Mario looks at the couple. He's not mad, just disappointed with the situation.

- But… don't you have any sense? Guys, I know that today's dating is different from my time... but, dammit... there are a thousand ways to avoid having children these days! Why didn't they take care of themselves, for a thousand devils?!!!

- Mario… look at the mouth…

- And what about saying “a thousand devils”?

Janete crossed herself and called her husband's attention once more.

- You know that invoking the mangy brings bad luck to us… even more so at a sacred time like mealtime…

"There's already too much going on right now, don't you think?" So leave the poor devil aside...

Janete crossed herself again and decided to remain silent. She knew that the more she tried to make him understand the gravity of her words, the more her husband would mention the Lord of Darkness, and she was simply terrified of even hearing the devil's name... Mario turned back to Estela...

- And then? I'm not going to ask for explanations, because I can't explain this. There are no arguments against facts. But…

- But what, Daddy?

- But and now? What are you thinking of doing? How are you going to take care of this child?

- Hey, Seu Mario… how everyone takes care…

- And how does everyone take care?

- I...

- Do you intend to get married?

- Of course you do, Mario! I just need…

- No, dad... I don't intend to get married now...

- Uh, and why not? You're going to have a baby soon...

- Having a child is not a reason to get married in a hurry...

- Well, for you to have a child before your time, you were in a hurry... now, to get married...

- Mario, I swear that I want to get married as soon as possible... but, for that, Estela has to want to, too...

Janete decides to talk…

- And why don't you want to get married, my daughter? Don't like it?

- Of course I like it, Mom... but now is not the right time...

- Why did your sister run away?

- No, of course not… I didn't even know it had sparked, until a few minutes ago… it's just that neither I nor Jairo are prepared to take that step… not now, at least…

- It's because?

- Well, mom... if we got married now, where would we live, for example?

- Wow, they could live here, until they manage to settle down...

- And do you think that would work? Even Helena couldn't stand you, she left centuries ago...

Helena took a deep breath. All she didn't want was to be drawn into the conversation. She thought, but didn't speak, although that was her wish... "please include me out of this". Luckily Mario interrupted his daughter's thread...

- Estela, Jairo… I know the situation is difficult, and it will be even more so when this child is born. And that's why I'm suggesting... I'm not imposing anything, it's up to you to decide... to give space here for you to adjust...

The couple was silent. They didn't know what action to take. The offer from the girl's parents was generous, and wouldn't strain anyone's budget. Space, the house had. And there was another little house on the land, which was empty at the moment. It was just a bedroom and kitchen, but it was independent. It could work, thought Jairo…. All he needed to do was convince his girlfriend... But Janete couldn't remain silent, at that moment, and she spilled the broth...

- But you have to get married soon, before the child is born...


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