THE CRYSTAL CUP - Chapter Nineteen


Chapter Nineteen

- All right, boss…I understand! But…

It was Jairo, talking to the manager of the carrier where he worked after he left the office. He was trying to get a raise on his freight rates. But the manager was adamant. In fact, he had to be, since he couldn't go over his budget. The amount of freight paid to its motoboys was one of the highest in the region, and any increase it granted to an employee would reflect on the amount charged. And as good as customer service was, everything had a limit.

- Look, Jairo… I know you have your financial problems. Everyone has. But unfortunately I can't do anything.

- It's just that... my girl is pregnant and...

- True? My congratulations to the couple...

- That's why I needed some extra change, Ferreira...

- I understand you. But your salary is not bad. I know there are better ones out there, but each one pays what they can….

- I like to work here…

- Then unfortunately you will have to settle for what I pay. I can't offer more...

- Overtime?

- If you want to face it, I need someone for Saturdays and Sundays during the day. Do you have a license to drive a car? Or is it just a motorcycle?

- I drive to a truck, if necessary… my letter is “D”…

- Hey, and why didn't you go to work with buses?

- Currently they want category “E”…

- It makes sense… most cars are articulated today… and a “D” license does not authorize you to take these true road monsters….

- That's right, Mr. Ferreira... I'm in a bit of a snooker...

The manager thought for a moment. After some time, he spoke again.

- Let's do the following, Jairo. This weekend, you come to take a test… if you pass it, you move on to the vans and you get a readjustment.

  It was a little after two when Jairo considered his workday closed. He flew towards his house, as he had to study for the upcoming test. The more I studied, the more confidence I acquired...

- Jairus...

- What the… what the hell, Estela! What do you want, woman?

- I just wanted to hear your voice, before going to sleep!

- Well, now you've heard. Go to sleep, creature. Tomorrow we talk. I have to tell you a few things...

- Okay… I'm waiting for you! A kiss my love…

Jairo turned off his cell phone and put it in his fanny pack. He didn't want to talk to anyone else while he was piloting. He soon arrived at his house. His mother was standing at the gate, waiting for him...

She shook her head in disapproval. Her neighborhood hasn't been very safe lately. He had already asked his mother not to do that… he knew it was extremely dangerous to stay at the gate until that time, but who said his mother could hear him? All he could do was pray that he didn't have any unpleasant news when he got home. At least so far everything was perfect, until now no one had messed with her, but why did her mother insist on pushing her luck? Try as he might, he couldn't get a satisfactory answer to that question...

While he was having dinner, he was thinking about the day he was ending. In the office, the usual routine… nothing new at the front, as he used to say. He didn't have a chance to grow in the company, not if he didn't take a higher course... preferably in accounting, since this was the branch in which he worked. But lately he didn't even have time to breathe, let alone think about studying. He knew it was important for his future, but at the moment the monetary part had to be his priority. After all, his father was leaning against Caixa, as he had had an accident and was unable to work. And this situation would continue for a long time. And the amount he received from the INSS was barely enough to buy the medicine he needed for his treatment. So Jairo suddenly found himself the breadwinner of the family, having to pay for the upkeep of the house on his own. Marcela still did not work. She had recently turned fourteen and was starting high school. She was trying to get a Young Apprentice scholarship, but it wasn't very easy to get it. And so, even his sister’s expenses had to be borne by him…

It was lucky that one of his co-workers referred him to the carrier. The extra money that started pouring into his account managed to give him some stability. He even thought about saving a little money to marry Estela... but the pregnancy, which was not in the plans, happened at a not very good time. He always wanted to be a father, and Estela was the mother he wanted for his children, even though she was a bit immature. But he intended to wait until she finished high school before they decided to get married... but now...

Dona Isabel, seeing her son so thoughtful, decided to strike up a conversation…

- And then, my son, and your girlfriend?

- What about her?

– You said she was expecting your child…

- Yes, Mom, it is. Soon you will be a grandmother...

- And how long has she been there?

- About two months, I think...

The two were silent again. Isabel thought about how irresponsible the two of them had been. It wasn't the right time for a child to come into this world… Jairo was killing himself at two jobs… of course it wasn't his fault that his father had been in an accident, but at least for now the family depended on him. Isabel did a few jobs in the neighborhood as a manicurist, but her clientele had been a bit scarce lately. House accounts were not closing at the end of the month. Marcela tried everything to earn some and help with expenses, but as her parents and brother told her, it wasn't time to deviate from her studies... because if she left them aside even for a while, she would have difficulties in returning.

Geremias has always worked as a mason, without registration. He believed that this way he earned much more. With a lot of effort, Jairo managed to convince him to register with the INSS and collect some money to guarantee a later retirement. And actually, it was that record that ended up saving the day. One morning, when he was checking a customer's roof, he lost his balance and fell from a height of four meters. He was lucky that his fall was not so serious, as he ended up falling on some empty bags that ended up cushioning his fall. But he was injured enough to be immobilized for some time. And to be accepted at Caixa, due to Labor Incapacity, which earned him a minimum wage per month, while he was unable to stand up and work. But, being an active person, he could not sit still, as recommended by the doctor. And, for not obeying medical guidelines, he took longer to recover. Not to mention that, being an inveterate alcoholic, he ended up mixing medicine with cachaça, and then the broth would spill over for good.

Isabel thought about all this. And she felt sorry for the boy. But… what could she do? At that moment the family depended exclusively on him. Bringing one more person into the family group would make everything even more complicated at this point. Jairo raised his head, went back to talking to his mother...

- Seu Ferreira will let me do a test to be promoted to trucks…

- Are you leaving the office?!!!

-  No mother. I'll stay in the office during the day, and at night I'll work with the delivery trucks. That is, of course, if I pass the tests.

- And is it very difficult?

- With the car, not at all… my problem will be the written test, really. I've been studying all week, trying to pass...

- It will work, son... you'll see...

- I hope so… we really need this!

And then he got up and went to his room to rest. In a few hours he would have to start all over again. And he still needed to talk to his girlfriend, get things straight. He wanted to get married, he thought of renting a little house for the two of them, but after coldly doing the math, he came to the conclusion that this would not be possible. They would have to dance to the music. All he hoped was for her to understand his problem... after all, not everything we plan to do in life works out, right? ...

And with that thought in his head, he ended up falling asleep…


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