Good morning. And another wonderful Saturday is about to be born. And this is a special week, because it is the week in which we honor the one who, if she had not been born, would not have brought us into the world. Yes, tomorrow, the 14th of May, is the day of the most beautiful and simple being in our lives... it's Mother's Day... since we arrived in this world until we are ready to face the hardships of life alone , and even after that, she is always by our side, holding our hand, helping us to get up from the falls that life throws at us, always ready to help us in any difficulty we face, advising us so that we don't stumble every moment path of this troubled life that we lead. We don't always want to listen to the advice of our wise mother, disdaining her sixth sense for predicting problems... a person we know and love, for example... sometimes they come and whisper in our ear... . "this person is not for you"... we usually don't care about the warning and move on in the relationship and what happens down the road? We broke our face, because the person in question really wasn't meant for us... so she comes to comfort us, and holds our hand as if we were children, because for her that's what we still are... eternal children...

  Life has its dynamics and, not infrequently, it does not allow us to be with the people we love. And usually one of the first ones we put aside is our dear mother. It's not a premeditated act, in fact people don't even realize they're doing it, it just happens. When we start to grow up, excessive care, in our view, makes us somewhat embarrassed... and makes us move away from the one who would give her life to make us happy. This separation of ours from such an important person in our life begins at an early age. When we are in school and we start to grow... expanding our knowledge and our friendships, around the second, third year of elementary school, when we arrive at the school door and the mother comes to kiss us goodbye, because we will be away for a few hours, if there is a friend close by, we certainly turn our faces away and do not accept the gesture of affection, as we are ashamed of our acquaintances seeing such a demonstration of affection... and this will be replicated in all future moments of our lives. .. when we reach ten, twelve years old, we no longer want our mother's presence at the school door waiting for us... we're already big, we already know how to get by on our own... besides, it doesn't look good for us that that boy ... or that girl ... that we like see us as if we were still little children. We are, as we still like to play with dolls, not as often as we used to, but we still play... but we shouldn't admit to other people that we have that childish side... no, although we're not old enough yet or discernment to understand life, in our head we are already "grown up people"... we still can't understand that the most delicious phase of life is the one we are going through and that in a not so distant future we will remember these moments and feel longing...

Our mother, realizing that her little flower is blossoming into life, tries not to get in our way, but that doesn't stop her from trying to guide us, guide us so that we don't get hurt by the disappointments that we will certainly have in our lives. .and how many times do we hurt her with our observations and complaints, especially when our first sentimental experiences are at stake... than a passing cloud that crossed our lives? And she is there, patient, trying to make us understand that the world is like that but that tomorrow will be a better day and everything will work out in our lives, for sure...

Yes, the dynamics of life don't let us understand that the most important person in our life, who loves us unconditionally, who would do anything to see us happy, is our mother. We even understand this over time... but even when that understanding reaches us, many times we fail to embrace and thank that wonderful angel that God has placed in our lives to watch over us simply because something that happened during the development of our lives it created insignificant swoops but enough to keep us away from it. As inconceivable as this seems, it is more common than it should be. So, on that date that we agree on as Mother's Day, we go to her, we offer her a gift that isn't always useful to her... most of the time it's of no use to her at all... we give her a few hours of our troubled life. .. we give a kiss, we take a picture to post on social media to show how much we love our mother, then we leave, leaving her alone until the next Mother's Day comes around again...

Unfortunately, we will only give due value to this sweet and sweet creature when the Inevitable takes her... but then it will be too late for us to show the love we have for her and we didn't offer her...


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