THE CRYSTAL CUP - chapter thirteen

 The Crystal Cup

chapter thirteen

Ricardo showed up at the garage at the usual time… half past five in the morning. But when he caught sight of the blackboard on the living room wall, he froze. His record was noted there. And that meant, quite simply, that he was “on the rocks”, as they used to say… suspended, the true term for the situation. Panic took hold of her being. He could not be suspended. In fact, he couldn't even have missed work, as every penny of his salary counted. After all, he had to provide for Leticia, his daughter. Of course, Roseli never asked him for anything, but he knew his obligations, and the little girl didn't miss anything. He did it because he liked the child, not because the law required it.

The traffic chief wouldn't arrive until nine in the morning, so he wouldn't solve anything wasting his time there… he'd come back later, to try to explain himself to the chief. Who knows if, by reporting everything that had happened to him, he would have his suspension lifted? It wouldn't do any harm to talk, quite the contrary...

Letícia was going to the nursery, so it wouldn't solve anything for him to visit her at that hour. Roseli would be heading to work at that time. He really didn't have much to do… after thinking a lot, he decided to accompany Roseli to her work. At least the hour would pass faster...

Roseli was at her usual stop, waiting for the bus to go to her place of work. She was really surprised to see the “absent boyfriend” stop beside her. She looked at him, not understanding why Ricardo was there. After all, at that time he should have been in charge of a bus… but anyway, she was happy to see him, after all it had been almost a week since they'd seen each other. She knew that her “boyfriend” was married and that it would do no good to press him for anything. Also, as far as possible he was always there, and he was a very loving father. Little of her was very attached to him...

- What happened? Are you free today?

- More or less…

- More or less? Like this? Either you're off duty or you're not...

- Well, it's just that I missed four days in a row at work, and today, when I got back...

- Missed four days? What happened?

- Cecilia...

- What happened to the bitch?

- Don't talk about her like that...

- But you keep calling her that...

- I can… you can't.

- Wow... why can you and I can't?

Ricardo sighed… took a deep breath and counted to ten. It was better to tell him what had happened at once, otherwise he might end up fighting with Roseli, too. And he wasn't looking to fight anyone at the moment...

- Cecilia disappeared...

- Serious? My wishes came true! Now we can finally live together...

- Roseli, I'm serious!

- Uh, and by any chance do I look like I'm kidding?...

- Woman, the thing is serious, you know?

- Then explain, uh...

Richard took a deep breath. He couldn't disagree with her, after all if he didn't explain himself, how could she understand what was going on? He thought about how to tell everything from the beginning, but how was he going to say that he was a suspect in his wife's disappearance? He was afraid, he didn't know what her reaction would be... anyway, he had come there to talk a little, he needed someone to listen to him, he needed a friendly shoulder to vent his sorrows, and who better than his lover to listen to him ? He hugged her, and began to tell her the whole story, from the beginning, with his drinking, the arguments that were born thanks to them, until it culminated in the physical aggression that Cecília suffered at his hands. When she heard about the last couple's quarrel, broke free from the hug, looked him straight in the eyes, with an air of disapproval. The look icy as steel that the girl gave him made him uncomfortable... he was silent for a few seconds. So he continued the story, culminating in his wife being reported missing at the police station. Roseli remained serious. Then, looking straight into his eyes, she asked…

- And it took you almost three days to report your wife missing?

-I didn't know what to do… he was lost…

- Lost… lost you will be, if by chance they find her dead. Have you ever thought about it? You will be the prime suspect if that happens… pray, and pray a lot, that she is safe and sound…

- I'm sure she's...

- And what gives you that certainty?

- She took most of her clothes. Her bank account is being moved online. Furthermore, she resigned from her job…

- And do you think this guarantees her physical integrity?

- Well, of course… if not, why would she be using your money on a daily basis?

- How many cases do we hear of people disappearing, taking clothes, spending money... and the police end up discovering that they were already dead for a long time, that their killers moved their accounts just to not raise suspicion...

Richard turned pale. He hadn't thought of that possibility. Yes, Cecilia had to be alive. God couldn't allow anything bad to happen to her. After all, as much as it didn't seem, she was the love of his life, and he didn't wish anything bad for his wife. She had to be fine...

- Look, Ricardo, if I were you, I would try to find out where she is. And as quickly as possible. Imagine if they decided to decree a preventive detention for you…

- And why would they do that? I did nothing…

- That's what you say... but can you prove it?

- As far as I know, the burden of proof rests with the accuser, not the accused...

- And you are being accused...

- No, of course not… I told you, I didn't do anything….

Roseli looked him in the face again. And she noticed how disheartened he was. She felt sorry for her boyfriend. But she couldn't do anything for him. And, thinking about it, while his situation was not clarified, perhaps it would be better not to see each other anymore, she told the boy…

- But… and Letícia?

- I think it's best for you to stay away from us until your situation is resolved. I don't want to be involved in this story and I don't want the girl involved in it. That's why I think it's best that you stay away from us, at least for now...

- Are you serious?

- I've never been so serious in my life...

The bus that Roseli was taking came around the corner. She held out her arm, motioning for him to stop. She looked at Ricardo one more time, then got on. She no longer turned to look at her lover. Ricardo stood still, his gaze lost on the horizon. He couldn't believe that she had forbidden him to visit his daughter. That little girl was his greatest treasure. And he was forbidden to see her. What would you do with your life now? He didn't know, his life had completely lost its way...

The clock reads ten o'clock in the morning when Seu Alberto, the company's Head of Traffic, welcomed him into his office. Seu Alberto was an extremely nice person. He tried to be fair to everyone. But he was tough when he needed to be. He always said that everyone pays for their actions, but only to the extent necessary. He didn't like to punish his employees, and he only did it as a last resort. Ricardo had never been called into the office for anything, as he was one of the group's exemplary employees. But there's a first time for everything...

- So what happened? You missed almost a week...

- Family problems, boss… my wife…

- And what about your wife, with her faults? She is sick?

- No, I don't think so… she disappeared.

The two were silent for some time. Ricardo lowered his head, thoughtful. After a few minutes, the boss addressed the boy...

- And you don't know where she could be...

- No, boss. These days I tried to find out where she went, but it seems that the earth swallowed her. I couldn't get the slightest clue to her whereabouts...

- You could have called. It would avoid all this hassle.

- I didn't have the head for it, boss. I couldn't think straight...

- And now, what do you want me to do? You want a few days off to try to find your wife?

Richard was thoughtful. If he could get a few days off, maybe he'd find out what had happened to his wife. And for him it would be important to find out where she was, even to get rid of the police's suspicions, which could complicate his professional life... and he was also forbidden to see his daughter, and that was too much for him.

- Could you give me a few days?

- I give you a week… and I pay your absences. So you will have fifteen days of leave. Which can compensate little by little, when I need an extra driver on some line. Accepted?

Fifteen days to make up later? It was exactly what could help him at the moment… Of course he would lose a few extra hours, but at least he would have a few days to look for his wife. He couldn't waste this chance...

- I do, boss. You can count on me when you need...

Alberto picked up the phone, made a call, and dismissed the boy. It was all settled for now. He would only have to return to the garage in seven days, at his normal time… He couldn't ask for more than that…

Sitting on the sofa in his living room, Ricardo began to think. And try as he might, he couldn't imagine where Cecilia would have gone. In the most obvious places, he'd already checked. And he was not successful. Therefore, he could only assume that she decided to go somewhere where they would never think of looking for her... and it would be up to him to try to discover her destination as soon as possible. It was not an easy task...


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