The first ballet performance

 The first ballet performance

Yesterday was my little girl's first performance at an event, where her ballet group was invited to open the event at the Joerg Bruder Municipal Club, where there would be various types of competition, from volleyball to martial arts tournaments. If I said that, at first, she was excited to go, she'd be lying... after all, who in their right mind would be happy to wake up at 5:30 am on a Saturday? I guess I'm one of the rare exceptions, because every day (including yesterday) I wake up at four in the morning... well, that's beside the point. What matters is that, after waking up and putting on her ballerina uniform (my God, she looks so beautiful in her outfit) and putting on another outfit over it (you can't go out in the street just in a leotard, right?) we head to Santo Amaro. As the event was at 8:00 am, seven thirty we were already arriving at the club. My God... it was like an anthill, with so many people walking through the club's premises. Well, we went in and started looking for where her class would be. Of course, it took a while, as there were really a lot of people and the members of their group were scattered throughout the dependency. We were attentive, to see if we could locate her teacher... well, I soon recognized some of the teacher's assistants. I asked my little one not to leave the place where she was and I went to talk to the girls. Soon the teacher arrived, my little one changed, and went to join the group.

It was just over eight o'clock. On the court where the girls would perform, two volleyball teams were training before the start of the festivities. Honestly, the screams of support for the teams were pissing me off. I am a withdrawn person, I hate crowds and noise. And mostly screams. But the fans needed to encourage their teams to fight for victory, right? (that's why I hate events like this... the screaming is, for me, unbearable). About nine hours later, they finally released the court so that it could be prepared for the start of the event... they removed the net, the referee's support... the court was clean. Finally the girls came in... all in pink, in their uniforms... they really looked very pretty. They sat down on the court, waiting for the master's command. Meanwhile, agitated as always, the teacher tried to settle the last details... when everything turned out as it should... music chosen and rehearsed by the students... she made a sign to her assistants who immediately led the group to all the court and lined up for the beginning of the presentation. When the music started playing through the speakers, the magic started on the court. Of course, it wasn't an impeccable performance, after all, many of the girls are starting out in the beautiful art of ballet, but the effort of all of them not to miss the steps rehearsed by the group deserves a thousand marks... the presentation was really beautiful. When the last note faded out and the girls made the gesture of thanks, the entire gym exploded with applause from the spectators, a sign that their performance really enchanted the audience... next to me was a mother with her daughter, more or less ten years at least... the girl was delighted with the ballerinas on the court and told her mother that she would also like to dance... isn't it beautiful? The girls managed to awaken the desire for art in the audience...

After the group's presentation, two young couples performed with the song "O harpsichord and the rose". My God, the Gym was coming down in every evolution of the two couples, who were simply a grace. The performance of the carnation, represented by the two little boys, was simply spectacular, but the rose, represented by the girls, was no exception. The two duos simply rocked their performance, leaving everyone in the Gym simply amazed. When the last note of the melody died away, again there was a burst of applause. And then came Street Dance... a smaller group, but they put on a magnificent show on the court. It was really a very beautiful thing to see. The girls simply rocked their performance. So much so that, in the middle of the performance, everyone in the gym started to applaud the girls' performance. And, honestly, it was so beautiful that even I wanted to be there, dancing among them... oh, yes, I don't dance... When they finally ended their presentation and thanked the audience for the affection received, again an explosion of applause, confirming that the people simply loved the show presented. So the clock showed a little over ten thirty, when the girls left the court, to make way for the presentation of a military group...

I went to get my little one so we could go home. While she was changing to leave the Gym, she kept repeating the dance steps of her colleagues on the street. And the happiness stamped on her face for having participated in that presentation was simply the best of all payments that we can receive. I couldn't congratulate the teacher for her work with the group... we said goodbye to the girls and went to the cafeteria to have a snack, because the little one was hungry... but that's another story...


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